All Experts


Prof. Christopher F. Achua
University of Virginia’s College at Wise, USA
Mr. Ed Addison
Chairman of Cloud Pharmaceuticals and Adjunct Professor at North Carolina State University, USA
Prof. Rudy Aernoudt
University of Ghent, Belgium
Prof. Ramon J. Aldag
University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Prof. Dr. Karel Allegaert
KU Leuven, Belgium
Prof. Greg M. Allenby
Fisher College of Business, Ohio State University, USA
Prof. Ilan Alon
School of Economics, College of Management, Israel
Ms. Tess Alps
Thinkbox, UK
Dr. Allen C. Amason
Georgia Southern University, USA
Prof. Torben J. Andersen
Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Dr. Maria Arranz
Institute of Psychiatry, King's College London, UK
Prof. Anthony Atala
Wake Forrest Institute for Regenerative Medicine, USA
Dr. M. Madan Babu
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, UK
Prof. Charles Baden-Fuller
Cass Business School, UK
Prof. Michael J. Baker
Emeritus Professor, University of Strathclyde Business School, UK
Mr. Rob Baldry
Seabrook Marketing Ltd, UK
Prof. Peter Barnes
Imperial College London, UK
Prof. Jean-Claude Baron
Sainte-Anne University Hospital, Paris Cité University, France
Ms. Amalia Barthel
CEO and Founder of Designing Privacy, Canada
Mr. Michael Becker
EVP of Business Development, iLoop Mobile Inc., USA
Mr. Will Beeson
Head of Operations & Innovation, CivilisedBank, UK
Dr. Vance Berger
Bethesda, MD, USA
Prof. John Bessant
University of Exeter Business School, UK
Prof. Ethan Bier
University of California, San Diego, USA
Dr. David Bond
UTS Business School, Australia
Mr. Tom Breur
XLNT Consulting, The Netherlands
Dr. Glen Brodowsky
California State University San Marcos, USA
Prof. Emeritus David Buchanan
Cranfield University School of Management, UK
Dr. Ronan Carbery
Cork University Business School, UCC, Ireland
Prof. Colin Carnall
Cass Business School, UK
Ms. Pamela Carvell
Principal Consultant, Pampas and Chairman, Hotel Marketing Association, UK
Prof. Simon Chadwick
Professor of Sport Business Strategy and Marketing, University of Coventry, UK
Prof. Martin Christopher
Emeritus Professor of Marketing and Logistics, Cranfield School of Management, UK
Prof. Zofia Chrzanowska-Lightowlers
Wellcome Trust Centre for Mitochondrial Research, Newcastle, UK
Dr. Barbie Clarke
Managing Director, Family Kids and Youth, UK
Dr. Mike Clayton
Business Author and Educator, UK
Prof. Stewart Clegg
University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Dr. Ivan K. Cohen
Richmond University, UK
Prof. Robert P. Cowan
Stanford University School of Medicine, USA
Prof. Charles B. Craver
George Washington University Law School, USA
Prof. Christine Cross
University of Limerick, Ireland
Prof. Stuart Cull-Candy
University College London, UK
Dr. Gordon Curphy
Curphy Leadership Solutions, USA
Mr. Phil Cutts
Head of Research, Ad Marketing, The Economist, UK
Prof. Ann Daly
Newcastle University, UK
Ms. Helen Day
Sponsorship Consultant and Head of European Policy, European Sponsorship Association, UK
Prof. Nava Dekel
Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Dr. Kenneth P. De Meuse
President, Wisconsin Management Group, USA
Mr. Jean-François Denault
Marketing Consultant, Canada
Prof. Bill Donaldson
Aberdeen Business School, The Robert Gordon University, UK
Prof. Emeritus Richard Dunford
University of New South Wales, Australia
Prof. Meryem Duygun
Aviva Chair in Risk and Insurance, Nottingham University Business School, UK
Prof. Scott V. Edwards
Harvard University, USA
Prof. Kurt J. Engemann
Iona College, USA
Dr. Vasilii Erokhin
Harbin Engineering University, China
Prof. Joel R. Evans
Zarb School of Business, Hofstra University, USA
Mr. Sunny Faronbi
Managing Partner, Rehoboth Consulting, Inc., USA
Prof. Gerald W. Feigenson
Cornell University, USA
Dr. Soldano Ferrone
Harvard Medical School, USA
Prof. B. Brett Finlay
University of British Columbia, Canada
Prof. Colin Fisher
Nottingham Business School, UK
Dr. Angelina Fong
The University of Melbourne, Australia
Dr. Gabor Forgacs
Assistant Professor, Ted Rogers School of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Ryerson University, Canada
Ms. Anne Foster
Director, Strategy and Marketing, Newspaper Marketing Agency, UK
Dr. Sarah Fouch
University of Portsmouth, UK
Prof. Robert D. (Bob) Galliers
Bentley University, USA
Prof. David J. Gibson
Southern Illinois University, USA
Prof. Stephen Gillespie
University of St. Andrews, UK
Dr. Martin Goldberg
Birmingham City University, UK
Prof. Robert Goldin
Imperial College London, UK
Dr. Anne Graham
University of Westminster, UK
Prof. Robert Grant
Bocconi University, Italy
Dr. Sue Greener
University of Brighton, UK
Prof. Keith Grint
Professor of Public Leadership & Management, University of Warwick, UK
Prof. Anil K. Gupta
University of Maryland, USA
Prof. Vladimir Hachinski
University of Western Ontario, Canada
Mr. Michael Hanley
Assistant Professor of Advertising, Ball State University, USA
Dr. Annmarie Hanlon
Cranfield School of Management, UK
Prof. John Hardy
Institute of Neurology, University College London, UK
Dr. Tina Harrison
Senior Lecturer in Financial Services Marketing, University of Edinburgh, UK
Prof. Danny Hatters
University of Melbourne, Australia
Dr. Edith Heard
Mammalian Developmental Epigenetics Group, Curie Institute, France
Dr. Tim Hearn
University of Cambridge, UK
Prof. Carl-Henrik Heldin
Ludwig Institute of Cancer Research, Sweden
Ms. Rowena Hennigan
TU Dublin, Ireland
Prof. Alexander Himme
Kühne Logistics University, Germany
Dr. Simon Holden
Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge, UK
Prof. David Hood
York University, Canada
Prof. Steve Humphries
University College London, UK
Ms. Sue Hutchinson
University of the West of England, UK
Mr. Andrew Ingram
Radar Consulting, former Planning Director of the UK Radio Advertising Bureau and co-author of Better Radio Advertising, UK
Prof. Paula Jarzabkowski
Cass Business School, City, University of London, UK
Prof. Jaishri Jethwaney
Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Studies in Industrial Development, India
Prof. Charles M. Kahn
Bailey Professor of Finance and Professor of Economics, University of Illinois, USA
Prof. Yibin Kang
Princeton University, USA
Prof. Dave Ketchen
Auburn University, USA
Dr. Margaret Konkel
Radford University, USA
Prof. Konstantin Korotov
European School of Management and Technology (ESMT), Germany
Prof. Peter Kotanko
Renal Research Institute, USA
Prof. Dr. Jérôme L. Kreuser
Executive Director and Founder, The RisKontrol Group GmbH, Switzerland
Dr. Rajesh Kumar
University of Nottingham, UK
Prof. Matthew Lambon-Ralph
University of Manchester, UK
Prof. Lewis Lanier
University of California, San Francisco, USA
Prof. Leora Lanz
Boston University School of Hospitality, USA
Mr. Paul Lashmar
Brunel University, UK
Prof. Derek Law
University of Strathclyde, UK
Ms. Andrea Learned
Founder, Learned On, LLC, USA
Dr. Kenneth Le Meunier-FitzHugh
Visiting Fellow, University of Warwick, UK
Mr. Max Lenderman
GMR Marketing, Canada
Dr. Barry Leventhal
BarryAnalytics Ltd, UK
Prof. Francesca Levi-Schaffer
Institute for Drug Research, School of Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Prof. Patrick A. Lewis
University of Reading, UK
Prof. Jaime Luque
ESCP Europe, Spain
Prof. Robert Lussier
Springfield College, USA
Mr. Harry Macdivitt
Director, Axia Value Solutions Ltd, UK
Prof. Eamonn Maher
University of Cambridge, UK
Mr. Andrew Marsden
Founder, Andrew Marsden Consulting, UK
Prof. Donald Mayer
University of Denver, USA
Prof. James McClelland
Stanford University, USA
Mr. Rob McCusker
The Australian Institute of Criminology, Australia
Prof. Emeritus John F. McDonald
University of Illinois Chicago, USA
Dr. Michael McDonald
Fairfield University and Morning Investments, USA
Mr. Danny Meadows-Klue
Founder and CEO, Digital Strategy Consulting Ltd, UK
Prof. Anne-Laure Mention
RMIT University, Australia
Prof. John T. Mentzer
Chancellor's Professor, The University of Tennessee, USA
Prof. Marek Michalak
University of Alberta, Canada
Dr. Pietro Micheli
Warwick Business School, UK
Prof. Giovanni Battista Migliori
WHO Collaborating Centre for TB, Italy
Prof. Jonathan Millar
University of Warwick, UK
Prof. David Molyneux, CMG
Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, UK
Dr. Huw Morgan
Alliance Manchester Business School, UK
Dr. Josh Morton
University of Leeds, UK
Mr. Giles D. Moss
Founder, Pharma Brand Logic, Belgium
Prof. Emeritus Bernard Moxham
Cardiff University, UK
Mr. Roddy Mullin
Helmsmen Business Consultants, UK
Prof. Luigi Naldini
Vita - Salute San Raffaele University School of Medicine, Italy
Prof. Randolph Nesse
University of Michigan, USA
Prof. Ilan Noy
Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Prof. Anthony O'Hagan
The University of Sheffield, UK
Dr. Jeroen Oskam
Hotelschool The Hague, The Netherlands
Prof. Peter Palese
Mount Sinai School of Medicine, USA
Prof. Stan Paliwoda
Professor of Marketing, University of Strathclyde, UK
Prof. Vladimir Parpura
University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA
Dr. Andreas Pick
Sinopia Research Fellow, University of Cambridge, UK
Mr. Claudiu Popa
Informatica Corporation, Canada
Dr. Darren Prokop
University of Alaska Anchorage, USA
Dr. Christina Quinlan
Technological University Dublin, Ireland
Dr. Sangaralingam Ramesh
University College London, UK
Prof. Raghavendra Rau
University of Cambridge, UK
Dr. Mario Raviglione
University of Milan, Italy
Ms. Theresa Regli
The Real Story Group, USA/UK, UK
Dr. Jonathan Reynolds
Director, Oxford Institute of Retail Management, Saïd Business School, University of Oxford, UK
Prof. Nadine Roijakkers
Open University of The Netherlands, The Netherlands
Prof. Peter E. Rossi
Joseph T. and Bernice S. Lewis Professor of Marketing and Statistics, University of Chicago, USA
Prof. J. Edward Russo
Cornell University, USA
Dr. Stephen E. Satchell
Trinity College, University of Cambridge, UK
Dr. Julie Schaffner
Tufts University, USA
Prof. Gregory Schultz
University of Florida, USA
Prof. David Seidl
University of Zurich, Switzerland
Prof. Donald E. Sexton
Columbia University, USA
Dr. Revital Shamri
Institute for Drug Research, School of Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Prof. Scott Shane
A. Malachi Mixon III Professor of Entrepreneurial Studies, Case Western Reserve University, USA
Prof. Robert Shaw
Visiting Professor of Cass Business School and Director, Value Based Marketing & Advertising Forum, UK
Prof. Jeremy Short
University of North Texas, USA
Prof. Yu Shyr
Vanderbilt University Medical Center, USA
Dr. Alec Simpson
School of Biomedical Sciences, University of Liverpool, UK
Mr. Peter Sleight
Partner, Target Market Consultancy, UK
Prof. Michael R. Solomon
Haub School of Business, Saint Joseph's University, Philadelphia, USA
Mr. Mariusz Soltanifar
Hanze International Business School, The Netherlands
Prof. J. David Spence
Western University, Canada
Ms. Ann Marie Stagg
Contact Center Management Association, UK
Mr. John Stanton
Association of Business to Business Agencies, UK
Mr. Dick Stroud
Managing Director, 20plus30, UK
Prof. Andrew Sturdy
University of Bristol, UK
Dr. Manj Subiah R.
Executive Coach, South Africa
Dr. Kyra Leigh Sutton
Rutgers University, USA
Dr. Alex Sverdlov
Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, USA
Prof. Helene Tenzer
LMU Munich School of Management, Germany
Prof. Michael Thomas
Strathclyde University, UK
Prof. Joseph Tidd
University of Sussex, UK
Prof. Vladimir P. Torchilin
Northeastern University, USA
Prof. Mariano Torras
Adelphi University, USA
Dr. Gina Touch Mercer
University of Arizona College of Medicine - Phoenix, USA
Prof. George Tovstiga
EDHEC Business School, France
Prof. Jan A. Van Mieghem
Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, USA
Ms. Annette Vendelbo
CEO of Xvoto and Agile Specialist, Denmark
Prof. Alexei Verkhratsky
University of Manchester, UK
Dr. Jukka Vesala
Deputy Director General, Finnish FSA, Finland
Dr. Kellie Vincent
University of Bedfordshire Business School, UK
Prof. Fred Volkmar
Yale University School of Medicine, USA
Dr. Ruth Wageman
Harvard University, USA
Prof. Herman Waldmann
University of Oxford, UK
Prof. Andrew Ward
Lehigh University, USA
Prof. Adrian Wilkinson
Director, Center for Work, Organization and Wellbeing Griffith Business School, Australia
Mr. Eric Wilson
The Institute of Business Forecasting and Planning, USA
Prof. Hugh Wilson
Professor of Strategic Marketing, Cranfield School of Management, UK
Mr. Morgen Witzel
Honorary Senior Fellow, University of Exeter Business School and Senior Consultant, The Winthrop Group, UK
Dr. Caroline Wright
Cambridge Consultants Ltd.
Prof. Walter Wymer
University of Lethbridge, Canada
Dr. Ian Yeoman
Associate Professor of Tourism Management, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Mr. Alan Zucker
Founding Principal, Project Management Essentials, USA


Prof. N. Joan Abbott
King's College London, UK
Dr. Essam M. Abdelalim
Qatar Biomedical Research Institute (QBRI), HBKU, Qatar Foundation, Qatar
Dr. Laurent Abel
University Paris Descartes and Inserm, France
Prof. Bo Abrahamsen
Glostrup Hospital, Denmark
Dr. Janet Abrahm
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, USA
Prof. Christopher F. Achua
University of Virginia’s College at Wise, USA
Dr. Wendi Adair
Associate Professor, Organizational Psychology, University of Waterloo, Canada
Prof. Leon Adams
The University of Western Australia, Australia
Prof. Michael Adams
University of Bristol, UK
Dr. Nico Adams
University of Cambridge, UK
Prof. Ian Adcock
Imperial College London, UK
Mr. Ed Addison
Chairman of Cloud Pharmaceuticals and Adjunct Professor at North Carolina State University, USA
Dr. Jubril Adeojo
Co-Founder/COO, OneWattSolar, Nigeria
Prof. Robert A. Adler
Richmond Veterans Affairs Medical Center, USA
Mr. Stephen M. Adler
Chief Executive Officer, Charity Brands Consulting, USA
Prof. Ruedi Aebersold
ETH Zurich and University of Zurich, Switzerland
Prof. Rudy Aernoudt
University of Ghent, Belgium
Prof. Johannes M.F.G. Aerts
Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Dr. Cindy Afshari
Amgen Inc., USA
Prof. Luis Agellon
McGill University, Canada
Prof. Ann Ager
Cardiff University, UK
Ms. Vibeke P. Aggerholm
VP Group Internal Audit, Carlsberg Group, Denmark
Dr. Eleftherios Agorogiannis
Manchester Royal Eye Hospital, UK
Dr. Abdulbaghi Ahmad
Uppsala University, Sweden
Prof. Sam Ahmedzai
University of Sheffield, UK
Dr. William Aird
Harvard Medical School, USA
Prof. Sitara Ajjampur
Christian Medical College Vellore, India
Dr. Omar Akbari
University of California, San Diego, USA
Prof. Michael Akritas
The Pennsylvania State University, USA
Ms. Renad AlAnsari
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI), Bahrain
Prof. Jay Albanese
Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
Dr. Ekaterina Albats
LUT University Business School, Finland
Prof. Jemima Albayda
Johns Hopkins University Myositis Center, USA
Prof. Sylvie Albert
The University of Winnipeg, Canada
Dr. Joe Alcock
University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center, USA
Prof. Ramon J. Aldag
University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Prof. Daniel Aldrich
Northeastern University, USA
Prof. Dario Alessi
University of Dundee, UK
Prof. Kern Alexander
Director of Research in Financial Regulation, Centre for Financial Analysis and Policy, University of Cambridge, UK
Dr. Shaukat Ali
Ascendia Pharmaceuticals, USA
Prof. Kari Alitalo
Molecular/Cancer Biology Laboratory, University of Helsinki, Finland
Dr. Krishna Allamneni
Concarlo Therapeutics, USA
Prof. Gayle Allard
IE Business School, Spain
Prof. Dr. Karel Allegaert
KU Leuven, Belgium
Prof. Judith Allen
University of Manchester, UK
Prof. Greg M. Allenby
Fisher College of Business, Ohio State University, USA
Prof. David Allison
University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA
Prof. James Allison
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, USA
Prof. Gad Allon
Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, USA
Prof. David Allsop
Lancaster University, UK
Mr. Gary Allsop
Director, Spinal Cure Australia, Melbourne, Australia
Dr. Hussein Al-Mossawi
University of Oxford, UK
Dr. Genevieve Almouzni
Curie Institute/CNRS, France
Prof. Uri Alon
Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Prof. Danny Altmann
Imperial College London, UK
Prof. Shoshana S. Altschuller
Iona College, USA
Prof. Sharon Alvarez
Ohio State University, USA
Prof. Stephen E. Alway
University of Tennessee Health Science Center, USA
Dr. Allen C. Amason
Georgia Southern University, USA
Mr. Tim Ambler
London Business School, UK
Prof. Maureen Ambrose
University of Central Florida, USA
Mr. Holger Ambroselli
CEO, Conzepta GmbH, Italy and CEO, Conceptual Branding, The Netherlands
Dr. Alessia A. Amighini
Università del Piemonte Orientale, Italy
Dr. Mansoor Amiji
Northeastern University, USA
Prof. Tejraj Aminabhavi
College of Pharmacy, India
Dr. Howard Amital
Tel Aviv University, Israel
Ms. Colleen Ammerman
Harvard Business School, USA
Prof. Christopher Amos
Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, USA
Dr. Ali Amrollahi
Macquarie Business School, Australia
Prof. Sebastian Amyes
University of Edinburgh, UK
Prof. Juan-Manuel Anaya
Corporation for Biological Research and the University of Rosario, Colombia
Prof. Deborah Ancona
MIT Sloan School of Management, USA
Dr. Kari Andén-Papadopoulos
Stockholm University, Sweden
Prof. Torben J. Andersen
Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Dr. Annaliesa S. Anderson
Pfizer Vaccine Research and Development, USA
Dr. Douglas J. Anderson
University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA
Dr. George Anderson
Yale University School of Medicine, USA
Prof. Louise Anderson
University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Dr. Luís Eduardo Coelho Andrade
UNIFESP, São Paulo, Brazil
Prof. Katrin Andreasson
Stanford University, USA
Prof. June Andrews
University of Stirling, UK
Dr. Melissa R. Andrews
University of Southampton, UK
Dr. Tim Andrews
Senior Lecturer, University of Strathclyde, UK
Prof. Yuen Yuen Ang
Johns Hopkins University, USA
Prof. Vladimir N. Anisimov
N.N. Petrov Research Institute of Oncology, Russia
Prof. Asim Ansari
Professor of Marketing, University of Columbia, USA
Prof. Rustom Antia
Emory University, USA
Prof. Elena Antonacopoulou
Liverpool University Management School, UK
Dr. Madelyn Antoncic
Former Vice President and Treasurer The World Bank, USA
Prof. Alexandre Antonelli
University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Prof. Luis Antunes
University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro, Portugal
Prof. Antonio Anzueto
University of Texas Health Science Center, USA
Prof. John Aplin
University of Manchester, UK
Prof. Victor Appay
INSERM, France
Prof. Demet Araç
The University of Chicago, USA
Dr. Luis Aragón
Medical Research Council, Imperial College London, UK
Dr. Helena Araujo
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Prof. Gordon Arbuthnott
Okinawa Institute of Science & Technology, Japan
Prof. Charles Archer
School of Biosciences and Cardiff Institute of Tissue Engineering and Repair, Cardiff University, UK
Dr. Michael Ardern-Jones
University of Southampton, UK
Dr. Michael Arena
Chief Talent Officer, General Motors, Global
Prof. Mark Arends
The University of Edinburgh, UK
Dr. Thomas Areschoug
Lund University, Sweden
Prof. José Luis Arias Mediano
University of Granada, Spain
Prof. Robert Arking
Wayne State University, USA
Prof. Frank Arnett
University of Texas Medical School at Houston, USA
Prof. Tim Arnett
University College London, UK
Ms. Caroline Arnold
University of the West of England, UK
Prof. Neeraj Arora
Professor of Marketing, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Dr. Paramjit Arora
New York University, USA
Dr. Maria Arranz
Institute of Psychiatry, King's College London, UK
Dr. Dave Arthur
Senior Lecturer, Southern Cross University, Australia
Dr. Yoshiyuki Asai
Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST), Japan
Prof. Samuel Asala
University of Abuja, Nigeria
Prof. Frances Mary Ashcroft
Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics, University of Oxford, UK
Prof. Ronald Asherson
University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa
Prof. Neal Ashkanasy
University of Queensland, Australia
Dr. Ian Ashman
Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
Dr. Rachel Ashman
University of Liverpool, UK
Prof. Søren Askegaard
University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
Dr. Anders Åslund
Senior Fellow, Stockholm Free World Forum, Sweden
Prof. Arne Astrup
The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Denmark
Prof. Anthony Atala
Wake Forrest Institute for Regenerative Medicine, USA
Ms. Julie Atherton
Founder and CEO of Small Wonder, UK
Prof. John Atkins
University of Utah, USA
Dr. Jonathan D.M. Atkinson
Partner HGF Limited and Director, Atkinson IP Consulting Limited, UK
Dr. Melani A. Atmodjo
Complex Carbohydrate Research Center, The University of Georgia, USA
Dr. Peter Atorough
University of Roehampton, UK
Dr. Robert Aunger
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK
Dr. Laurel C. Austin
Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Dr. Mark M. Awad
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, USA
Prof. Anthony Axon
Leeds University Hospital, UK
Dr. Ricardo Azevedo
University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Dr. Shir Azrielant
Sheba Medical Center, Israel
Prof. Angelo Azzi
Tufts University Nutrition Center, USA
Dr. M. Madan Babu
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, UK
Mr. Ruzbeh Bacha
CityFalcon, UK
Mr. Jens Bachem
Managing Director, Digital Outlook, UK
Dr. Akshay Badakere
Sankara Nethralaya, India
Prof. Charles Baden-Fuller
Cass Business School, UK
Prof. Richard Badham
Macquarie Graduate School of Management, Australia
Mr. Bertrand Badré
managing partner and founder, Blue like an Orange Sustainable Capital, France
Prof. Eric Baehrecke
University of Massachusetts Medical School, USA
Dr. Luis Alberto Baena-Lopez
University of Oxford, UK
Dr. Mehdi Bagherzadeh
NEOMA Business School, France
Prof. Antonio Baici
University of Zurich, Switzerland
Dr. Christina Baik
University of Washington School of Medicine, USA
Dr. Dalan Bailey
The Pirbright Institute, UK
Prof. Dale Bailey
University of Sydney, Australia
Mr. Mark Bailey
Group CEO, CustomerFusion Group, Australia
Prof. John Baillie
Wake Forest University, USA
Dr. Kenneth Baillie
University of Edinburgh, UK
Mr. Jon Bains
Co-founder, Lateral, UK
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Bajorath
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-University Bonn, Germany
Dr. Thomas Bak
University of Edinburgh, UK
Prof. David Baker
University of Washington, USA
Dr. Margaret Baker
Georgetown University, USA
Prof. Michael J. Baker
Emeritus Professor, University of Strathclyde Business School, UK
Prof. Ted Baker
North Carolina State University, USA
Mr. Wouter Bakker
CEO at GoodUp, The Netherlands
Dr. Pravin Balaraman
University of West of Scotland, UK
Prof. David Balding
University of Melbourne, Australia, and University College London, UK
Mr. Rob Baldry
Seabrook Marketing Ltd, UK
Mr. Scott Baldwin
eBay, USA
Dr. Simon Ball
Senior Advisor, JISC TechDis and FOSS Programme Manager, EIFL, UK
Dr. James R. Ballinger
King’s College London, UK
Dr. Eva Rose M. Balog
University of New England, USA
Dr. Jay M. Baltz
University of Ottawa, Canada
Dr. David Bamford
Senior Lecturer in Operations Management, Manchester Business School, UK
Prof. Nenad Ban
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Dr. Sandra Banack
Brain Chemistry Labs, USA
Prof. Bobby Banerjee
College of Business, University of Western Sydney, Australia
Dr. Madhumita Banerjee
Assistant Professor of Marketing, University of Warwick, UK
Prof. Francois Baneyx
University of Washington, USA
Mr. Jonathan Banks
Business Insight Director, ACNielsen, UK
Prof. William Banks
Veterans Affairs Medical Center, St. Louis and Saint Louis University, USA
Dr. Kirsty Bannister
King’s College London, UK
Prof. S. P. Banumathy
Madurai Medical College, India
Prof. Vladislav S. Baranov
Ott’s Institute of Obstetrics Gynecology & Reproductology, Russia
Prof. Carlos Barbas
Scripps Research Institute, USA
Mr. Mark Barber
Planning Director, Radio Advertising Bureau, UK
Dr. Thomas Barber
University of Warwick, UK
Prof. Guido Barbujani
University of Ferrara, Italy
Dr. Montse Bárcena-Martin
Leiden University Medical Center, The Netherlands
Prof. Neil Barclay
University of Oxford, UK
Prof. James Bardwell
University of Michigan, USA
Dr. Judith M. Bardwick
Management consultant and author, USA
Ms. Jo Ann Barefoot
Barefoot Innovation Group, USA
Prof. David Barford
The Institute of Cancer Research, UK
Prof. Ralph Baric
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
Dr. Beverly Barker
Senior Lecturer, London South Bank University, UK
Prof. David Barker
University of Southampton, UK, and Oregon Health and Science University, USA
Prof. James R. Barker
Dalhousie University, Canada
Mr. Robin Barker
Services for Tourism, UK
Prof. Roger Barker
University of Cambridge, UK
Dr. Kathleen Barnes
Johns Hopkins University, USA
Prof. Peter Barnes
Imperial College London, UK
Prof. Rosemary Barnes
Cardiff University, UK
Dr. Angela Baron
University of Sussex, UK
Prof. Jean-Claude Baron
Sainte-Anne University Hospital, Paris Cité University, France
Prof. Robert A. Baron
Oklahoma State University, USA
Prof. Christopher Barrett
Cornell University, USA
Dr. Jeffrey Barrett
University of Cambridge, UK
Prof. Jenny Barrett
University of Leeds, UK
Prof. Murray R. Barrick
Texas A&M University, USA
Mrs. Red Barrington
Director, Red Star Digital, UK
Ms. Amalia Barthel
CEO and Founder of Designing Privacy, Canada
Prof. Andrzej Bartke
Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Springfield, Illinois, USA
Prof. Marisa Bartolomei
University of Pennsylvania, USA
Prof. Emeritus Patrick Barwise
London Business School, UK
Dr. Vincenzo Basile
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Toronto, Canada
Dr. Christopher Basler
Mount Sinai School of Medicine, USA
Prof. Konrad Basler
University of Zurich, Switzerland
Mr. Helmut Bauer
Special Advisor on Regulatory Affairs, Deutsche Bank, UK and France
Dr. Lara Bauman
Sandia National Laboratories, USA
Prof. Louise Baur
University of Sydney, Australia
Ms. Jyoti Baweja
Freelancing GLP Professional, India
Prof. Stephen Baylin
Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center, USA
Dr. Norman W. Baylor
Biologics Consulting Group, Inc., USA
Dr. Nicolas Bazan
School of Medicine, Louisiana State University Health, New Orleans, USA
Prof. Arthur Beaudet
Baylor College of Medicine, USA
Mr. Morten Bech
Federal Reserve Bank of New York, USA
Prof. Thorsten Beck
Cass Business School City University London, UK
Mr. Michael Becker
EVP of Business Development, iLoop Mobile Inc., USA
Mr. Charlie Beckett
Director, Polis, London School of Economics, UK
Dr. Mel Bedi
Wayne State University, USA
Dr. John Bedolla
University of Texas Dell Medical School, USA
Mr. Dave Bedwood
Creative Partner, Lean Mean Fighting Machine, UK
Dr. Christine Beedham
Department of Clinical Sciences, University of Bradford, UK
Prof. Michael Beer
Harvard Business School, USA
Prof. Peter Beerli
Florida State University, USA
Mr. Hedwig Beernaert
EuroQAM, Belgium
Mr. Will Beeson
Head of Operations & Innovation, CivilisedBank, UK
Dr. Mark Behlke
Molecular Genetics and Biophysics, Integrated DNA Technologies, Inc., USA
Prof. Marlene Behrmann
Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Prof. Roderick Beijersbergen
Netherlands Cancer Institute, The Netherlands
Dr. Ulrike Beisiegel
Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany
Prof. Elisabeth Bel
University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Prof. Steve Belinsky
Lovelace Respiratory Research Institute, USA
Dr. Robin Bell
University of Worcester, UK
Dr. Lawrence Bellamy
University College London, UK
Prof. Hugo Bellen
Baylor College of Medicine, USA
Prof. Andrew Belmont
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Prof. Jeffrey Bender
Yale University, USA
Prof. John Benington
Emeritus Professor of Public Management & Policy, Institute of Governance and Public Management (IGPM), Warwick Business School, University of Warwick, UK
Prof. Stephen Benkovic
The Pennsylvania State University, USA
Prof. Suzanne Benn
University of Technology Sydney (UTS) Business School, Australia
Dr. B. Taylor Bennet
Management Consultant, USA
Prof. Christoph Benning
Michigan State University, USA
Prof. Gillian Bentley
Durham University, UK
Prof. Richard Bergman
University of Southern California, USA
Dr. Carl Bergstrom
University of Washington, USA
Prof. Arnold Berk
University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Dr. Barry K. B. Berkovitz
King’s College London, UK
Ms. Tzeporah Berman
Chair, Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative, Canada
Mr. Mike Bernon
Cranfield School of Management, UK
Prof. Kenneth Berns
University of Florida College of Medicine, USA
Dr. Rameen Beroukhim
Dana-Faber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School, USA
Mrs. Ali Berquez
Michael Palin Centre, UK
Dr. Donagh Berry
Teagasc, Ireland
Mr. Michael J. A. Berry
Founder, Data Miners Inc., USA
Prof. Hans-Rudolf Berthoud
Pennington Biomedical Research Center, Louisiana State University, USA
Dr. Lars Bertram
Max-Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Germany
Prof. John Bessant
University of Exeter Business School, UK
Prof. Bruce Beutler
The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, USA
Prof. Thomas Beyer
Medical University of Vienna, Austria
Dr. Sea Matilda Bez
University of Montpellier, France
Prof. Seema Bhat
The Ohio State University, USA
Dr. Namita Bhatnagar
Asper School of Business, University of Manitoba, Canada
Prof. CB Bhattacharya
European School of Management and Technology (ESMT), Germany
Prof. Debashish Bhattacharya
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, USA
Dr. Sumon Bhaumik
Aston Business School, UK
Dr. Simone Bianco
Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Prof. Markus Biehl
York University, Canada
Prof. Joseph P. Bielawski
Dalhousie University, Canada
Prof. Ethan Bier
University of California, San Diego, USA
Dr. Alessandra Biffi
Telethon Institute for Gene Therapy, Italy
Mr. Geoffrey W. Bilder
Director of Strategic Initiatives, CrossRef Definitions, UK & USA
Prof. Dan Billadeau
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, USA
Prof. Peter Billingsley
Sanaria Inc., USA
Mr. Steven Binder
Bio-Rad Laboratories, USA
Mr. Les Binet
European Director, DDB Matrix, UK
Prof. Adrian Bird
Wellcome Trust Centre for Cell Biology, University of Edinburgh, UK
Prof. John R. Birge
Booth School of Business, University of Chicago, USA
Dr. Ashley Birkett
PATH Malaria Vaccine Initiative, USA
Prof. Julian Birkinshaw
London Business School, UK
Prof. Christine Biron
Brown University, USA
Dr. William R. Bishai
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, USA
Dr. Anne Bishop
Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Centre, Imperial College, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, UK
Prof. Dorothy V. M. Bishop
University of Oxford, UK
Dr. Nicola Bizzaro
Ospedale S. Antonio, Italy
Mr. Espen Bjellerås
University of Agder, Norway
Prof. Douglas Black
University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Prof. Joyce Black
University of Nebraska, USA
Prof. Judith Black
University of Sydney, Australia
Dr. Kurt Black
Amgen Inc., USA
Prof. Neil Blackstone
Evolutionary Biology, Northern Illinois University, USA
Dr. John Blaho
Mount Sinai School of Medicine, USA
Dr. Stacy Blain
SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University, USA
Prof. Alexandra Blakemore
Imperial College London, UK
Prof. Sarah-Jayne Blakemore
University College London, UK
Dr. Andres Blanco
University of Pennsylvania, USA
Dr. Brian Blank
Mississippi State University, USA
Prof. Robert Blankenship
Washington University in St. Louis, USA
Mr. Lee Blansett
Senior Vice President, MattsonJack DaVinci, USA
Prof. Martin Blaser
New York University, USA
Prof. William Blattner
University of Maryland, Baltimore, USA, USA
Dr. Juan Luis Blazquez
University of Salamanca, Spain
Dr. Andrew Blight
Acorda Therapeutics, USA
Prof. James Bliska
Stony Brook University, USA
Prof. Hans J. Blommestein
PricewaterhouseCoopers Professor of Finance, University of Tilburg, The Netherlands
Dr. Patricia Bloom
University of Michigan, USA
Prof. Sir Stephen Bloom
Imperial College London, UK
Prof. Cinnamon Bloss
University of California, San Diego, USA
Prof. Julian Blow
Wellcome Trust Centre for Gene Regulation & Expression, University of Dundee, UK
Dr. Matt Bluem
St. Mary’s University of Minnesota, USA
Prof. Neil Blumberg
University of Rochester Medical Center, USA
Prof. Jeffrey Blume
Vanderbilt University, USA
Prof. Zeev Blumenfeld
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
Dr. James Blythe
University of Plymouth, UK
Dr. Peter Boatwright
Associate Professor of Marketing, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Dr. Giulio Boccaletti
University of Oxford, UK
Prof. Wolfram Bode
Max-Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Germany
Prof. Rolf Bodmer
Burnham Institute for Biomedical Research, USA
Prof. Sir Walter Bodmer
University of Oxford, UK
Prof. Martin Boeree
Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre TB Referral Hospital Dekkerswald, The Netherlands
Dr. Katerina Bohle Carbonell
Researcher & founder of NetNigma, Ireland
Dr. Brad Bolon
GEMpath Inc., USA
Prof. Stephen Bolsover
University College London, UK
Dr. David Bond
UTS Business School, Australia
Prof. Lynda F. Bonewald
University of Missouri, USA
Prof. Nancy Bonini
University of Pennsylvania and Howard Hughes Medical Institute, USA
Prof. Jaap Boonstra
Professor of Organizational Dynamics, Esade Business School, Spain and University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Dr. Martin Bootman
The Open University, UK
Dr. George Borm
Radboud University Medical Centre Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Prof. Michael Boskin
Stanford University, USA
Prof. Vladimir Botchkarev
University of Bradford, UK
Dr. Daniel B. Botkin
UC Santa Barbara, USA
Prof. Marina Botto
Imperial College London, UK
Mr. John Bottom
Director of Planning, Base One Group, UK
Dr. Frederic Bouder
King’s College London, UK
Dr. Lakhdar Boukersi
Principal Lecturer in Marketing and International Marketing, London South Bank University, UK
Dr. Grégoire Boulouis
University Hospital of Tours, France
Ms. Maria Bourke
Founder, Let’s Get Healthy, UK
Dr. Mehdi Boussebaa
University of Bath School of Management
Dr. Dawn Bowdish
McMaster University, Canada
Mr. David Bowie
Principal Lecturer in Marketing, Oxford Brookes University, UK
Dr. John Bowler
Royal Free Hospital, London, UK
Mr. Tom Bowman
Vice President, Strategy & Operations, Global Advertising Sales, BBC Worldwide, UK
Prof. Patricia Boya
Dr. Dionne Boyd
CEO, IAM Marketing Agency, USA
Prof. Edward Boyko
University of Washington, USA
Dr. Frances Boylan
TU Dublin, Ireland
Dr. Bilgehan Bozkurt
Independent researcher, Associate Editor at The CASE Journal, Turkey
Prof. Peter Bradding
University of Leicester, UK
Prof. Eric T. Bradlow
Professor of Marketing, Statistics and Education, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Mr. Paul Bradshaw
Birmingham City University, UK
Dr. Bernard Brais
Universite de Montreal, Canada
Prof. Alan Braithwaite
Chairman of LCP Consulting, Visiting Professor, Cranfield School of Management, Centre for Logistics and Supply Chain Management, UK
Dr. Wim H van Brakel
NTD NGO Network, The Netherlands
Dr. Kate Bramham
King's College London, UK
Prof. Robert Branch
Center for Clinical Pharmacology, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Dr. Colin G. Brand
Managing Director, Business Assessments, New Zealand
Prof. Martin Brand
Buck Institute, USA
Prof. Randall Brand
University of Pittsburgh, USA
Prof. Lawrence J. Brandt
Albert Einstein College of Medicine, USA
Prof. Malin Brännback
Chair of International Business, Åbo Akademi, Finland
Dr. Jose Miguel Bras
University College London, UK
Ms. Esther Braspenning
International Advertising Resource Manager, Sanoma Magazine, Belgium
Prof. George Bray
Pennington Biomedical Research Center, Louisiana State University, USA
Dr. Jeff Brazell
President and CEO, The Modellers Group, USA
Dr. Gerome Breen
Institute of Psychiatry, King's College London, UK
Dr. Rainer Breitling
University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Mr. David Brennan
Director of Research and Strategy, Thinkbox TV, UK
Prof. Mike Brennan
Carolinas Medical Center, USA
Prof. Peter Brennan
University of Portsmouth, UK
Prof. Ronald Breslow
Columbia University, USA
Dr. Vanessa Bretas
University of Agder, Norway
Mr. Tom Breur
XLNT Consulting, The Netherlands
Mr. Antony Brewerton
Head of Academic Services, University of Warwick, UK
Dr. Jessica Briffa
The University of Melbourne, Australia
Mr. Jim Brigden
Ms. Susan Briggs
Director, The Tourism Network, UK
Dr. Marisa Brini
University of Padova, Italy
Prof. Adriana D. Briscoe
University of California, Irvine, USA
Prof. Neil Brockdorff
University of Oxford, UK
Prof. Amanda Broderick
Professor of Marketing and Advertising, University of Coventry, UK
Dr. Glen Brodowsky
California State University San Marcos, USA
Prof. Jeffrey L. Brodsky
University of Pittsburgh, USA
Prof. Timothy Bromage
New York University, USA
Prof. Philip Bromiley
Dean's Professor in Strategic Management, University of California, Irvine, USA
Prof. Dieter Bromme
University of British Columbia, Canada
Dr. Maureen Brookes
Senior Lecturer, Oxford Brookes University, UK
Prof. Andrew Brooks
Rutgers University, USA
Dr. Roland Brosch
Institut Pasteur, Paris, France
Prof. Kim Brøsen
Institute of Public Health, Clinical Pharmacology, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
Mr. Alan Brown
Group Chief Investment Officer and Director, Schroders plc
Dr. Andy Brown
Plymouth Business School, UK
Prof. Bob Brown
Imperial College London, UK
Prof. David Brown
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA
Prof. David A. Brown
University College London, UK
Dr. Doug Brown
Victorian Spinal Cord Service, Austin Health, Australia
Prof. Gordon D. Brown
University of Exeter, UK
Prof. Jennifer R. Brown
Harvard Medical School, USA
Dr. Laura Brown
LB Consulting UK and Cardiff University, UK
Prof. Martin Brown
UCL Institute of Neurology, University College London, UK
Ms. Mary Brown
Director of Marketing, Eastland Shoe Corp., USA
Dr. Nathan Brown
Institute of Cancer Research, UK
Prof. Ian Bruce
Director, Center for Charity Effectiveness, Cass Business School, UK
Dr. Marianne Bruggemann
The Babraham Institute, UK
Prof. Patrik Brundin
Van Andel Research Institute, USA and Lund University, Sweden
Prof. Nicola Brunetti-Pierri
The Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine, Italy
Dr. Kelly Bruton
Stanford University School of Medicine, USA
Prof. Emeritus David Buchanan
Cranfield University School of Management, UK
Ms. Holly Buchanan
Marketing to women consultant, USA
Dr. Elizabeth Buchbinder
Harvard Medical School, USA
Prof. Dr. Christian Buchholz
Paul-Ehrlich-Institut, Germany
Prof. Henry Buchwald
University of Minnesota, USA
Prof. Martin Buck
Imperial College London, UK
Prof. Peter J. Buckley
Leeds University Business School, UK
Dr. Martin Buescher
Head of Biophysics at Miltenyi Biotec, Germany
Dr. Eugene Buff
Founder & President, Primary Care Innovation Consulting, USA
Prof. Dimitrios Buhalis
Bournemouth University, UK
Dr. Jörn Bühring
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Dr. Willem H. Buiter
Independent Economic Advisor, USA
Dr. Andrei A. Bunaciu
S.C. AAB_IR research S.R.L., Romania
Dr. Roderick Todd Bunch
Drug Safety Evaluation, Bristol Myers Squibb, USA
Prof. Timothy E. Bunchman
VCU School of Medicine, USA
Prof. Fred Bunz
Johns Hopkins University, USA
Prof. Russell J. Buono
Cooper Medical School of Rowan University, USA
Prof. Emeritus Richard R. Burgess
University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Prof. Tony Burgess
Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, Australia
Prof. Bob Burgoyne
University of Liverpool, UK
Prof. John Burgoyne
Professor of Management Learning, Lancaster University, UK
Prof. Carol A. Burke
Cleveland Clinic, USA
Mr. Kevin Burke
Founder, Lucid Marketing, USA
Dr. David Burn
Institute of Neuroscience, University of Newcastle, UK
Prof. Sir John Burn
Newcastle University, UK
Prof. Bernard Burnes
Professor of Organizational Change, Manchester Business School, UK
Mr. Peter Burnhill
Director, EDINA national data centre, University of Edinburgh, UK
Dr. Leigh Ann Burns Naas
Gilead Sciences, Inc., USA
Prof. Geoff Burnstock
University College London, UK
Prof. Arsene Burny
Faculte Universitaire des Sciences Agronomiques, Belgium
Mr. Alex Burrett
Freelance Radio Writer and Director, UK
Prof. Steve Burt
University of Stirling, UK
Prof. Allen Burton
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA
Prof. Dennis Burton
The Scripps Research Institute, USA
Prof. Kim Burton
University of Huddersfield, UK
Prof. Dawn C. Buse
Albert Einstein College of Medicine, USA
Prof. Andrew Bush
Imperial College London & Royal Brompton Hospital, UK
Prof. Ashley Bush
University of Melbourne, Australia and Harvard Medical School, USA
Mr. Simon Bush
Sightsavers, Ghana
Prof. Frederic Bushman
University of Pennsylvania, USA
Prof. Cheryl Bushnell
Wake Forest Baptist Health, USA
Prof. M. Catherine Bushnell
McGill University, Montreal, Canada
Mr. Doug Busk
Vice President of Product Marketing – North America, SpinVox, USA
Prof. William Busse
University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Prof. Michael Buszczak
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, USA
Prof. Nick Butler
Kings College London, UK
Prof. Arthur M. Butt
University of Portsmouth, UK
Dr. Mark Butt
Tox Path Specialists, USA
Prof. D. Allan Butterfield
University of Kentucky, USA
Prof. Roger F. Butterworth
University of Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Dr. Jess Buxton
Kingston University London, UK
Dr. Marc Buyse
Cluepoints Inc., USA, International Drug Development Institute & University of Hasselt, Belgium
Prof. Courtney Byrd
The University of Texas at Austin, USA
Dr. Enrique Cadenas
University of Southern California, USA
Prof. Jean Cadet
University of Sherbrooke, Canada
Prof. Ana Caetano
Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil
Ms. Joana Caetano-Lopes
University of Lisbon, Portugal
Prof. Michael Cahalan
University of California, Irvine, USA
Dr. Amanda Cain
University College London, UK
Prof. Sandy Cairncross
O.B.E. London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK
Prof. Bradley Cairns
University of Utah School of Medicine, USA
Prof. Paolo Calabresi
University of Perugia, Italy
Ms. Louise Calder
National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA), Australia
Dr. Viviane Calice-Silva
School of Medicine Univille, Brazil
Prof. Andrea Califano
Columbia University Medical Center, USA
Prof. Mike Caligiuri
Ohio State University, USA
Prof. George Calin
MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA
Ms. Fiona Cameron
Director, Sticky Change, UK
Dr. Kim Cameron
University of Michigan, USA
Dr. Edoardo Campanella
UniCredit Bank, Italy
Mr. Andrew Campbell
Hult / EF Corporate Education, UK
Ms. Catriona Campbell
Founder, Foviance, UK
Dr. David Campbell
Newcastle University, UK
Dr. Matthew Campbell
Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Prof. Chris Cannings
University of Sheffield, UK
Prof. Lew Cantley
Harvard University, USA
Prof. Doreen Cantrell
University of Dundee, UK
Prof. Blanche Capel
Duke University Medical Center, USA
Dr. Thierry Capiod
INSERM, France
Prof. Louis Caplan
Harvard Medical School, USA
Prof. Noel Capon
Columbia University, USA
Prof. Francesco Cappello
University of Palermo, Italy
Prof. Ernesto Carafoli
University of Padova, Italy
Prof. Roxana O. Carare
University of Southampton, UK
Dr. Ronan Carbery
Cork University Business School, UCC, Ireland
Dr. Mauricio Cárdenas
Columbia University, USA
Prof. James R. Carey
University of California, Davis, USA
Prof. Michael Carey
University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Dr. Linda L. Carli
Department of Psychology, Wellesley College, USA
Dr. Ysanne Carlisle
Open University Business School, UK
Prof. Russell Carlson
University of Georgia, USA
Prof. Colin Carnall
Cass Business School, UK
Prof. Emeritus Stanley N. Caroff
Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, USA
Prof. Sergio Caroli
Instituto superiore di Sanità, Italy
Dr. Byron Carpenter
University of Warwick, UK
Ms. Claire Carpenter
Founder and CEO, The Melting Pot, UK
Prof. Graham Carpenter
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, USA
Prof. Thomas O. Carpenter
Yale University, USA
Prof. Anthony Carr
University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Prof. Daniel Carr
Tufts University School of Medicine and Javelin Pharmaceuticals, USA
Dr. Angel Carracedo
Institute of Legal Medicine, Spain
Dr. Mary Carrington
National Cancer Institute, Frederick, USA
Mr. Donncha Carroll
Lotis Blue Consulting, USA
Prof. Jason Carroll
Cambridge Research Institute, UK
Prof. John S. Carroll
MIT Sloan School of Management, USA
Mr. Bruce Carter
General Manager, BT OneDesk, UK
Prof. Dee Carter
The University of Sydney, Australia
Dr. Nigel Carter
The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, UK
Prof. Nancy Carteron
University of California, San Francisco, USA
Prof. Richard Carthew
Northwestern University, USA
Mr. Ron Carucci
Co-founder & Managing Partner, Navalent, USA
Ms. Pamela Carvell
Principal Consultant, Pampas and Chairman, Hotel Marketing Association, UK
Prof. Richard Casaburi
The Lundquist Institute for Biomedical Innovation at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, USA
Prof. Marta Cascante
University of Barcelona, Spain
Prof. Tiziana Casciaro
University of Toronto, Canada
Prof. Gregory D. Cascino
Mayo Clinic, USA
Prof. Wayne F. Cascio
University of Colorado Denver, USA
Ms. Sarah Jane Cashman
Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland
Prof. Mariana C. Castells
Harvard Medical School, USA
Dr. Jamie H. Doudna Cate
University of California, Berkeley, USA
Prof. Roberto Cattaneo
Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, USA
Dr. Joy Cavagnaro
Access BIO, USA
Dr. Guido Cavaletti
University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy
Prof. Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza
Stanford University Medical School, USA
Prof. Howard Cedar
Hebrew University, Hadassah Medical School, Israel
Dr. Jaimini Cegla
Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, UK
Prof. Francesco Cellesi
Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Prof. Bart Celli
Tufts University School of Medicine, USA
Prof. Angela Cenci
University of Lund, Sweden
Dr. Ricard Cervera
Hospital Clinic and University of Barcelona, Spain
Prof. Fernando Cervero
McGill University, Montreal, Canada
Prof. George Chaconas
University of Calgary, Canada
Prof. Simon Chadwick
Professor of Sport Business Strategy and Marketing, University of Coventry, UK
Dr. Dave Chaffey
Director, Marketing Insights Limited, UK
Prof. Ananda Chakrabarty
University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Mr. Sujit Chakravorti
Senior Economist, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, USA
Prof. Jeff Chamberlain
University of Washington, USA
Prof. Jackson Champer
Peking University, China
Dr. Chi-Chao Chan
National Institute of Health (NIH), USA
Dr. Lili Chan
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, USA
Prof. Sandeep R. Chandukala
Assistant Professor of Marketing, Indiana University, USA
Prof. Julian Chang
Tsinghua University, China
Ms. Sally Chang
hotelAVE, USA
Dr. Seon Hee Chang
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA
Prof. Soo-Eun Chang
University of Michigan, USA
Dr. Young-Tae Chang
National University of Singapore, Singapore
Dr. Hadi Chapardar
MacEwan University, Canada
Ms. Liz Chapman
Director of Library Services, British Library of Political and Economic Science, London School of Economics, UK
Mr. Tony Chapman
Founder, Capital C, Canada
Dr. Bambos Charalambous
University College London, UK
Dr. Andreas Charidimou
Boston University Medical Center and Boston University School of Medicine, USA
Mr. Charlie Chase
Business Enablement Manager, Manufacturing & Supply Chain Global Practice, SAS Institute, USA
Prof. Lucienne Chatenoud
Hopital Necker-Enfants Malades, France
Prof. Wissam Chatila
Temple University, Philadelphia, USA
Ms. Linda Chatwin
UL Health Science Division, USA
Dr. Vidhi A. Chaudhri
Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Dr. Kasia Chawarska
Yale University School of Medicine, USA
Dr. Chris Cheadle
JHBMC Genomics Core, Johns Hopkins University, USA
Dr. Jo Cheesman
Key Account Manager, Academee, UK
Prof. Thomas J. Chemmanur
Boston College, USA
Ms. Caroline Chen
Downtown Partners, USA
Dr. Junsong Chen
Lecturer in Marketing, China Europe International Business School (CEIBS), China
Prof. Liz Chen
University of North Carolina, Gillings School of Global Public Health, USA
Dr. Xun Chen
Sanofi-Aventis, USA
Prof. Zhijian 'James' Chen
University of Texas Southwestern, USA
Prof. Heping Cheng
Peking University, China
Mr. James Cherkoff
Co-founder, Collaborate Marketing, UK
Prof. Yury Chernoff
Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Prof. Henry Chesbrough
Luiss Guido Carli University, Italy
Dr. Angela Cheung
University of Toronto, Canada
Ms. Ying Ann Chiao
University of Washington, USA
Prof. Graciela Chichilnisky
Columbia University, USA
Ms. Chipo Chikomo
Nhanga Trust, Zimbabwe
Prof. John Child
University of Birmingham, UK
Dr. Peter Childs
University of Strathclyde, UK
Dr. Gabriela Chiosis
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, USA
Prof. Fabrizio Chiti
Universita di Firenze, Italy
Dr. Jiri Chod
Carroll School of Management, Boston College, USA
Prof. Sunmee Choi
Professor of Service Operations Management, Yonsei University, S. Korea
Dr. Francis Cholle
Founder and CEO of The Human Company, USA
Dr. Babak Choodari-Oskooei
University College London, UK
Prof. Sunil Chopra
Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, USA
Ms. Hala Matar Choufany
President, HVS Middle East, Africa & South Asia, UAE
Prof. Christine Chow
Wayne State University, USA
Prof. Vincent Chow
National University of Singapore, Singapore
Prof. Pratima Chowdary
Royal Free Hospital, UK
Ms. Rezina Chowdhury
Associate Director, GfK NOP Social Research, UK
Dr. Nick Chown
Independent scholar, Spain
Mr. Gerry Christensen
Chief Technology Officer, Zoove, USA
Prof. Kaare Christensen
University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
Prof. David Christiani
Harvard School of Public Health and Harvard Medical School, USA
Dr. George A. Christodoulakis
Assistant Professor of Finance, University of Manchester, UK and Advisor, Bank of Greece, Greece
Dr. Constantinos Christodoulides
Oxford University, UK
Dr. George Christodoulides
University of Birmingham Business School, UK
Dr. Nikos Chronis
University of Michigan, USA
Prof. Fan Chung
Imperial College London, UK
Dr. Mona Chung
Cross Culture International, Australia
Dr. Ren-Hua Chung
Duke Center for Human Genetics, USA
Dr. Robert Cialdini
Influence at Work, USA
Dr. Tomas Cihlar
Department of Biology, Gilead Sciences, USA
Mr. Ernesto Ciorra
Chief Innovability Officer, Enel, Italy
Prof. Marilyn Cipolla
University of Vermont, USA
Dr. Daniela Cirillo
San Raffaele Hospital, Milan, Italy
Prof. Joanne B. Ciulla
Coston Family Chair in Leadership and Ethics, University of Richmond, USA
Prof. Andrew Clark
Cornell University, USA
Dr. Jeffrey Clark
Harvard Medical School, USA
Dr. Mike Clark
University of Cambridge, UK
Prof. Tim Clark
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
Prof. Timothy Clark
Durham University, UK
Prof. Hugh Clarke
McGill University Health Centre, Canada
Dr. Jane Clarke
University of Cambridge, UK
Prof. Robert Clarke
Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center, Georgetown University, USA
Dr. Stuart Clarke
Managing Director, Operational Research Developments Ltd
Prof. David Clayton
University of Cambridge, UK
Dr. Mike Clayton
Business Author and Educator, UK
Prof. P. Patrick Cleary
University of Minnesota, USA
Prof. Sarah Cleaveland, OBE, FRS
University of Glasgow, UK
Prof. Stewart Clegg
University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Prof. Robert Clemen
Duke University, USA
Mr. Simon Clemmow
Founding Partner, CHI&Partners, UK
Prof. Emeritus Don Clewell
University of Michigan, USA
Dr. Alison Clifford
University of Alberta, Canada
Prof. Alexander Coad
CENTRUM Católica, Peru
Mr. Ed Coan
Consultant, The Coan Consultancy, UK
Prof. Anthony Coates
St. Georges’ Hospital, University of London, UK
Dr. Laura Coates
University of Oxford, UK
Prof. Melanie H. Cobb
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, USA
Prof. Frank Cobelens
Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Dr. John Cochrane
Stanford University, USA
Prof. Rosa Codina
Allergen Science & Consulting, USA
Dr. Graeme Codrington
Co-founder, TomorrowToday, UK
Mr. Tim Coffey
CEO and Chairman, WonderGroup, USA
Prof. Fred Cohen
University of California San Francisco, USA
Dr. Ivan K. Cohen
Richmond University, UK
Prof. Jonathan Cohen
Princeton University, USA
Mr. Walter Colasante
Director, FreeLance Health Services Ltd., UK
Prof. Jonathan Cole
Poole Hospital and Bournemouth, UK
Ms. Maébh Coleman
TU Dublin, Ireland
Dr. Shirley Coleman
Newcastle University, UK
Dr. Alasdair Coles
University of Cambridge, UK
Ms. Pippa Collett
Managing Director, Sponsorship Consulting, UK
Prof. Abby Collier
University of British Columbia, Canada
Prof. Mel Collier
University of Leuven, Belgium
Prof. Graham Collingridge
University of Bristol, UK
Dr. David Collings
National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland
Dr. Andrew Collins
University of Southampton, UK
Prof. Stephen Collins
McMaster University, Canada
Dr. Tony Collins
McMaster University, Canada
Dr. Francesco Colucci
Babraham Institute, University of Cambridge, UK
Prof. Paolo Comoglio
Institute for Cancer Research and Treatment (IRCC), Italy
Prof. Alastair Compston
University of Cambridge, UK
Prof. Mark Conaway
University of Virginia, USA
Dr. Thomas Concannon
Tufts University School of Medicine, USA
Prof. Richard Condit
University of Florida, USA
Ms. Louise Congdon
Managing Partner, York Aviation, UK
Dr. Robert Coni
Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine, USA
Dr. Don Conrad
Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Cambridge, UK
Mr. Christopher Constantino
The University of Memphis, USA
Mr. Guy Consterdine
Founder, Guy Consterdine Associates, UK
Dr. David V. Conti
University of Southern California, USA
Prof. Marco Conti
University of California San Francisco, USA
Prof. Edward G. Conture
Vanderbilt University, USA
Prof. Edward Conway
University of British Columbia, Canada
Mx. Dave Cook
University College London, UK
Prof. Emerita Anne Cooke
University of Cambridge, UK
Prof. John P. Cooke
Houston Methodist Research Institute, USA
Dr. Ian Coombs
University College London, UK
Prof. John Cooney
Texas Tech University
Prof. Cyrus Cooper
University of Southampton, UK
Prof. Dermot Cooper
University of Cambridge, UK
Dr. Glinda Cooper
National Center for Environmental Assessment, US Environmental Protection Agency
Prof. John Cooper
Washington University Medical School in St. Louis, USA
Dr. Natalie Cooper
Natural History Museum, London, UK
Prof. François Cooren
Université de Montréal, Canada
Prof. Robert Copeland
Epizyme, USA
Prof. David Corey
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, USA
Prof. Richard Cornall
University of Oxford, UK
Prof. Chris Corrigan
King's College London, UK
Dr. Tom Cosker
University of Oxford, UK
Prof. Felicia Cosman
Columbia University, USA
Prof. Pascale Cossart
Pasteur Institute, France
Dr. Alex Costa
University of Milan, Italy
Dr. Vincenzo Costanzo
Cancer Research UK, UK
Dr. Carolyn Costley
Waikato Management School, University of Waikato, New Zealand
Mr. Charles Cotton
Advisor, Performance & Reward, CIPD, UK
Prof. Pierre-Olivier Couraud
Institut Cochin, Paris, France
Mr. Ricky Coussins
Managing Partner, Coussins Associates Ltd, UK
Dr. Antonello Covacci
Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics, Italy
Dr. Kelly Cowan
Miami University, USA
Prof. Robert P. Cowan
Stanford University School of Medicine, USA
Dr. Rachel Cowie
University of Bristol, UK
Prof. Ben Cowling
University of Hong Kong
Prof. Chris Cowton
Dean of the University of Huddersfield Business School, UK
Prof. James Cox
University College London, UK
Dr. Jonathan Cox
Aston University, UK
Dr. Murray P. Cox
Massey Univeristy, New Zealand
Dr. Nancy Cox
University of Chicago, USA
Dr. Paul Alan Cox
Brain Chemistry Labs, USA
Prof. Charles S. Cox, Jr.
McGovern Medical School at UTHealth, USA
Dr. Geoffrey Coxon
University of Strathclyde, UK
Dr. Janet Cox-Singh
University of St Andrews, UK
Prof. Imelda Coyne
Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Prof. Mark Cragg
University of Southampton, UK
Dr. Mark Craig
Re-Fur-All Referrals, UK
Prof. Charles Craik
University of California, San Francisco, USA
Ms. Amanda Crank
Customer Service Operations Manager, The Co-operative Financial Services, UK
Prof. Charles B. Craver
George Washington University Law School, USA
Prof. Jacqueline N. Crawley
University of California, USA
Dr. Charles Crespi
BD Biosciences Discovery Labware, USA
Dr. Dave Crick
Victoria University in Wellington, New Zealand
Prof. Andrea Crisanti
Imperial College London, UK
Ms. Jane Crofts
Founder and CEO, Data To The People, Australia
Mr. Stephen Croncota
Chief Marketing Officer, Haggar Clothing Co., USA
Dr. Hendrik Cronje
LeadAfrika Founder, South Africa
Ms. Cornelia Crooke
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, USA
Prof. Christine Cross
University of Limerick, Ireland
Prof. James Crowe
Vanderbilt Vaccine Center, USA
Prof. Sheila Crowe
Division of Gastroenterology UC San Diego, School of Medicine
Prof. Sheena Cruickshank
University of Manchester, UK
Prof. Nathalie Crutzen
University of Liège, Belgium
Dr. Ronald G. Crystal
Weill Medical College of Cornell University, USA
Prof. Peter Csermely
Semmelweis University, Hungary
Prof. Ana Maria Cuervo
Albert Einstein College of Medicine, NY, USA
Prof. José Cuezva
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
Dr. Charles Chi Cui
University of Westminster, UK
Prof. Stuart Cull-Candy
University College London, UK
Prof. Bryan R. Cullen
Duke University Medical Center, USA
Prof. Peter Cullen
University of Bristol, UK
Prof. Paul Cullinan
Imperial College London, UK
Prof. Douglas Cumming
York University, Canada
Dr. Jonathon Cummings
Associate Professor, Duke University, USA
Prof. Bjorn Cumps
Vlerick Business School, Belgium
Prof. José Cunha-Vaz
University of Coimbra, Portugal
Dr. Joiselle Cunningham Smith
CEO, Pathways to Creative Industries, USA
Prof. Ed Cupp
Auburn University, USA
Prof. L. Adrienne Cupples
Department of Biostatistics, School of Public Health, Boston University, USA
Mr. Vito Curalli
Managing Director of Sales, Hilton Corporation, Canada
Dr. Gordon Curphy
Curphy Leadership Solutions, USA
Prof. James M. Curran
University of Auckland, New Zealand
Dr. Richard Currie
Boston University School of Hospitality Administration, USA
Dr. Valerie Curtis
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK
Dr. Stephen Cusack
European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Grenoble Outstation, France
Prof. David Cutler
Harvard University, USA
Prof. Maurizio Cutolo
University of Genova, Italy
Prof. Jack Cuzick
Wolfson Institute of Preventive Medicine, St. Bartholomew's Medical School, UK
Prof. Dennis Cvitkovitch
Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto, Canada
Prof. Douglas M. Cyr
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
Dr. Michael Czinkota
Associate Professor, Georgetown University, USA
Prof. Dr. Hein Daanen
VU University, The Netherlands
Ms. Izabella Dabrowska
Senior SEA specialist at VakantieDiscounter, The Netherlands
Prof. Valerie Daggett
University of Washington, USA
Dr. Anne Daguerre
University of Brighton, UK
Prof. Mohamed R. Daha
Leiden University Medical Center, The Netherlands
Dr. Chiraj Dalal
Calico Labs, USA
Mr. Alec Dalton
Executive Director, Accelerating Leaders, USA
Prof. Ann Daly
Newcastle University, UK
Prof. Emeritus Herman Daly
University of Maryland, USA
Prof. Henry Daniell
University of Central Florida, USA
Prof. Kevin Daniels
Professor of Organizational Behaviour, Norwich Business School, University of East Anglia, UK
Mr. James Darcey
Senior Vice President, Single Touch Interactive, USA
Dr. Theo Darsinos
Vice President, Global Markets, Fixed Income Research Division, Deutsche Bank AG, UK
Prof. Bhaskar Dasgupta
Southend University Hospital, UK
Dr. Carla A. Da Silva
AstraZeneca, Sweden
Prof. Sally Davenport
Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Prof. Gail Davey
Brighton and Sussex Medical School, UK
Mr. Mark Davey
Cliffe Associates, UK
Prof. Anthony David
UCL Hospital NHS Trust, UK
Prof. Beverly L. Davidson
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia., USA
Prof. Mayer Davidson
Charles Drew University, USA
Ms. Emma Davies
Strategy Director at Voiceboxx, UK
Sir Howard Davies
Chairman, NatWest Group, UK
Prof. Kelvin Davies
University of Southern California, USA
Dr. Nick Davies
Pfizer, UK
Prof. Stephen Davies
University of Melbourne, Australia
Dr. Pier Paolo D'Avino
University of Cambridge, UK
Dr. Donna Davis
Associate Professor, Texas Tech University, USA
Prof. Thomas Davis
University of Arizona, USA
Dr. Dan Davison
University of Oxford, UK
Mr. Roger Dawson
Power Negotiating Institute, USA
Prof. David V. Day
Claremont McKenna College, USA
Ms. Helen Day
Sponsorship Consultant and Head of European Policy, European Sponsorship Association, UK
Prof. Jonathan Day
University of Florida, USA
Mr. Mark Deacon
Senior Quantitative Analyst, UK Debt Management Office, UK
Dr. Ann Dean
National Institutes of Health, USA
Dr. Michael Dean
Human Genetics Section, National Cancer Institute-Frederick, USA
Prof. Paul L. DeAngelis
University of Oklahoma, USA, Caisson Biotech LLC, USA and Hyalose LLC, USA
Prof. Emeritus Angus Deaton
Princeton University, USA
Dr. Paul Debenham
Life Science, LGC Ltd., UK
Prof. Zeger Debyser
KU Leuven, Belgium
Prof. Edward L Deci
University of Rochester, USA
Prof. Dr. Erik De Clercq
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Dr. G. Roshan Deen
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI), Bahrain
Dr. Pierre-Antoine Defossez
CNRS, Paris, France
Dr. Ramon P. DeGennaro
University of Tennessee, USA
Prof. James DeGregori
University of Colorado, USA
Dr. Aubrey de Grey
SENS Foundation, USA
Prof. Jakob de Haan
Professor of Economics, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Prof. Michael W. Deininger
University of Utah, USA
Prof. Fernando de la Cruz
Universidad de Cantabria, Spain
Dr. Elizabeth de Lange
Leiden University, The Netherlands
Prof. John Delery
University of Arkansas, USA
Prof. Maria Deli
Biological Research Center, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary
Prof. Gary Dell
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA
Dr. Christian Delles
Institute of Cardiovascular & Medical Sciences, University of Glasgow, UK
Prof. J. Bradford DeLong
University of California, Berkeley, USA
Prof. Laura del Senno
University of Ferrara, Italy
Dr. Bart Demaerschalk
Mayo Clinic Arizona, USA
Dr. Roel De Maeyer
University College London, UK
Dr. Chiara Eleonora De Marco
Senior Associate, Capital Projects & Economics, GIS-Global Incentive Service, PwC, Italy
Prof. Alfredo De Massis
Lancaster University Management School, UK
Prof. Nicolas Demaurex
University of Geneva, Switzerland
Dr. Kenneth P. De Meuse
President, Wisconsin Management Group, USA
Dr. Marieke de Mooij
Cross-Cultural Communications Consultancy, The Netherlands
Prof. Fernando de Mora
Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Spain
Mr. Jean-François Denault
Marketing Consultant, Canada
Dr. Jurgen Denecke
University of Leeds, UK
Prof. Ping Deng
Maryville University, USA
Prof. Natalie M. Dengler
Iona College, USA
Dr. Phyllis Dennery
University of Pennsylvania, USA
Prof. Edward A. Dennis
University of California San Diego, USA
Mr. Julian Dent
Chairman, VIA International, UK
Dr. Maria Elena De Obaldia
The Rockefeller University, USA
Prof. Michele De Palma
San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Italy
Prof. Bella DePaulo
Visiting Professor, University of California, USA
Prof. Chris Derk
University of Pennsylvania, USA
Mr. Ashley de Safrin
Tourism and Hospitality Business Adviser, Business Link, UK
Prof. Tejal Desai
University of California, San Francisco, USA
Dr. Rohan de Silva
University College London, UK
Dr. Bertrand Desjardins
Universite de Montreal, Canada
Prof. Joe DesJardins
St. Benedict/St. John's University, USA
Dr. Kevin C. Desouza
University of Washington, USA
Prof. Jean Pierre Després
University of Laval, Canada
Prof. Bart De Strooper
University College London, UK
Dr. Michael Dettling
Charite-University Medicine Berlin, Germany
Dr. Gabrielle deVeber
Hospital for Sick Children, Canada
Prof. Timothy Devinney
University of Leeds, UK
Prof. James Devlin
Nottingham Trent University, UK
Dr. Spinder Dhaliwal
University of Westminster, UK
Prof. Steven Dhondt
KU Leuven, Belgium
Prof. Larry Diamond
Stanford University, USA
Prof. Michael Diamond
Washington University School of Medicine,, USA
Dr. Sabrina Diano
Yale University, USA
Prof. George Dias
University of Otago, New Zealand
Ms. Hannah Monica Dias
World Health Organization, Switzerland
Dr. Javier Diaz Alonso
University of California, Irvine, USA
Mr. Dan diBartolomeo
Northfield Information, USA
Prof. Anthony Dickenson
University College London, UK
Prof. Donna Dickenson
University of London, UK
Dr. Maurice Dickins
Pfizer, UK
Prof. Luciano Di Croce
Center for Genomic Regulation, Spain
Dr. Hans-Christoph Diener
University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Prof. W. Dalton Dietrich
The Miami Project, University of Miami, USA
Dr. Graham Dietz
Durham University, UK
Dr. Thomas Dietz
Lecturer of Banking Supervision and Financial Derivatives, University of Applied Sciences of Deutsche Bundesbank, Germany
Mr. Richard DiGeorgio
Principal, Richard M. DiGeorgio & Associates, LLC, USA
Mr. Gian Di Giambattista
Ontario Power Generation, Canada
Dr. Rick Dijkhuizen
University Medical Center Utrecht, The Netherlands
Prof. Salvatore DiMauro
Columbia University Medical Center, USA
Prof. Alberto Di Minin
Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Italy
Prof. Sheng Ding
University of California San Francisco, USA
Dr. Andrea Di Nicola
University of Trento and Transcrime, Italy
Dr. Keith Dinnie
Associate Professor of Business, Temple University, Japan
Dr. Anna Di Rienzo
University of Chicago, USA
Dr. Arianna Di Stadio
University of Catania, Italy
Ms. Lisa Ditlefsen
Head of Search, Base One Group, UK
Dr. J. Paul Dittmann
Director, Demand-Supply Integration Forum, The University of Tennessee, USA
Dr. Vishwa Dixit
Pennington Biomedical Research Center, USA
Prof. Anne Dixon
University of Vermont, USA
Prof. Jack Dixon
University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, USA
Prof. Miral Dizdaroglu
National Institutes of Standards and Technology, USA
Prof. Pedro Diz Dios
Santiago de Compostela University, Spain
Mr. Daniel Dobrygowski
Head of Corporate Governance and Digital Trust, World Economic Forum, USA
Prof. Christopher Dobson
University of Cambridge, UK
Prof. Roberto Docampo
University of Georgia, USA
Dr. Peter Doehring
Center for Autism Research, Philadelphia, USA
Prof. Anne Marie Doherty
University of Glamorgan, UK
Dr. Tomoko Doi
Kyoto University, Japan
Prof. Annette Dolphin
University College London, UK
Prof. Ana Domingos
University of Oxford, UK
Dr. Egbert Dommerholt
Hanze University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands
Dr. Alison Donaldson
Independent Consultant, UK
Prof. Bill Donaldson
Aberdeen Business School, The Robert Gordon University, UK
Prof. Marc Y. Donath
University Hospital of Basel, Switzerland
Prof. Chen Dong
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA
Prof. Geoffrey Donnan
University of Melbourne, Australia
Prof. Peter Donnelly
University of Oxford, UK
Prof. Tom Donnelly
Coventry University, UK
Prof. Michael Donnenberg
University of Maryland, USA
Mr. Jonathan Donovan
Managing Director, Townhouse Consulting Ltd., UK
Dr. Andrea Doria
University of Padova, Italy
Dr. Augusta Dorning
Head of Africa Business, Lenmed Group, South Africa
Prof. Dale Dorsett
Saint Louis University, USA
Prof. Emily Dosmar
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, USA
Prof. Rafiq Dossani
Stanford University, USA
Dr. Jeffrey Dotson
Assistant Professor of Marketing, Vanderbilt University, USA
Dr. David A. Dougan
La Trobe University, Australia
Prof. Gordon Dougan
Sanger Institute, Cambridge, UK
Prof. Evan Douglas
Griffith Business School, Griffith University, Australia
Dr. Phil Dover
Associate Professor of Marketing, Babson College, USA
Prof. Kevin Dowd
Professor of Financial Risk Management, Nottingham University, UK
Dr. David Dowdy
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, USA
Prof. Gregory Downey
University of Colorado, USA
Prof. Zoe Draelos
Duke University, USA
Dr. Richard L. Drake
Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine, USA
Mr. Nick Drake-Knight
Founder, NDK Group, UK
Dr. Dennis Drayna
National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, USA
Dr. Dimitri Drekonja
Minneapolis VA Health Care System, USA
Dr. Hilary Drew
UWE Bristol, UK
Prof. Arnold Driessen
University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Dr. Carlos A. Driscoll
Wildlife Institute of India, India
Prof. Larry Driver
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA
Prof. Brian Druker
Oregon Health & Science University Cancer Institute, USA
Prof. Dongsheng Duan
University of Missouri, USA
Prof. Ronald Dubner
University of Maryland Dental School, USA
Prof. Michael R. Duchen
University College London, UK
Prof. Frank Dudbridge
University of Leicester, UK
Prof. Karen Duff
Columbia University Medical Center/NYS Psychiatric Institute, USA
Prof. Diane M. Duffy
Eastern Virginia Medical School, USA
Dr. Erin Duffy
Rib-X Pharmaceuticals Inc, New Haven, USA
Prof. Joe Duffy
St Vincent's University Hospital and University College Dublin, Ireland
Dr. Tony Dundon
National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland
Prof. Emeritus Richard Dunford
University of New South Wales, Australia
Prof. Randall B. Dunham
University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Dr. Rachael Dunlop
Brain Chemistry Labs, USA
Prof. Winnie Dunn
University of Missouri, USA
Prof. Gary Dunny
University of Minnesota, USA
Prof. David Dunstan
Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute, Australia
Dr. Danie du Plessis
Medical Affairs Professional Society, UK
Dr. Luc Dupuis
Université de Strasbourg, France
Dr. Christine Durham
RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia
Prof. Valerie Durkalski-Mauldin
Medical University of South Carolina, USA
Mr. William Durr
Principal Global Solutions Consultant, Witness Systems, USA
Dr. Scott Durum
National Cancer Institute, NIH, USA
Prof. Geoffrey Dusheiko
Royal Free Hospital, London, UK
Dr. Omer Dushek
University of Oxford, UK
Dr. Gary Dushnitsky
London Business School, UK
Mr. Alan Dutka
President, NSRC, USA
Mr. Peter du Toit
Founder, FutureWork IQ, South Africa
Mr. Brian Dvorak
Managing Director, Moody’s KMV Credit Strategies Group, USA
Dr. Christopher Dye
World Health Organization, Switzerland
Prof. Brian Dynlacht
New York University School of Medicine and NYU Cancer Institute, USA
Mr. Seth Earley
Earley & Associates, USA
Prof. Robert East
Professor of Consumer Behaviour, Kingston University, UK
Prof. Andrew Easton
University of Warwick, UK
Prof. S. Boyd Eaton
Emory University, USA
Mr. Mark Eaves
Managing Director, Drum PHD, UK
Prof. Peter R. Ebeling
Monash University, Australia
Prof. Diana Eccles
University of Southampton, UK
Dr. Rafael Echevarne
Independent Consultant, Spain
Prof. Robert Eckel
University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, USA
Prof. Jon Eckhardt
University of Wisconsin, USA
Dr. Tinkuma Edafioghor
UWE Bristol, UK
Prof. Peter Eddey
Provost, Australian National Institute of Management and Commerce (IMC), Australia
Mr. David C. Edelman
Harvard Business School, USA
Prof. Martin Edelman
Fox Chase Cancer Center, USA
Prof. Alex Edmans
London Business School, UK
Prof. Amy C. Edmondson
Harvard Business School, USA
Prof. Ivor Ralph Edwards
Independent Medical Consultant in Drug and Chemical Safety, Sweden
Dr. John Egan
Director of Marketing & External Communications, London South Bank University, UK
Prof. Arne Egesten
Lund University, Sweden
Prof. Barbara Ehrlich
Yale University, USA
Prof. Barry Eichengreen
University of California, Berkeley, USA
Prof. Dr. Sabine Eichinger
Medical University of Vienna, Austria
Prof. Evan Eichler
University of Washington, USA
Prof. Robert N. Eisenman
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, USA
Prof. David Eisner
University of Manchester, UK
Prof. Joel C. Eissenberg
Saint Louis University, USA
Dr. Stuart Elborn
Queen’s University Belfast, UK
Ms. Misty Eldridge
Planning and S&OP Leader, USA
Mr. John Elkington
Co-Founder & Executive Chairman, Volans, and Co-Founder and Board Director, SustainAbility, UK
Dr. Lorraine Elliott
Australian National University, Australia
Prof. Richard Elliott
University of St Andrews, UK
Prof. Tim Elliott
University of Oxford, UK
Prof. Emeritus R. John Ellis
University of Warwick, UK
Ms. Susan Ellis
President, Energize, Inc., USA
Dr. Fiona Ellis-Chadwick
Senior Lecturer, Open University Business School, UK
Prof. Peter Ellison
Harvard University, USA
Dr. Keith S. Elmslie
AT Still University, Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine, USA
Prof. Robert Elston
Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, USA
Ms. Eltoria
Blogger and fashion influencer, UK
Dr. Ian Eltringham
King’s College Hospital, London, UK
Prof. Paul Embrechts
Professor of Mathematics, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerland
Dr. Paul Emerson
International Trachoma Initiative, USA
Ms. Kirsty Emery
Dr. Bill Emmott
Co-director, Global Commission for Post-Pandemic Policy, Ireland
Prof. Peter Enderwick
Head, Department of International Management, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
Prof. Charis Eng
Cleveland Clinic, USA
Dr. Thomas Engel
Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany
Prof. John F. Engelhardt
University of Iowa, USA
Prof. Kurt J. Engemann
Iona College, USA
Prof. Walter Englander
University of Pennsylvania, USA
Prof. Lynn W. Enquist
Princeton University, USA
Prof. Mark Enright
Imperial College London, UK
Prof. Ido Erev
Warwick Business School, UK, and Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
Prof. Raj Eri
University of Tasmania, Australia
Prof. Raymond Erikson
Harvard University, USA
Dr. Daniel A. Erlanson
Carmot Therapeutics, Inc., USA
Dr. İmdat Eroğlu
Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Turkey
Dr. Vasilii Erokhin
Harbin Engineering University, China
Prof. Caetano Reis e Sousa
Cancer Research, London Research Institute, UK
Dr. Enrique Espinosa
Hospital La Paz, Spain
Dr. Mark Esposito
Hult International Business School & Harvard University, USA
Dr. Dominique Estampe
ISLI-BEM - Bordeaux Management School
Prof. José Esté
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain
Dr. Hooman Estelami
Associate Professor of Marketing, Fordham University, USA
Prof. Mary Estes
Baylor College of Medicine, USA
Prof. Xavier Estivill
Centre for Genomic Regulation, Barcelona, Spain
Dr. David Evans
University of Bristol, UK
Prof. D. Gareth R. Evans
The University of Manchester, UK
Prof. Joel R. Evans
Zarb School of Business, Hofstra University, USA
Mr. Martin Evans
Managing Director, The Tourism Business, UK
Prof. Sir Martin Evans
Cardiff School of Biosciences, Cardiff University, UK
Dr. Matthew Evans
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, USA
Dr. Thomas Evans
Aeras, USA
Dr. Tracey Evans
University of Pennsylvania, USA
Mrs. Wendy Evans
Head of Library, University College Plymouth St. Mark & St. John, UK
Dr. William Evans
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, USA
Dr. Nancy Everds
Clinical Pathology, Amgen Inc., USA
Prof. Paul Ewald
University of Louisville, USA
Dr. Jonathan Ewbank
INSERM, France
Dr. Chiara Fabbri
King’s College London, UK
Prof. Stewart A. Factor
Emory University School of Medicine, USA
Prof. Alan Faden
University of Maryland School of Medicine, USA
Prof. Marcel Fafchamps
Stanford University, USA
Prof. Ahmed Hassan Fahal
University of Khartoum, Sudan
Dr. Ciaran Faherty
Dharmacon Inc., USA
Prof. Stanley Fahn
Columbia University, USA
Prof. Paul J. Fairchild
University of Oxford, UK
Prof. Susan Fairweather-Tait
University of East Anglia, UK
Prof. Bernd Fakler
Institute of Physiology, University of Freiburg, Germany
Prof. Charles Falany
Department of Pharmacology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA
Prof. Franco H. Falcone
Justus Liebig University Giessen, Germany
Dr. Qing R. Fan
Columbia University, USA
Dr. Chris Fanta
Brigham and Women's Hospital, USA
Prof. Camile Farah
School of Dentistry - University of Western Australia, Australia
Dr. Elaine Farndale
Pennsylvania State University, USA & Tilburg University, The Netherlands
Prof. Peggy Farnham
University of California in Davis, USA
Mr. Sunny Faronbi
Managing Partner, Rehoboth Consulting, Inc., USA
Ms. Laurel Farrer
CEO, Distribute Consulting; Founder, Remote Work Association, USA
Dr. Patricia Fast
Stanford University School of Medicine, USA
Dr. Sayyed Mohsen Fatemi
Adjunct Faculty at York University, Canada and Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran
Mr. Bill Faust
Author and Executive Director at CustomerFusion Group, UK
Prof. James Fawcett
Cambridge University Centre for Brain Repair, UK
Dr. Maria Febbraio
Lerner Research Institute, Cleveland Clinic, USA
Dr. Nikolas Fechner
University of Tübingen, Germany
Prof. Gerald W. Feigenson
Cornell University, USA
Prof. Deborah Fein
University of Connecticut, USA
Prof. David Feldman
Stanford School of Medicine, USA
Prof. Marcus Feldman
Stanford University, USA
Prof. Marc Feldmann
Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology, Imperial College London, UK
Prof. William Fenical
University of California San Diego, USA
Prof. Alan Fenwick
Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College London, UK
Prof. Michael Ferguson
University of Dundee, UK
Dr. Anne Ferguson-Smith
University of Cambridge, UK
Dr. João Paulo S. Fernandes
Federal University of São Paulo (Unifesp), Brazil
Prof. Ana Fernandez-Sesma
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, USA
Prof. John Fernie
Professor of Retail Marketing, Heriot Watt University, UK
Prof. Dominique Ferrandon
French National Centre for Scientific Research, France
Dr. Mauro Ferrari
Houston Methodist Hospital, USA
Dr. Sergi Ferré
National Institute on Drug Abuse, USA
Prof. Simone Ferriani
Bologna University, Italy
Dr. Soldano Ferrone
Harvard Medical School, USA
Prof. Henry E. Fessler
Johns Hopkins University, USA
Dr. Lars Feuk
Uppsala University, Sweden
Prof. Eric Fèvre
University of Liverpool, UK and ILRI, Kenya
Dr. Giuseppe Ficarra
University of Florence and Azienda Ospedaliera, Italy
Dr. Hugh J. Field
University of Cambridge, UK
Prof. Edelle Field-Fote
Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Prof. Jessica A. Filosa
Augusta University, Georgia, USA
Prof. Caleb Finch
The University of Southern California, USA
Dr. Lauren Fine
University of Miami, USA
Dr. Maya Finger
The College of Management Academic Studies, Israel
Prof. Martin A. Finkel
Rowan University, USA
Prof. B. Brett Finlay
University of British Columbia, Canada
Dr. Susan S. Fiorito
Professor, College of Business, Florida State University, USA
Prof. Edmond Fischer
University of Washington, Seattle, USA
Prof. Krista Fischer
Tartu University, Estonia
Prof. Durland Fish
Yale University Medical School, USA
Prof. Eleanor N. Fish
University of Toronto, Canada
Prof. Colin Fisher
Nottingham Business School, UK
Prof. Colin M. Fisher
School of Management, Boston University, USA
Prof. Cynthia D. Fisher
Bond University, Australia
Prof. David E. Fisher
Massachusetts General Hospital, USA
Prof. Edward Fisher
New York University, USA
Dr. Robert Fisher
Stanford University, USA
Dr. Rosemary Fisher
Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
Dr. Stephen Fisher
Principal and CIO, First Degree Global Asset Management Pte Ltd, Singapore
Mr. Edward Fishwick
Managing Director, Co-Head of Risk & Quantitative Analysis, Blackrock
Dr. Kate Fitzgerald
University of Massachusetts, USA
Prof. Maria Fitzgerald
University College London, UK
Prof. Mark Fitzgerald
University of British Columbia, Canada
Prof. Jude Fitzgibbon
University of London, UK
Dr. Christopher Fitzpatrick
Stop TB Department at the World Health Organization, Switzerland
Mr. Chris Flack
Co-founder, UnPlug, Ireland
Prof. Katie Flanagan
University of Tasmania, Australia
Prof. Mark Flannery
Bank of America Professor of Finance, University of Florida, USA
Prof. Tom Fleming
University of Southampton, UK
Prof. Robert Flisiak
Medical University of Bialystok, Poland
Dr. David Flockhart
Indiana University School of Medicine, USA
Prof. Leopold Flohe
Technical University, Germany
Prof. Dennis O. Flynn
University of the Pacific, USA
Dr. Daniele Focosi
Pisa University Hospital, Italy
Prof. Daniel S. Fogel
Director of the Graduate Programs in Sustainability, Wake Forest University, USA
Prof. Lane Foil
Louisiana State University, USA
Prof. Robert Folger
University of Central Florida, USA
Prof. Eric Fombonne
Oregon Health and Science University, USA
Dr. Angelina Fong
The University of Melbourne, Australia
Prof. Kok-Yong Fong
Singapore General Hospital, Singapore
Prof. João Eurico Fonseca
University of Lisbon, Portugal
Dr. Robert Ford
University of Central Florida, USA
Dr. Gabor Forgacs
Assistant Professor, Ted Rogers School of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Ryerson University, Canada
Prof. Henry Jay Forman
University of California, Merced, USA
Prof. John V. Forrester
Professor Emeritus, University of Aberdeen, UK
Prof. Christopher Forsmark
University of Florida, USA
Prof. J. Kevin Foskett
University of Pennsylvania, USA
Ms. Anne Foster
Director, Strategy and Marketing, Newspaper Marketing Agency, UK
Prof. Russell Foster
University of Oxford, UK
Dr. Sarah Fouch
University of Portsmouth, UK
Prof. Ron Fouchier
Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Prof. John Fox
University of Oxford, UK
Prof. Nick Fox
National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Institute of Neurology, UCL, UK
Dr. Joseph A. Fraietta
University of Pennsylvania, USA
Dr. Pietro Franceschi
Fondazione Edmund Mach, Italy
Prof. Joachim Frank
Columbia University and State University of New York at Albany, USA
Prof. Jeffrey Frankel
Harvard Kennedy School, USA
Dr. M. I. Franklin
Goldsmiths College, UK
Prof. Paul Franks
Lund University, Sweden
Mr. Shaun Frankson
Plastic Bank Co-founder, Canada
Dr. David Franz
US Army (Retired) and Kansas State University., USA
Dr. Patricia Fraser
CBR Institute for Biomedical Research and Division of Rheumatology, Immunology and Allergy, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, USA
Dr. Pietro Fratta
University College London, UK
Dr. Kelly Frazer
Genomics, Perlegen Sciences, Inc., USA
Dr. Ashley Frazer-Abel
University of Colorado, USA
Dr. Kendall S. Frazier
GlaxoSmithKline, USA
Dr. Primrose Freestone
University of Leicester, UK
Prof. Marc Freichel
Heidelberg University, Germany
Dr. Andre Frenzel
Ms. Aliza Freud
Founder and CEO, SheSpeaks Inc., USA
Dr. John W. Frew
University of New South Wales, Australia
Prof. Yitzhak Fried
Syracuse University, USA
Dr. Mark T. Friedman
NYU Grossman Long Island School of Medicine, USA
Prof. Theodore Friedmann
University of California San Diego, USA
Dr. David Friel
Case Western Reserve University, USA
Prof. James Fries
Stanford School of Medicine, USA
Dr. Niels Frimodt-Møller
Statens Serum Institute, Denmark
Prof. Marvin J. Fritzler
University of Calgary, Canada
Prof. Hillel Fromm
Tel Aviv University, Israel
Dr. Bernardo Frossard Silva-Rêgo
Universidade Catolica de Petropolis, Brazil
Prof. Chris Frost
Liverpool John Moores University, UK
Mr. Stephen Frost
CEO, Frost Included, UK
Prof. Johan Frostegard
Karolinska University Hospital, Sweden
Prof. Rob Froud
Warwick Medical School, UK
Prof. Andrew Fry
University of Leicester, UK
Dr. Brian S. Fugate
Assistant Professor of Supply Chain Management, Colorado State University, USA
Dr. Hironobu Fujiwara
RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology (CDB) Kobe, Japan
Prof. Toshiyuki Fukao
Gifu University, Japan
Dr. Simone Fulda
University Children's Hospital Ulm, Germany
Dr. Claudette L. Fuller
Merck Research Laboratories, USA
Dr. Matteo Fumagalli
University College London, UK
Prof. Barbara Funnell
University of Toronto, Canada
Prof. Bruce Furie
Harvard Medical School, USA
Res. Prof. Clement Furlong
Div. of Medical Genetics and Genome Sciences, Univ. of Washington, USA
Prof. Jason Furman
Harvard University, USA
Prof. Adrian Furnham
Professor of Psychology, University College London, UK
Prof. Monika Fuxreiter
University of Debrecen, Hungary
Prof. Ivor Gaber
City University London and University of Bedfordshire, UK
Prof. Yiannis Gabriel
Professor of Organization Theory, University of Bath, UK
Prof. Dmitry Gabrilovich
AstraZeneca, USA
Dr. Catarina Gadelha
University of Nottingham, UK
Dr. Noa Gafni
Rutgers Institute for Corporate Social Innovation, USA
Dr. Sébastian Gagneux
National Institute for Medical Research, UK
Dr. David Gailani
Vanderbilt University, USA
Prof. James K. Galbraith
The University of Texas at Austin, USA
Dr. Bradley T. Gale
Author, Managing Customer Value; Founder and President, Customer Value Inc., USA
Prof. Mary Galea
University of Melbourne, Australia
Prof. Antony Galione
University of Oxford, UK
Prof. Rollin Gallagher
Philadelphia VA Medical Center and University of Pennsylvania, USA
Prof. Peter Gallant
University of Wurzburg, Germany
Prof. Jérémie Gallien
London Business School, UK
Prof. Robert D. (Bob) Galliers
Bentley University, USA
Prof. Robert Gallo
Institute of Human Virology, University of Maryland Baltimore, USA
Prof. Pierluigi Gambetti
Department of Pathology, Case Western Reverse University, USA
Prof. Malú Gámez Tansey
University of Florida, USA
Mr. Jonathan Gan
Whichit, UK
Prof. Elisabeth Gantt
University of Maryland, USA
Prof. Tomas Ganz
University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Dr. Feng Gao
Duke University Medical Center, USA
Dr. Jean Gao
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Texas at Arlington, USA
Dr. L. Rene Garcia
Texas A&M University, USA
Dr. Isaac Garcia-Murillas
The Institute of Cancer Research, UK
Dr. Adolfo Garcia-Sastre
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, USA
Dr. Richard G. Gardner
University of Washington, USA
Prof. William L. Gardner
Texas Tech University, USA
Dr. Ron Garland
Chair of the Department of Marketing, University of Waikato, New Zealand
Dr. Laure Garnier
University of Geneva, Switzerland
Mr. Mark Garratt
Partner and Co-founder, In4mation Insights, USA
Prof. Elizabeth Garrett-Mayer
Medical University of South Carolina, USA
Dr. Ryan Garrick
University of Mississippi, USA
Dr. Laurie Garrow
Assistant Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Dr. Victoria Garside
The University of Melbourne, Australia
Prof. Susan Gasser
Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research, Switzerland
Dr. Marcus Gastreich
BioSolveIT GmbH, Germany
Dr. Bob Gatenby
Moffitt Cancer Center, USA
Prof. Judith Gault
University of Colorado, Denver, USA
Prof. Ricardo Gazzinelli
University of Massachusetts Medical School, USA
Prof. Gerald Gebhart
University of Pittsburgh, USA
Ms. Katherine Gehl
Founder, The Institute for Political Innovation (IPI), USA, USA
Prof. Frederick A. Geissmann
King's College London, UK
Prof. Emmanuelle Génin
Brest University Hospital, France
Mr. Val-Pierre Genton
Co-Founder and VP, Growth of New Business Development, BrightTALK and Chair, IAB's B2B Council, UK
Dr. Christopher George
Swansea University, UK
Mr. Duncan George
Consultant, UK
Mr. Julian George
Department of Materials, Imperial College London, UK
Prof. Stephen George
Duke University School of Medicine, USA
Mr. John Geraci
Founder and President, Crux Research, USA
Dr. Julia Gerasimenko
University of Liverpool, UK
Dr. Oleg Gerasimenko
University of Liverpool, UK
Prof. Juliet Gerrard
University of Auckland, New Zealand
Prof. Anne Gershon
Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, USA
Dr. Eran Gershon
Agricultural Research Organization, Israel
Dr. M. Eric Gershwin
University of California at Davis, USA
Dr. Don Gerson
PnuVax, Inc, Canada
Prof. Mark Gerstein
Yale University, USA
Prof. Thomas R. Gest
University of Houston College of Medicine, USA
Prof. Raymond Gesteland
University of Utah, USA
Dr. Haileyesus Getahun
Stop TB Department at the World Health Organization, Switzerland
Prof. Andrew Gewirtz
Georgia State University, USA
Prof. Pietro Ghezzi
University of Urbino, Italy
Dr. Irene Ghobrial
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School, USA
Prof. Jayati Ghosh
University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA
Dr. Samik Ghosh
The Systems Biology Institute, Japan
Prof. Sankar Ghosh
Columbia University, USA
Prof. Daniel Gianola
University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Mr. Justin Gibbons
Partner, Work Research, UK
Prof. Richard Gibbons
University of Oxford, UK
Prof. Glenn Gibson
University of Reading, UK
Dr. Greg Gibson
Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Dr. Toby Gibson
EMBL Heidelberg, Germany
Prof. Volkmar Gieselmann
Institut fur Physiologische Chemie, University of Bonn, Germany
Prof. Donald G. Gifford
University of Maryland School of Law, USA
Prof. Timothy J. Gilbride
Assistant Professor of Marketing, University of Notre Dame, USA
Dr. Michael Gill
School of Management University of Bath, UK
Dr. Rachel Gillespie
University of Manchester, UK
Prof. Stephen Gillespie
University of St. Andrews, UK
Prof. Audrey Gilmore
Ulster University, UK
Prof. Thomas Gilovich
Cornell University, USA
Mr. John Ginovsky
Banking Exchange Magazine, USA
Prof. Antonio Giordano
Temple University, USA
Prof. James Giordano
Georgetown University Medical Center, USA
Dr. Marc P. Girard
University of Paris, France
Dr. Stephen Girardin
University of Toronto, Canada
Prof. Claudia Girardone
University of Essex, UK
Dr. Paul Gissen
University College London, UK
Prof. Aaron D. Gitler
Stanford University School of Medicine, USA
Dr. Paola Giunti
University College London, UK
Prof. Edward Glaeser
Harvard University, USA
Prof. Christopher Glass
University of California, San Diego, USA
Dr. Philippe Glaziou
Stop TB Department at the World Health Organization, Switzerland
Prof. Emeritus Michael Gleeson
Loughborough University, UK
Prof. Paul Glewwe
University of Minnesota, USA
Dr. Benjamin Glick
University of Chicago, USA
Mr. Martin Glisby
Chief Strategy Officer, Ole Lynggaard, Denmark and Director, Glisby Holden & Associates, UK
Prof. Joseph C. Glorioso
University of Pittsburgh, USA
Dr. John R. Glover
University of Toronto, Canada
Prof. Dale Godfrey
The University of Melbourne, Australia
Dr. Janet Godsell
University of Warwick, UK
Prof. Michel Goedert
University of Cambridge, UK
Prof. Keith Goffin
Cranfield University School of Management, UK
Dr. Ömer Gökçümen
Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School, USA
Prof. Dwight Golann
Suffolk University Law School, USA
Dr. Larry Gold
SomaLogic, USA
Dr. Raphaela Goldbach-Mansky
National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Disorders, NIH, USA
Prof. Alfred Goldberg
Harvard Medical School, USA
Dr. Martin Goldberg
Birmingham City University, UK
Prof. Ian Goldin
University of Oxford, UK
Dr. Chris Golding
Alliance Manchester Business School, UK
Dr. David Goldreich
Associate Professor of Finance, University of Toronto, Canada
Prof. David Goldstein
University College London, UK
Dr. David S. Goldstein
National Institutes of Health (NIH), USA
Prof. Emeritus Joshua S. Goldstein
American University, USA
Prof. Larry Goldstein
Duke University, USA
Dr. Tony Goldstone
Imperial College London, UK
Prof. Douglas Golenbock
University of Massachusetts, USA
Dr. Ismail Golgeci
Aarhus University, Denmark
Prof. Pierre Goloubinoff
Lausanne University, Switzerland
Prof. Edgar Goluch
Northeastern University, USA
Mr. Emmanuel Gomas
Transgenic Technologies Training and Consulting, 3TC, France
Prof. Aldrin V. Gomes
University of California, Davis, USA
Prof. Jean-Pascal Gond
Cass Business School, UK
Dr. Theresa Gonzales
The Medical University of South Carolina, USA
Prof. Laura Gonzalez
Fordham University, USA
Prof. Ray Gordon
Bond Business School, Australia
Prof. Emeritus Siamon Gordon
University of Oxford, UK
Prof. Jonathan Gosling
University of Exeter, UK
Prof. Fred Gould
North Carolina State University, USA
Prof. Ramaswamy Govindan
Washington University in St. Louis, USA
Prof. Neil Gow
Aberdeen University, UK
Mr. Barry Gowers
Partner, Gowers Consultancy, UK
Prof. Vidhan K. Goyal
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
Prof. Peter Grabosky
Australian National University, Australia
Prof. Gregory Grabowski
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, USA
Prof. Luis Graca
University of Lisbon, Portugal
Dr. Fiona Graetz
Senior Lecturer, Graduate School of Management, La Trobe University, Australia
Dr. Wolfgang Graier
Medical University of Graz, Austria
Dr. Stephen Grainger
Global Education Pathways, Australia
Prof. Temple Grandin
Colorado State University, USA
Prof. Sergei A. Grando
University of California-Irvine, USA
Dr. Lou Grangeon
Rouen University hospital, France
Dr. Irit Granot
Herzliya Medical Center, Israel
Dr. Anthony Grant
University of Sydney, Australia
Prof. David Grant
Professor of Logistics and Director, Logistics Institute, Hull University Business School, UK
Prof. Robert Grant
Bocconi University, Italy
Dr. William Grant
James Madison University, USA
Prof. Stephanie Gras
La Trobe University, Australia
Prof. Georges Grau
The University of Sydney, Australia
Prof. Jenny Graves
Research School of Biological Sciences, The Australian National University, Australia
Prof. David Gray
University of Edinburgh, UK
Prof. John T. Gray
Audentes Therapeutics Inc., USA
Prof. John Greally
Albert Einstein College of Medicine, USA
Dr. David Greaves
University of Oxford, UK
Dr. Laura Greaves
Newcastle University, UK
Prof. Mel Greaves
Institute of Cancer Research, UK
Prof. Henry Greely
Stanford University, USA
Dr. Anne Green
University of Warwick, UK
Prof. Douglas Green
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, USA
Prof. Rachel Green
Johns Hopkins University, USA
Prof. Steven Greenberg
Columbia University, USA
Prof. Mark Greene
University of Pennsylvania, USA
Dr. Sue Greener
University of Brighton, UK
Mr. Tony Greener
University of Brighton, UK
Mr. Anthony Greenfield
Consultant, Resolve, UK
Prof. Trisha Greenhalgh
University of Oxford, UK
Prof. John Greenman
University of the West of England, UK
Dr. Ralph Greenspan
The Neurosciences Institute, USA
Prof. Niels Gregersen
University of Aarhus, Denmark
Dr. Brian Gregory
University of Pennsylvania, USA
Mr. James R. Gregory
CoreBrand, USA
Dr. Simon Gregory
Duke University, USA
Mr. Andrew Gregson
Fab Lab London, UK
Prof. Tim Greten
Senior Investigator, Bethesda, USA
Dr. Joachim M. Greuel
Bioscience Valuation BSV GmbH, Germany
Prof. Diane E. Griffin
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, USA
Prof. Kevin S. Griffith
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Fort Collins, USA
Prof. Chris Griffiths
University of Manchester, UK
Prof. Gillian M. Griffiths
University of Cambridge, UK
Mr. Rufus Grig
Managing Director, Callmedia, UK
Prof. Damian Grimshaw
University of Manchester, UK
Prof. Roy Grinker
George Washington University, USA
Prof. Keith Grint
Professor of Public Leadership & Management, University of Warwick, UK
Dr. Paul Griseri
Middlesex University, UK
Dr. Reinhard Grisshammer
National Cancer Institute, USA
Ms. Savitri Groag
Refugee Talent Hub, The Netherlands
Mr. Allan D Grody
President, Financial InterGroup (FIG) Holdings Ltd, USA
Dr. Anna Grosman
Loughborough University, UK
Prof. Irena Grugulis
Leeds University Business School, UK
Prof. Tilman Grune
University of Honnenheim, Germany
Dr. José Guadix
Assistant Professor of Operational Research, University of Seville, Spain
Dr. Francisco Guarner
Hospital Vall d'Hebron, Barcelona, Spain
Prof. Emeritus Duane J. Gubler
Duke-NUS Medical School, Singapore
Dr. Maria Graça Guedes
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
Prof. F. Peter Guengerich
Dept. of Biochemistry, Center in Molecular Toxicology, Vanderbilt University, USA
Dr. Montserrat Guerra
Austral University, Chile
Dr. Rita J. Guerreiro
University College London, UK
Prof. Loic Guillevin
Hopital Cochin, Universite Rene Descartes, France
Dr. Farshad Guirakhoo
Vaxess Technologies, USA
Prof. Azzim Gulamhussen
Vlerick Business School, Belgium
Prof. Ranjay Gulati
Harvard Business School, USA
Dr. Brian D. Gulbransen
Neuroscience Program and Department of Physiology, Michigan State University, USA
Ms. Elaine Gunter
Specimen Solutions, LLC, USA
Prof. Helen Gunter
University of Manchester, UK
Dr. Wendy Gunther
VU Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Dr. Wenjun Guo
Albert Einstein College of Medicine, USA
Prof. Anil K. Gupta
University of Maryland, USA
Dr. Rajesh K. Gupta
President, Biologics Quality & Regulatory Consultants, LLC, USA
Dr. Suraksha Gupta
Lecturer, Brunel University, UK
Prof. Vsevolod V. Gurevich
Vanderbilt University, USA
Dr. Anand Gururajan
University of Sydney, Australia
Dr. Deborah Gustafson
University of Gothenburg, Sweden and SUNY-Downstate Medical Center, USA
Prof. J. Silvio Gutkind
University of California San Diego, USA
Prof. Dr. Michael Gütschow
University of Bonn, Germany
Prof. Gordon Guyatt
McMaster University, Canada
Prof. Margaret Gyapong
University of Health and Allied Sciences, Ghana
Prof. James Haber
Brandeis University, USA
Dr. Mark Habgood
University of Melbourne, Australia
Prof. Nagy Habib
Division of Surgery, Oncology, Reproductive Biology and Anaesthetics, Imperial College London, UK
Prof. Vladimir Hachinski
University of Western Ontario, Canada
Prof. Werner Hacke
University of Heidelberg, Germany
Dr. Jesse Hackell
New York Medical College, USA
Dr. Nick Hacking
Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, UK
Prof. J. Richard Hackman
Department of Psychology, Harvard University, USA
Prof. Allan Hackshaw
University College London, UK
Dr. Mahsa Hadidi
Sanofi Genzyme, USA
Mr. Mark Haftke
Managing Director, Haftke Technology Solicitors, UK
Dr. Ulrich Hagemann
International Society of Pharmacovigilance, Germany
Mr. Dan Hagen
Managing Partner, MPG, UK
Dr. Stephen Hagen
University of Florida, USA
Prof. David Haig
Harvard University, USA
Mr. David Haigh
Chief Executive Officer, Brand Finance Plc, UK
Prof. Veronica Hope Hailey
University of Bath, UK
Prof. Stephen Hajduk
University of Georgia, USA
Prof. Mihaly Hajos
Yale University, USA
Dr. Antara Haldar
University of Cambridge, UK
Dr. Geoffrey Hale
Chief Executive Officer of mAbsolve Ltd., UK
Prof. Nigel G. Halford
Rothamsted Research, UK
Dr. Abdel-Bassett Halim
Daiichi-Sankyo, Inc.
Prof. Edward D. Hall
University of Kentucky College of Medicine, Spinal Cord & Brain Injury Research Center, USA
Prof. Ian Hall
University of Nottingham, UK
Prof. Jeffrey C. Hall
Brandeis University, USA
Dr. Michael Stephen Hall
Diabetes UK, UK
Prof. William Hall
University College Dublin, Ireland
Prof. Stefan Hallermann
University Leipzig, Germany
Dr. Nigel Halpern
Associate Professor, Molde University College, Norway
Prof. Scott Halstead
International Vaccine Institute, S. Korea
Prof. Emeritus Koichi Hamada
Yale University, USA
Dr. Jörg Hamann
University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Dr. Susan Hamer
NIHR Clinical Research Network, UK
Dr. Jim Hamill
Reader, University of Strathclyde, UK
Prof. Joshua Hamilton
Marine Biological Laboratory, USA
Ms. Marwa Hammam
University of Cambridge, UK
Dr. Stephen R. Hammes
University of Rochester Medical Center, USA
Dr. Robert Hammond
University of St Andrews, UK
Prof. Michael Hampsey
Rutgers University, USA
Dr. Derick Han
University of Southern California, USA
Ms. Maggie Han
Renal Research Institute, USA
Prof. Dr. Katja Hanack
University of Potsdam, Germany
Prof. Hermann Handwerker
University of Erlangen, Germany
Prof. Dr. Uwe-Karsten Hanisch
University of Leipzig, Germany
Prof. Graeme Hankey
Royal Perth Hospital and University of Western Australia, Australia
Dr. Jonathan Hanley
University of Bristol, UK
Mr. Michael Hanley
Assistant Professor of Advertising, Ball State University, USA
Dr. Annmarie Hanlon
Cranfield School of Management, UK
Prof. Jacob (Yaqub) Hanna
Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Prof. Axel Kornerup Hansen
University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Prof. Jeffrey Hansen
Colorado State University, USA
Prof. Robert M. Hanson
St. Olaf College, USA
Dr. Heather Hanson Pierce
Addenbrooke’s NHS Trust, UK
Dr. Aylin Hanyaloglu
Imperial College London, UK
Prof. Grahame Hardie
University of Dundee, UK
Mr. Joshua Hardie
Director, EdComs, UK
Prof. Giles E. Hardingham
University of Edinburgh, UK
Prof. Dr. Wolf-Dietrich Hardt
Institute of Microbiology, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Dr. Kevin Hardwick
University of Edinburgh, UK
Prof. John Hardy
Institute of Neurology, University College London, UK
Prof. Joshua M. Hare
University of Miami, USA
Dr. Annick Harel-Bellan
Institut Andre Lwoff, France
Prof. Parameswaran Hari
Medical College of Wisconsin, USA
Prof. Sam Hariharan
Babson College, USA
Ms. Jane Harley
Michael Palin Centre, UK
Prof. Luke Harmon
University of Idaho, USA
Dr. David Harness
Senior Lecturer in Marketing, University of Hull, UK
Prof. Simon Haroutounian
Washington University School of Medicine, USA
Prof. Anthony D. Harries
International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, UK
Prof. Kevin Harrington
The Institute of Cancer Research, UK
Dr. Laura C. Harrington
Cornell University, USA
Prof. Claire Harris
Newcastle University, UK
Prof. Reuben Harris
University of Minnesota, USA
Prof. Sandra Harris
Rutgers University, USA
Dr. Tim Harris
Biogen Idec., USA
Prof. Robert Harrison
Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, UK
Dr. Seamus Harrison
University College London, UK
Dr. Tina Harrison
Senior Lecturer in Financial Services Marketing, University of Edinburgh, UK
Dr. Wendy Harrison
Chief Executive Officer, SCI Foundation, UK
Prof. Ronald M. Harris-Warrick
Cornell University, USA
Prof. Oliver Hart
Harvard University, USA
Prof. Phil Hart
The Ohio State University, USA
Mr. Ted Hart
CEO, Hart Philanthropic Services Group, USA
Prof. Dr. F. Ulrich Hartl
Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry, Germany
Dr. Carol Hartmann
University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa
Dr. Anika Hartz
University of Kentucky, USA
Prof. Grant Hartzog
University of California, Santa Cruz, USA
Dr. Wendy Harwood
John Innes Centre, Norwich, UK
Ms. Bushra Hasan
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI), Bahrain
Dr. Yazan Hassona
The University of Jordan, Jordan
Prof. Gerard Hastings
Professor of Social Marketing, Stirling University, UK
Prof. Jennifer Hastings
University of Puget Sound, USA
Prof. Grant Hatch
University of Manitoba, Canada
Mr. Nigel Hathway
Consultant, Nigel Hathway Associates, UK
Prof. Andrew Hattersley
University of Exeter, UK
Prof. Robert A. Hauser
University of South Florida, USA
Prof. Kristen Hawkes
University of Utah, USA
Dr. Nicola J. Hawkins
Rothamsted Research, Harpenden, UK
Prof. R. Scott Hawley
The Stowers Institute for Medical Research, USA
Prof. Thomas R. Hawn
University of Washington, USA
Prof. Bruce A. Hay
California Institute of Technology, USA
Prof. David C. Hay
The University of Edinburgh, UK
Prof. Adrian Hayday
King’s College London School of Medicine, UK
Prof. Frederick G. Hayden
University of Virginia School of Medicine, USA
Prof. Jennifer Hayes
The University of Melbourne, Australia
Dr. Rochelle Haynes
Founder and CEO, Crowd Potential, UK
Prof. Jennifer Haythornthwaite
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, USA
Prof. Chuan He
University of Chicago, USA
Prof. Xiaohong He
Quinnipiac University, USA
Prof. John Hearn
The London Institute of Banking & Finance, UK
Dr. Jenny Heathcote
University of Toronto, Canada
Prof. Alexander E. P. Heazell
The University of Manchester, UK
Prof. Dr. Johannes Hebebrand
University Hospital Essen, Germany
Prof. Ulrike Heberlein
University of California, San Francisco, USA
Prof. Daniel Hebert
University of Massachusetts-Amherst, USA
Prof. Terry Hébert
McGill University, Canada
Prof. Michael Hecht
Princeton University, USA
Dr. Ramanujan Hegde
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, UK
Dr. Lisa Hehenberger
ESADE Business School, Spain
Mr. A. Geert Heidema
Maastricht University, The Netherlands
Prof. Wolf-Dieter Heiss
Max Planck Institute for Neurological Research, Germany
Mr. Theo Helder
Formerly of the Inspectorate for Health Protection, The Netherlands
Dr. Vignir Helgason
University of Glasgow, UK
Prof. Johannes Hell
University of California, Davis, USA
Dr. Garrett Hellenthal
University College London, UK
Mrs. Orienka Hellferscee
National Institute for Communicable Disease, South Africa
Prof. Harry Hemingway
University College London Medical School, UK
Prof. Linda M. Hendershot
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, USA
Mr. Douglas M. Henderson
Disaster Management Inc., USA
Prof. Rebecca Henderson
Harvard University, USA
Prof. Michael Hengartner
Institute of Molecular Biology, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Dr. John Hennessy
Chairman, Alphabet Inc., USA
Ms. Rowena Hennigan
TU Dublin, Ireland
Ms. Massiel C. Henríquez Parodi
University of Udine, Italy and University of Agder, Norway
Prof. Helen Henry
University of California, Riverside, USA
Prof. Robert Henry
University of Queensland, Australia
Prof. Peter Henson
National Jewish Medical Research Center, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, USA
Prof. Cameron Hepburn
University of Oxford, UK
Dr. Russell Hepple
University of Calgary, Canada
Dr. Timothy Hercus
Centre for Cancer Biology, SA Pathology, Australia
Prof. Karl Herholz
University of Manchester, UK
Prof. Ira M. Herman
Tufts University, USA
Dr. Susan T. Herman
Harvard Medical School, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, USA
Mr. Patrick Hermie
Consultant, MEDIAH bvba, Belgium
Dr. Mar Hernández Guillamon
Vall d’Hebron Research Institute-VHIR, Spain
Prof. Martin Herrmann
Institute for Clinical Immunology, University of Erlangen-Nurnberg, Germany
Mr. Tony Hertz
Director, Hertz: Radio, UK
Prof. Heiko Herwald
Lund University, Sweden
Prof. Regina Herzlinger
Harvard Business School, United States, USA
Prof. Roland W. Herzog
Indiana University, USA
Dr. Danuta Herzyk
Merck Research Laboratories, Merck & Co., USA
Dr. Dale Hesdorffer
Columbia University, USA
Prof. Edward D. Hess
University of Virginia, USA
Prof. Evelyn Hess
Division of Immunology, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Cincinnati Medical Center
Dr. Stefan Heusinkveld
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Prof. Nicole Heussen
Sigmund Freud University, Austria
Dr. Spencer Phillips Hey
Harvard Medical School, USA
Prof. Evelyne Heyer
National Museum of Natural History, France
Dr. Steven Heymsfield
Global Director, Scientific Affairs, Merck & Co, USA
Dr. Scott Heysell
University of Virginia, USA
Prof. Anthony J. Hickey
RTI International, USA
Dr. Ana Hidalgo-Simon
European Medicines Agency, The Netherlands
Prof. Geoff Hide
University of Salford, UK
Prof. Dr. Pieter S. Hiemstra
Department of Pulmonology, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, The Netherlands
Dr. Jon Higbie
Senior Vice President and Chief Scientist, Revenue Analytics, USA
Prof. Malcolm Higgs
Professor of HR Management and Organization Behavior, University of Southampton, UK
Prof. Katherine High
University of Pennsylvania Medical Center, USA
Dr. Robert Hilbrands
Brussels Free University, Belgium
Dr. Garrick Hileman
University of Cambridge, UK
Prof. Colin Hill
University College Cork, Ireland
Prof. Jimmy Hill
Chair in Entrepreneurship, University of Liverpool, UK
Prof. Linda A. Hill
Harvard Business School, USA
Prof. Ronald P. Hill
Villanova University, USA
Prof. Alexander Himme
Kühne Logistics University, Germany
Prof. Peter Hines
Founder, S A Partners, and Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland
Dr. Aroon Hingorani
University College London, UK
Prof. Dr. Anke Hinney
University Hospital Essen, Germany
Prof. Art Hinshaw
Arizona State University, USA
Prof. Fred Hirsch
University of Colorado Cancer Center, USA
Dr. Steven Hirschfeld
Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, USA
Ms. Anna Hlavsova MSc, MCSP, HPC
Physiotherapist, UK
Dr. Alan Hoberman
Charles River Laboratories, USA
Dr. Asger Hobolth
Aarhus University, Denmark
Prof. Mark Hochstrasser
Yale University, USA
Prof. John Hodges
MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, University of Cambridge, UK
Prof. Emerita Shirley Hodgson
St. George’s University of London, UK
Dr. Aldebaran M. Hofer
Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA
Prof. Jules Hoffmann
University of Strasbourg, France
Dr. Hagen Hofmann
Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Prof. Sandra Hofmann
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, USA
Prof. Robin M. Hogarth
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain
Prof. Gillian Hogg
Heriot-Watt University, UK
Prof. James Hogg
University of British Columbia, Canada
Prof. Jacob Höglund
Uppsala University, Sweden
Mr. George R. Hoguet
CFA, FRM Global Investment Strategist, State Street Global Advisors (SSgA), USA
Prof. Brian Hoh
University of Florida, USA
Prof. Stefan Hohmann
University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Prof. Nigel Holden
Professor of Cross-Cultural Management, UCLAN, UK
Dr. Simon Holden
Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge, UK
Prof. Michael Holers
University of Colorado School of Medicine, USA
Prof. Stephen Holgate
University of Southampton, UK
Dr. Marcus Holgersson
Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Prof. Georg Holländer
University of Oxford, UK
Prof. Svend Hollensen
Associate Professor of International Marketing, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
Dr. Robin Holliday
National Institute for Medical Research, Mill Hill, London, UK
Dr. David Holman
Senior Lecturer, University of Sheffield, UK
Prof. Rikard Holmdahl
Karolinska Institute, Sweden
Prof. Elaine Holmes
Imperial College London, UK
Dr. Gregory L. Holmes
Dartmouth Medical School, USA
Dr. Michael V. Holmes
University of Pennsylvania, USA
Prof. Palle Holmstrup
University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Prof. Barbara J. Holtzclaw
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, USA
Dr. Homa Homayoni
University of Texas, USA
Mr. KiHoon Jimmy Hong
University of Cambridge, UK
Dr. Christiane Honisch
University of California San Diego, USA
Prof. J. Kenneth Hoober
Arizona State University, USA
Prof. David Hood
York University, Canada
Dr. Lee Hood
Institute for Systems Biology, USA
Prof. Stephen Hooper
University of North Carolina School of Medicine, USA
Mr. Marc Hope
Director of Rights Marketing, Fast Track, UK
Dr. John Hopkins
Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
Dr. Adrian Hopkins, MBE
Consultant, former Director Mectizan Donation Programme, UK
Dr. Nick Hopkinson
Imperial College London, UK
Dr. Richard Horn
Jefferson Medical College, USA
Prof. Veit Hornung
University of Bonn, Germany
Prof. Amnon Horovitz
Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Mr. Gary Horrocks
Director of the Student Experience, King's College London, UK
Prof. Arthur Horwich
Yale University, USA
Prof. Todd J. Hostager
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, USA
Prof. Peter Hotez
Baylor College of Medicine, USA
Dr. David Houle
Florida State University, USA
Prof. Walid A. Houry
University of Toronto, Canada
Dr. Douglas Houston
University of Edinburgh, UK
Dr. Richard Howarth
Senior Lecturer, Nottingham Trent University, UK
Prof. Christopher Howe
University of Cambridge, UK
Prof. Emeritus Patricia Howlin
King's College London, UK
Dr. Dennis Hruby
Executive Vice President & Chief Scientific Officer, SIGA Technologies Inc., USA
Prof. Victor Hruby
University of Arizona, USA
Dr. Ye Hu
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-University Bonn, Germany
Prof. Susan Hua
University of Newcastle, Australia
Dr. David Huang
Walter and Eliza Hall Medical Institute, Australia
Prof. Yasheng Huang
MIT Sloan School of Management, USA
Dr. Stevan Hubbard
Skirball Institute, New York University School of Medicine, USA
Prof. Dr. Arnd Huchzermeier
WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, Germany
Mr. Thomas Huertas
Banking Sector Director, FSA, UK
Prof. Austin Hughes
University of South Carolina, USA
Mr. David Hughes
Strategic Consultant, Non-Line Marketing, UK
Prof. Graham Hughes
London Lupus Centre, UK
Prof. Bertil Hultén
Linneaus School of Business and Economics, Linnaeus University, Sweden
Prof. David Hume
The Roslin Institute, UK
Dr. Andrew Humphries
Prof. Steve Humphries
University College London, UK
Ms. Amara Humphry
Abl Schools, USA
Prof. Keith Hunley
University of New Mexico, USA
Dr. Simon Hunt
University of Oxford, UK
Prof. Tony Hunter
The Salk Institute, USA
Mr. Aaron Hurst
Imperative, USA
Dr. John Hurst
University College London, UK
Prof. Tracy Hussell
University of Manchester, UK
Ms. Sue Hutchinson
University of the West of England, UK
Dr. Michael Hutton
Eli Lilly, USA
Prof. Nancy Hynes
Friedrich Miescher Institute, Basel, Switzerland
Prof. Kevin Ibeh
Pro Vice Master (International), Birkbeck, University of London, UK
Dr. Trey Ideker
University of California San Diego, USA
Ms. Carolina Iglesias-Lopez
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain
Dr. Wolf-Dietrich Ihlenfeldt
Xemistry GmbH, Germany
Dr. Tal Imbar
Hadassah – Hebrew University Medical Center, Israel
Dr. Niamh Imbusch
TU Dublin, Ireland
Dr. Fabio Indeo
NATO Defense College Foundation, Italy
Dr. Else Marit Inderberg
The Norwegian Radium Hospital, Norway
Prof. Magnus Ingelman-Sundberg
Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
Mr. Andrew Ingram
Radar Consulting, former Planning Director of the UK Radio Advertising Bureau and co-author of Better Radio Advertising, UK
Dr. Norvald Instefjord
Reader in Finance, University of Essex, UK
Mr. Arjan in’t Veld
Partner and Creative Director, Inthefield Marketing & Communications, The Netherlands
Prof. Tony Ip
University of Massachusetts Medical School, USA
Prof. Ernesto Ippolito
University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy
Mr. Daniel P. Iradi
Contingency Planning Exchange, USA
Prof. Charles G. Irvin
University of Vermont, USA
Prof. Gordon Irving
Swedish Pain and Headache Center and University of Washington, USA
Dr. Nigel Irwin
Ulster University, UK
Prof. John Isaacs
Newcastle University, UK
Dr. Olexandr Isayev
Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Dr. Md. Ariful Islam
Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh
Dr. Karl Isler
Head of Operations Research and Strategy, Revenue Management, Pricing and Distribution Department, Swiss International Airlines, Switzerland
Dr. Rana Ismail
Michigan State University, USA
Prof. Ora Israel
Rambam Health Care Campus and Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
Dr. Eitan Israeli
Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Israel
Prof. Jean-Pierre Issa
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA
Prof. Koreaki Ito
Kyoto University, Japan
Ms. Donna M. Iucolano
Spinach Candy, LLC
Prof. Anastasia Ivanova
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
Dr. Zoltan Ivics
Paul Ehrlich Institute, Germany
Dr. Adrian J. Ivinson
Harvard Neurodiscovery Center, USA
Prof. Richard Ivry
University of California, Berkeley, USA
Prof. Marja Jaattela
Institute of Cancer Biology, Danish Cancer Society, Denmark
Mr. Lewis Jackson
Australian Institute of International Affairs, Australia
Prof. Malcolm Jackson
University of Liverpool, UK
Mr. Paul Jackson
Chairman, Media Smart, UK
Prof. Claus D. Jacobs
University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
Dr. Michael Jacobs
Senior Financial Economist, Credit Risk Analysis Division, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, US Department of the Treasury, USA
Prof. William Jacobs
Albert Einstein College of Medicine, USA
Prof. Steve Jacobsen
University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Prof. Ann Jacoby
University of Liverpool, UK
Prof. Rudolf Jaenisch
Whitehead Institute, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA
Dr. Holger Jahn
Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE), Germany
Prof. Mattias Jakobsson
Uppsala University, Sweden
Dr. Anthony A. James
University of California, Irvine, USA
Prof. Judith James
Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation
Dr. Kevin James
Dean of North Carolina A&T University Business School, USA
Prof. Michael James
University of Alberta, Canada
Prof. Stephanie James
Foundation for the National Institutes of Health, USA
Dr. William Janeway
University of Cambridge and Warburg Pincus, UK
Dr. Pasi Janne
Dana Faber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School, USA
Dr. Kathrin Jansen
Pfizer Vaccine Research & Development, USA
Prof. Janet Jansson
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
Prof. Luis Jara-Quezada
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico
Dr. Deborah Jarvis
Imperial College London, UK
Prof. Paula Jarzabkowski
Cass Business School, City, University of London, UK
Mr. Leon Jaume
Executive Creative Director, WCRS, UK
Prof. Eric Jauniaux
University College London, UK
Ms. Gail Javitt
Johns Hopkins University, USA
Prof. Makkuni Jayaram
University of Texas at Austin, USA
Prof. S. Michal Jazwinski
Tulane University School of Medicine, USA
Dr. André Jefremow
Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
Dr. Tim Jegla
Pennsylvania State University, USA
Prof. Karen A. Jehn
Melbourne Business School, Australia
Dr. Paul Jennings
Medical University of Innsbruck, Austria
Dr. Ulf Jensen-Kondering
University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
Prof. Thomas Jenuwein
Research Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP), Austria
Dr. Ping Ji
U.S. Food and Drug Administration, USA
Prof. Xuejun Jiang
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, USA
Prof. Mark Jobling
University of Leicester, UK
Prof. Conrad Johanson
Brown University Medical School, USA
Dr. Sally John
Division of Epidemiology and Health Sciences, University of Manchester, UK
Dr. Alan Johnson
Health Protection Agency, UK
Prof. Eric Johnson
Dept. of Molecular and Experimental Medicine, The Scripps Research Institute, USA
Dr. Giles Johnson
University of Manchester, UK
Prof. James P. Johnson
Rollins College, USA
Prof. Jon Johnson
University of Pittsburgh, USA
Prof. Dame Louise N. Johnson
University of Oxford, UK
Mr. Trevor Johnson
Head of Market Development, EMEA, Facebook, UK
Mr. Donald B. Johnston
Aird and Berlis LLP, Canada
Prof. S. Claiborne Johnston
University of California, San Francisco, USA
Prof. Sebastian Johnston
Imperial College London, UK
Prof. Cecilia Jona-Lasinio
Italian Statistical Institute (ISTAT) and LUISS Guido Carli University, Italy
Dr. Joanne Jones
University of Cambridge, UK
Mr. Len Jones
University of Bedfordshire, UK
Dr. Stephanie Jones
Maastricht School of Management, The Netherlands
Prof. Steve Jones
University College London, UK
Dr. Ridha Joober
McGill University, Canada
Prof. V. Craig Jordan
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Centre, Houston, Texas, USA
Dr. Thomas Jørgensen
Xvoto, Denmark
Prof. Leemor Joshua-Tor
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, USA
Dr. Fabien Jourdan
French Agronomic Research Institute, France
Prof. Annamma Joy
Professor of Marketing, University of British Columbia, Okanagan, Canada
Prof. Steffen Jung
Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Prof. Kenji Kabashima
Kyoto University, Japan
Prof. Marc Kachelrieß
German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) Heidelberg, Germany
Prof. Leonard Kaczmarek
Yale University, USA
Dr. Brennan Kahan
University College London, UK
Prof. Scott Kahan
Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, USA
Prof. Lynn R. Kahle
University of Oregon, USA
Prof. Andrew Kakabadse
Professor of International Management Development, Cranfield School of Management, UK
Dr. Nicholas Kalavrezos
University College London Hospital, UK
Dr. Philipp Kaldis
Faculty of Medicine at Lund University, Sweden
Mr. John Kaler
Author and Researcher
Prof. Jorge Kalil
University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Prof. Cees Kallenberg
University Medical Centre Groningen, The Netherlands
Prof. Lalit Kalra
King’s College London School of Medicine, UK
Prof. Eija Kalso
University of Helsinki, Finland
Prof. Balaraman Kalyanaraman
Medical College of Wisconsin, USA
Prof. Henry J. Kaminski
George Washington University, USA
Prof. Atsushi Kamiya
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, USA
Prof. Herman Kampinga
University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Prof. Sunanda Kane
Mayo Clinic, USA
Ms. Beth Kanter
Consultant, USA
Dr. John Kapeghian
Preclinical Safety Associates, USA
Prof. Andrew Kaplan
University of North Carolina, USA
Dr. Emilie Karafillakis
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK
Prof. Francois Karch
University of Geneva, Switzerland
Prof. Michael Karin
University of California, San Diego, USA
Dr. Jeff Karp
Brigham and Women’s Hospital, USA
Dr. Tom Karp
Associate Professor, Oslo School of Management, Norway
Prof. Anna Karpovsky
Boston College, USA
Prof. Ruth Karron
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, USA
Dr. Eric Karsenti
EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany
Prof. Carlos Kase
Boston University School of Medicine and Boston Medical Center, USA
Mr. Richard Kasperowski
Author, teacher, speaker, and coach, USA
Prof. Robert Kass
Columbia University, USA
Mr. Husayn Kassai
Onfido, UK
Prof. Constance H. Katelaris
Western Sydney University, Australia
Mr. Saul Kato
Founder, Qwikker Inc., USA
Dr. Vsevolod “Seva” Katritch
University of Southern California, USA
Prof. Nicholas Katsanis
Duke University, USA
Prof. Rainer Kattel
University College London, UK
Dr. Adam J. Katz
University of Florida, USA
Mr. Lothar Katz
Leadership Crossroads, Germany/Spain/USA
Dr. Hans Katzberg
University of Toronto, Canada
Prof. David Katzka
Mayo Clinic, USA
Prof. Peter T. Katzmarzyk
Pennington Biomedical Research Center, USA
Prof. Francine Kaufman
Medtronic, Inc., USA
Prof. Jim Kaufman
University of Edinburgh, UK
Prof. Randal Kaufman
University of Michigan, USA
Prof. Dr. Stefan H. E. Kaufmann
Max-Planck-Institute for Infection Biology, Germany
Dr. Jarmo Kaukua
Obesity Research Unit, Helsinki University Central Hospital, Finland
Prof. Asha Kaul
Indian Institute of Management, India
Dr. Shalesh Kaushal
University of Florida, USA
Prof. David Kavanagh
National Renal Complement Therapeutics Service, UK
Dr. Rebecca Kaye
University of Southampton, UK
Dr. Veysel Kayser
The University of Sydney, Australia
Dr. Andrius Kazlauskas
Schepens Eye Research Institute, Harvard Medical School, USA
Prof. John F. Kearney
University of Alabama, USA
Prof. Barry Keating
University of Notre Dame, USA
Prof. Richard Keeble
Lincoln University, UK
Dr. Sheila Keegan
Business Psychologist, Campbell Keegan Ltd, UK
Prof. Kevin Lane Keller
Professor of Marketing, Tuck School of Business, USA
Dr. Matthew Keller
University of Colorado, Boulder, USA
Mr. Michael Keller
Center for Competitiveness, Fribourg University, Switzerland
Prof. Keith W. Kelley
University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign, USA
Prof. John A Kellum
University of Pittsburgh, USA
Mr. Brian Kelly
UK Web Focus, UKOLN, University of Bath, UK
Prof. Ciaran Kelly
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School, USA
Dr. Jeffery W. Kelly
The Scripps Research Institute, USA
Mr. Jim Kelly
Brand Communications Manager, Allied Irish Bank, Ireland
Dr. Louise A. Kelly-Hope
Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, UK
Ms. Elaine Kelman
Michael Palin Centre, UK
Prof. Steven Kelman
Weatherhead Professor of Public Management, Harvard University, USA
Dr. Geoffrey Kemball-Cook
MRC Clinical Sciences Centre, Imperial College London, UK
Prof. Claudia Kemper
Prof. Werner Kempf
University of Zurich, Switzerland
Dr. Evie Kendal
Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
Dr. Philippa Kennedy
University of Minnesota, USA
Prof. Lieven Nils Kennes
University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Dr. David Kent
University of Cambridge, UK
Prof. Stephen Kent
University of Chicago, USA
Mrs. Annette Kerlin
Head of Customer Experience, Nationwide Building Society, UK
Prof. Earl R. Kern
University of Alabama, USA
Dr. Lynn Kern Koegel
Stanford University School of Medicine, USA
Prof. Tom Kerppola
University of Michigan, USA
Prof. David Kerr
University of Oxford, UK
Prof. Satish Keshav
John Radcliffe Hospital, UK
Prof. Dave Ketchen
Auburn University, USA
Prof. Steve M. Keyse
University of Dundee, UK
Dr. Omera Khan
Lecturer in Logistics and Supply Chain Management, University of Manchester, UK
Prof. Saleem Khan
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, USA
Prof. Dongwoo Khang
Gachon University, S. Korea
Prof. Sir Peng Khaw
Moorfields Eye Hospital, UK
Dr. Amit Khurana
University Hospital RWTH Aachen, Germany
Prof. Anastasia Khvorova
RNA Therapeutics Institute, University of Massachusetts Medical School, USA
Ms. Janet Kiddle
Founder, Steel Magnolia, UK
Prof. Thomas Kiefhaber
Biozentrum, University of Basel, Switzerland
Prof. Jeffrey Kieft
University of Colorado Denver School of Medicine, USA
Dr. Amy Kiger
University of California, San Diego, USA
Prof. Jaehwan Kim
Associate Professor of Marketing, Korea University Business School, S. Korea
Dr. Narry Kim
School of Biological Sciences and Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Seoul National University, S. Korea
Dr. Paul Kim
McMaster University and Thrombosis and Atherosclerosis Research Institute, Canada
Prof. Tae Won Kim
Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan, S. Korea
Prof. Allan J. Kimmel
ESCP Europe, France
Prof. Michael Kinch
Washington University in St. Louis, USA
Prof. Graham King
Southern Cross University, Australia
Dr. Maria D. King
Texas A&M University, USA
Prof. Robert Kingston
Harvard University, USA
Ms. Jennifer Kirkby
Director, White Waves, UK
Prof. Adam Kirton
University of Calgary, Canada
Prof. Gill Kirton
Queen Mary, University of London, UK
Prof. Bela Kis
Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, USA
Prof. Tadamitsu Kishimoto
Osaka University, Japan
Prof. Philip J. Kitchen
Dean of the Faculty of Business and Professor in Marketing, Brock University, Canada
Mr. Paul Kitchin
Lecturer in Sport Mangement, London Metropolitan University, UK
Prof. Uriel Kitron
Emory University, USA
Prof. Toomas Kivisild
KU Leuven, Belgium
Prof. Shaye Kivity
Sheba Medical Center, Israel
Prof. David Klatzmann
Sorbonne University, France
Dr. Gary Klein
MacroCognition LLC, USA
Prof. Richard Klein
Stanford University, USA
Prof. William L. Klein
Northwestern University, USA
Prof. Paul Klenerman
University of Oxford, UK
Dr. Laura Grofer Klinger
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
Dr. Henrik Klitgaard
UCB, Belgium
Prof. Mary Klotman
Mount Sinai School of Medicine, USA
Prof. Matthew Kluger
George Mason University, USA
Prof. Keith Klugman
Emory University, USA
Prof. William Klunk
University of Pittsburgh, USA
Dr. Michaela Kneissel
Novartis Institute for BioMedical Research, USA
Dr. Hanne Knight
University of Plymouth, UK
Dr. Jo Knight
Institute of Psychiatry, King's College London, UK
Prof. John Knight
Professor of Economics, University of Western Ontario, Canada
Dr. Kathleen Knights
Flinders University, Australia
Prof. Andrew H. Knoll
Harvard University, USA
Mr. Andy Knowles
Jones Knowles Ritchie (JKR), UK
Dr. Charles Knowles
Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry, UK
Prof. Gary Kobinger
Laval University, Canada
Prof. Sebastian Kobold
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany
Dr. Adam Kobor
Principal Portfolio Manager, The World Bank, USA
Prof. Christof Koch
California Institute of Technology, USA
Dr. Janwillem Kocks
University Medical Center Groningen, The Netherlands
Mr. Martin Koderisch
Senior Consultant, Simon-Kucher & Partners, UK
Dr. Emmanuel Kodzi
Rollins College, USA
Prof. Katia Koelle
Emory University, USA
Prof. Matthias Koepp
University College London, UK
Dr. E. Mick Kolassa
CEO and Managing Partner, Medical Marketing Economics, USA
Prof. Dr. Peter Kolb
Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany
Dr. Walter Kolch
University College Dublin, Ireland
Prof. Jill Kolesar
University of Kentucky, USA
Prof. Richard Kolesnick
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, USA
Prof. Grzegorz W. Kolodko
Kozminski University, Poland
Mr. Thomas Kolster
Director, Goodvertising Agency, Denmark
Dr. Margaret Konkel
Radford University, USA
Dr. Alison M. Konrad
Professor of Organizational Behavior, Richard Ivey School of Business, Canada
Prof. Eric Kool
Stanford University, USA
Dr. Willem Koppenol
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Dr. Koorosh Korfi
Barts Cancer Institute, UK
Prof. Roger Kornberg
Stanford University School of Medicine, USA
Prof. Konstantin Korotov
European School of Management and Technology (ESMT), Germany
Prof. Douglas Koshland
Carnegie Institute of Sciences and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, USA
Prof. Peter Kotanko
Renal Research Institute, USA
Dr. Michael I. Kotlikoff
Cornell University, USA
Prof. Kimberlee Kovach
South Texas College of Law, USA
Dr. Gerald Kovacs
Advanced BioScience Laboratories, USA
Prof. Petri Kovanen
Wihuri Research Institute, Helsinki, Finland
Prof. Tatsuki Koyama
Vanderbilt University, USA
Prof. Emeritus Shigeo Koyasu
Keio University, Japan
Dr. Peter Kraft
Harvard School of Public Health
Dr. Atina Krajewska
Cardiff University, UK
Dr. Anastasia Kralli
The Scripps Research Institute, USA
Prof. Beverley Kramer
University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
Prof. Laura D. Kramer
Wadsworth Center, USA
Dr. Steven Kramer
Nova Southeastern University, USA
Prof. Peter Krammer
German Cancer Research Center, Germany
Dr. Snejana Krassova
Independent Consultant (Former Head of Medical Affairs – Haematology, Bayer), Switzerland
Dr. Michael Kraten
President, Enterprise Management Corporation (EMC), USA
Dr. Daniela Krause
Massachusetts General Hospital, USA
Ms. Eila Kreivi
European Investment Bank, Luxembourg
Dr. Alison Krentel
Bruyere Research Institute and University of Ottawa, Canada
Prof. Dr. Jérôme L. Kreuser
Executive Director and Founder, The RisKontrol Group GmbH, Switzerland
Prof. Jillian Kril
University of Sydney, Australia
Prof. Vish Krishnan
Rady School of Management, University of California, San Diego, USA
Prof. Anne Krueger
Johns Hopkins University, USA
Dr. Daniel Kruger
University of Michigan, USA
Prof. Robb Krumlauf
Stowers Institute for Medical Research, USA
Prof. Paul Kubes
Snyder Institute, University of Calgary Medical Centre, Canada
Dr. Dušan Kučera
University of Economics, Prague, Czech Republic
Dr. Jan Albert Kuivenhoven
Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Prof. Carol T. Kulik
University of South Australia, Australia
Prof. Shiriki Kumanyika
Center for Clinical Epidemiology & Biostatistics, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Dr. Arun Kumar
University of Delaware, USA
Dr. Gyan Kumar
Mayo Clinic, USA
Dr. Rajesh Kumar
University of Nottingham, UK
Dr. Edmund R.S. Kunji
University of Cambridge, UK
Dr. Braden Kuo
Harvard Medical School, USA
Prof. Siavash Kurdistani
University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Mr. Paul Kurnit
Founder and President, KidShop and Clinical Professor of Marketing, Pace University, USA
Dr. Jens Kurreck
Institute for Chemistry and Biochemistry, Free University Berlin, Germany
Dr. Ashok Kurtkoti
MIT SOB, Pune, India
Dr. Simone Kurtzke
Robert Gordon University, UK
Dr. Christopher Kuzawa
Northwestern University, USA
Dr. Olga M. Kuznetsova
Merck & Co., Inc, USA
Prof. Damian Labuda
Universite de Montreal, Canada
Prof. Sir Peter Lachmann
University of Cambridge, UK
Dr. Ted Ladd
Hult International Business School, USA
Dr. Graham Ladds
University of Cambridge, UK
Dr. Donna Ladkin
Cranfield University, UK
Mr. Hans Læssøe
Senior Director, Strategic Risk Management, The LEGO Group, Denmark
Dr. Max Lafontan
INSERM, Paul Sabatier University, France
Dr. W. Curt LaFrance, Jr.
Brown Medical School, USA
Prof. F. Anthony Lai
Cardiff University School of Medicine, UK
Prof. Nan Laird
Department of Biostatistics, Harvard School of Public Health
Dr. Thomas D. Lairson
Gelbman Professor of International Business, Rollins College, USA
Dr. Uma Lakshmipathy
Life Technologies, USA
Dr. Vivek Lal
King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia
Dr. Roberto Lala
Regina Margherita Children's Hospital, Italy
Dr. Jacob Lalezari
Quest Clinical Research, USA
Prof. Stephen Lam
University of British Columbia, Canada
Prof. Matthew Lambon-Ralph
University of Manchester, UK
Prof. Bart Lambrecht
University of Gent, Belgium
Dr. Patrick Lammie
Task Force for Global Health, USA
Prof. Ned Landau
NYU School of Medicine, USA
Prof. Ola Landgren
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, USA
Ms. Kathryn Landis
Founder and CEO, Kathryn Landis Consulting, USA
Dr. Stacy Landreth Grau
Associate Professor, Texas Christian University, USA
Prof. Sir David Lane
University of Dundee, UK and Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, Singapore
Dr. Trudi Lang
University of Oxford, UK
Prof. Emeritus John D. Langdon
King’s College London, UK
Dr. Christoph Lange
Harvard University, USA
Prof. Tobias Langenhan
Leipzig University, Germany
Prof. Ann Langley
HEC Montréal, Canada
Prof. Lewis Lanier
University of California, San Francisco, USA
Ms. Elizabeth Lank
Independent Consultant, UK
Dr. Christine L. Lanning
Merck & Co., Inc., USA
Prof. Gregory C. Lanzaro
University of California, Davis, USA
Prof. Sophie Lanzkron
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, USA
Dr. Larissa Lapteva
Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, FDA, USA
Dr. Davide Lardo
University of Rome, Tor Vergata, Italy
Prof. Martin A. Lariviere
Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, USA
Prof. Zvi Laron
Tel Aviv University, Israel
Mr. David Larone
Director, PKF Consulting, Canada
Prof. Christian Larsen
Emory Transplant Center, Emory University, USA
Prof. James R. Larson Jr.
Chair, Department of Psychology, Loyola University, USA
Prof. Lawrence Lash
Wayne State University School of Medicine, USA
Dr. Tammaryn Lashley
University College London, UK
Mr. Paul Lashmar
Brunel University, UK
Prof. Jeffrey Laurence
Weill Cornell Medical College, USA
Dr. Francisco R. M. Laurindo
University of São Paulo School of Medicine, Brazil
Prof. Robert F. Lauterborn
University of North Carolina, USA
Mr. Bernard Lavelle
Director of Sales, London City Airport, UK
Prof. Derek Law
University of Strathclyde, UK
Prof. Yuri Lazebnik
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, USA
Prof. Peter Lea
Lancaster University, UK
Dr. Robert L. Leahy
American Institute for Cognitive Therapy, USA
Prof. David Leaper
Cardiff University, UK
Ms. Andrea Learned
Founder, Learned On, LLC, USA
Dr. Dave Leather
GSK Global Respiratory Franchise, UK
Dame Suzi Leather
Chair, Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority, London, UK
Ms. Christinah Leballo
South African National Accreditation System, South Africa
Dr. Curtis LeBaron
Brigham Young University, USA
Dr. Nina Le Bert
DUKE-NUS Medical School, Singapore
Prof. James Lechleiter
University of Texas Health Science Center, USA
Prof. Ann Le Couteur
University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Dr. Amy Lee
University of Iowa, USA
Prof. Benhur Lee
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, USA
Dr. Charles Lee
Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, USA
Prof. Thomas Lee
University of Washington-Seattle, USA
Dr. Young Sik Lee
College of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, Korea University, S. Korea
Mr. Brendan Leece
E. ON, Germany
Prof. Richard Leegood
University of Sheffield, UK
Prof. Sue Leekam
Cardiff University, UK
Prof. Jacqueline Lees
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Dr. Gwénaëlle Le Gall
Quadram Institute, UK
Prof. Eric Legius
University of Leuven, Belgium
Prof. Dr. Willy Legrand
IU International University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Prof. Mike Lehane
Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, UK
Prof. Ruth Lehmann
New York University School of Medicine, USA
Prof. Rudy Leibel
Columbia University, USA
Prof. Benjamin E. Leiby
Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Ms. Hallie Leighton
Director of Branding & Strategic Partnerships, Charity Brands Consulting, USA
Mr. Harry Leinonen
Adviser to the Board, Bank of Finland, Finland
Dr. Markus A. Leippold
Assistant Professor, Swiss Banking Institute, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Dr. Sharachchandra Lele
Centre for Environment & Development, ATREE, India
Dr. Mariah J. Lelos
Brain Repair Group, Cardiff University, UK
Prof. John Lemasters
Medical University of South Carolina, USA
Dr. Kenneth Le Meunier-FitzHugh
Visiting Fellow, University of Warwick, UK
Dr. Lauren Lemkus
University of Cape Town, South Africa
Dr. Régis Lemmens
Sales Cubes, Belgium
Prof. Stanley Lemon
University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, USA
Mr. Ian Lenathen
Business Consultant and Author, Canada
Mr. Max Lenderman
GMR Marketing, Canada
Prof. Dr. Christian Lenk
Ulm University, Germany
Dr. Susanne Lens
University Medical Centre Utrecht, The Netherlands
Prof. Frederick Lenz
Johns Hopkins University, USA
Prof. Brian Leonard
National University of Ireland, Ireland
Prof. Kenneth L. Leonard
University of Maryland, USA
Dr. Maureen M. Leonard
Harvard Medical School, USA
Dr. Warren J. Leonard
National Institutes of Health, USA
Prof. William R. Leonard
Northwestern University, USA
Dr. Jane Leopold
Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, USA
Prof. Dr. Maria Leptin
University of Cologne, Germany
Dr. Hans-Georg Lerchen
Bayer AG, Germany
Prof. Aaron Lerner
Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
Prof. Åke Lernmark
Lund University, Sweden
Prof. Derek LeRoith
Mount Sinai School of Medicine, USA
Prof. Carel le Roux
University College Dublin, Ireland
Dr. Michel R. Leroux
Simon Fraser University, Canada
Prof. Richard David Leslie
Queen Mary University of London, UK
Prof. Norman Letvin
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, USA
Dr. Barry Leventhal
BarryAnalytics Ltd, UK
Prof. Marcel Levi
University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Prof. Michael Levin
Biology Department, TCRDB, Tufts University, USA
Prof. Mike Levine
University of California, Berkeley, USA
Dr. Brynn Levy
Columbia University Medical Center, USA
Prof. Roger Levy
State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Prof. Samuel Levy
J. Craig Venter Institute, USA
Prof. Roy J. Lewicki
Fisher College of Business, The Ohio State University, USA
Dr. Michael Lewiecki
University of New Mexico, USA
Prof. David Lewin
Neil H. Jacoby Chair in Management, UCLA Anderson School of Management, USA
Dr. Cecil Lewis
University of Oklahoma, USA
Prof. Dave Lewis
University of Leeds, UK
Prof. Donald J. Lewis
University of San Francisco, USA
Dr. Elise Lewis
Charles River Laboratories, USA
Prof. James H. Lewis
Georgetown University Medical Center, USA
Prof. Kim Lewis
Northeastern University, USA
Prof. Patrick A. Lewis
University of Reading, UK
Prof. Luc Leybaert
Ghent University, Belgium
Ms. Elke Leyman
Co-founder of Re-story, Belgium
Dr. Hairong Li
Associate Professor, Michigan State University, USA
Ms. Lily Li
Independent Financial Services Expert, USA
Prof. Long-Cheng Li
Peking Union Medical College Hospital, China
Dr. Xiaoxia Li
Case Western Reserve University, USA
Mr. Hao Liang
Center for Economic Research, Tilburg University, The Netherlands
Dr. Wei Liang
Graduate School of International Policy and Management, Monterey Institute of International Studies, USA
Mr. Barry Libert
Chairman and CEO, AIMatters, Inc., USA
Dr. Tana Cristina Licsandru
Queen Marry University of London, UK
Dr. Helen Liddy
Formerly of National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA), Australia
Dr. Warren Lieberman
President, Veritec Solutions, USA
Prof. Susan Liebman
University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Mr. Christopher Lier
Start-up Founder, CMO LeadGen App, UK
Dr. Jacoba Lilius
Associate Professor, School of Policy Studies and School of Business, Queens University, Canada
Prof. Anders Liljas
University of Lund, Sweden
Prof. Roland Lill
Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany
Prof. David Lillicrap
Queen's University, Canada
Dr. Jacobo Limeres Posse
Santiago de Compostela University, Spain
Dr. Frank I. Lin
National Cancer Institute, USA
Dr. Hsi-Hsien Lin
Chang Gung University, Taiwan
Dr. Jake Lin
Bielefeld University, Germany
Dr. Xiang Lin
The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Prof. Patrick Linder
University of Geneva, Switzerland
Dr. Diane Lindsay
Glasgow Microbiology Reference Laboratory, UK
Prof. Dan Lindsley
University of California, San Diego, USA
Dr. W. Marston Linehan
National Institutes of Health, USA
Mr. Gordon S. Linoff
Founder and Principal, Data Miners Inc., USA
Prof. Stephen Linstead
University of York, UK
Dr. Christopher Lipinski
Melior Discovery Inc., USA
Dr. Peter Lipke
City University of New York, USA
Prof. W. Ian Lipkin
Columbia University, USA
Prof. Diane Lipscombe
Department of Neuroscience, Brown University, USA
Mr. David H. Lipsey
Principal, Media & Entertainment, Optimity Advisors, USA
Ms. Heather Lishman
Lishman Associates
Ms. Kate Lister
President at Global Workplace Analytics, USA
Dr. Trevor Lithgow
University of Melbourne, Australia
Prof. Dan Littman
New York University, USA
Ms. Jenny Littman
Tourism for All UK Associate and CEO, UK
Prof. Changchun Liu
University of Connecticut Health Center, USA
Prof. Hao Liu
Indiana University School of Medicine, USA
Prof. Huinan Liu
University of California at Riverside, USA
Dr. Jiang Liu
US Food and Drug Administration
Prof. Lei Liu
Tsinghua University, China
Dr. Qing Liu
Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Dr. Yi-peng Liu
Kent Business School, University of Kent, UK
Prof. Yong-Jun Liu
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA
Prof. David Livermore
Public Health England’s Antibiotic Resistance Monitoring and Reference Laboratory, UK
Prof. Alun Lloyd
North Carolina State University, USA
Prof. Chris Lloyd
University of Manchester, UK
Prof. Y. M. Dennis Lo
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China
Dr. Alexey Lobanov
Vice President, REA Research Risk Management Group, Russia
Prof. Christoph H. Loch
Director, Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge, UK
Prof. Diana N.J. Lockwood
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, UK
Dr. Jane Lomax
Head of Ontologies, SciBite, UK
Mr. David Long
Long and Associates International Consultancy Ltd., France
Prof. Jeffrey Long
University of Michigan, USA
Dr. Knut Lönnroth
Stop TB Department at the World Health Organization, Switzerland
Prof. Ruth Loos
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, USA
Prof. Angel Lopez
Centre for Cancer Biology, SA Pathology, Australia
Dr. Leonardo Lopez
Barcelona Institute for Global Health, Spain
Dr. Alejandro Lopez-Lira
University of Florida, USA
Dr. Charles Loprinzi
Mayo Clinic, USA
Prof. Janet Lord
University of Birmingham, UK
Dr. Grace Lordan
London School of Economics, UK
Dr. Wolfgang Löscher
University of Veterinary Medicine, Germany
Prof. Andrew Lotery
University of Southampton, UK
Prof. Jennie Lou
College of Medicine, Nova Southeastern University, USA
Dr. Karen Lounsbury
University of Vermont, USA
Prof. Alan Lovell
University of Glamorgan, UK
Prof. Mark Lowdell
University College London, UK
Mr. Ian Lowden
Managing Director, RDG Solutions, UK
Prof. Gordon Lowe
University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK
Dr. Robyn Lowe
University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Prof. Daniel Lowenstein
University of California, San Francisco, USA
Dr. Douglas Lowy
National Cancer Institute, USA
Dr. Patrick Lu
Intradigm Corporation, USA
Dr. Xin Lu
University of Notre Dame, USA
Prof. Michael Lucey
University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Prof. Karolin Luger
University of Colorado, USA
Dr. Joen Luirink
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Ms. Brittany Luken
Graduate Research Assistant, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Dr. Peter Lund
University of Birmingham, UK
Dr. Kathryn Lunetta
Boston University School of Public Health, USA
Prof. Sophia Lunt
Michigan State University, USA
Prof. James Lupski
Baylor College of Medicine, USA
Prof. Jaime Luque
ESCP Europe, Spain
Prof. Robert Lussier
Springfield College, USA
Prof. Lucio Luzzatto
Muhimbili University of Health and Applied Sciences, Tanzania
Prof. Gholson Lyon
Utah Foundation for Biomedical Research, USA
Dr. Mary Lyon
Mammalian Genetics Unit, Medical Research Council, UK
Dr. Zhenkun Ma
Global Alliance for TB Drug Development, USA
Prof. Daniel Mabrey
Sam Houston State University, USA
Dr. Kevin Macaluso
Louisiana State University, USA
Prof. Alberto J. L. Macario
Euro-Mediterranean Institute of Science and Technology, Palermo, Italy, The School of Medicine, University of Maryland, and IMET, Baltimore, USA
Dr. Judy A. MacArthur Clark
Animals in Science Regulation Unit (ASRU), Home Office, UK
Mr. John A. MacColl
University Librarian & Director of Library Services, University of St. Andrews, UK
Mr. Harry Macdivitt
Director, Axia Value Solutions Ltd, UK
Prof. Ian Macdonald
University of Nottingham Medical School, UK
Prof. R. Loch Macdonald
University of San Francisco, USA
Prof. Stuart Macdonald
Professor of Information and Organization, University of Sheffield, UK
Prof. Ian M. MacDonald
University of Alberta, Canada
Prof. Iain Macdougall
Kings College Hospital, UK
Ms. Barbara Macelloni
Medical Education Director, Sudler & Hennessey International, Italy
Dr. Egidijus Machtejevas
Merck KGaA Darmstadt, Germany
Ms. Liz Machtynger
CEO, Customer Essential, UK
Prof. Laura Mackay
The University of Melbourne, Australia
Prof. Trudy Mackay
North Carolina State University, USA
Prof. Peter Mackenzie
Flinders University, Australia
Dr. Simon Mackenzie
The Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research, University of Glasgow, UK
Prof. Carol MacKintosh
University of Dundee, UK
Ms. Sandra Macleod
Chief Executive, Echo Research, UK
Mr. Andrew MacLeod
Needhams 1834, UK
Prof. Ian MacMillan
Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Prof. William MacNee
University of Edinburgh, UK
Mr. Sean MacPhedran
Director of Creative Strategy, Fuel Industries, USA
Mr. Jason MacQueen
Chairman, Alpha Strategies LLC, UK
Prof. Brian MacVicar
University of British Columbia, Canada
Prof. Rebecca Macy
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, USA
Dr. João Pedro de Magalhães
University of Liverpool, UK
Mr. Vittorio Maggiolini
Head of Credit Models, Risk Management Department, UniCredit Group, Italy
Dr. John Magnani
GlycoMimetics, USA
Mr. Kieran Maguire
University of Liverpool, UK
Dr. Maral Mahdad
Wageningen University and Research, The Netherlands
Prof. Eamonn Maher
University of Cambridge, UK
Prof. Jane Maher
Chief Medical Officer, Macmillan Cancer Support, UK
Dr. Mike Maher
Janssen Research & Development, USA
Prof. Don Mahuran
The Hospital for Sick Children and the University of Toronto, Canada
Prof. Howard Maibach
University of California, San Francisco, USA
Prof. Martin C.J. Maiden
University of Oxford, UK
Prof. Mark Mailliard
University of Nebraska College of Medicine, USA
Dr. Ryan J. Mailloux
Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada
Prof. Sir Ravinder Maini
Imperial College London, UK
Prof. Matilde Maiorino
University of Padova, Italy
Ms. Melissa Majoni
Western University, Canada
Dr. Stan Maklan
Senior Lecturer in Strategic Marketing, Cranfield School of Management, UK
Dr. Lee Makowski
Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Ms. Kuda Makuzwa
Anaya Honey, Zimbabwe
Dr. Fabienne Malagnac
University of Paris, France
Dr. Dimitris Malamos
National Organization of Health Service (IKA), Greece
Prof. Thomas Malek
University of Miami, USA
Prof. Ripan Malhi
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Dr. Aneeqa Malik
Co-founder and Integral Research Associate, Trans4m Communiversity Associates, UK
Mr. Sebastian Mallaby
Author and senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, UK
Prof. Christine Mallin
Birmingham Business School, UK
Prof. Giovanna Mallucci
University of Cambridge, UK
Prof. Kevin Maloy
University of Glasgow, UK
Dr. Elvira Mambetisaeva
University College London, UK
Dr. Jennifer Mandzia
Western University, Canada
Prof. D. John Mangan
University of Newcastle, UK
Prof. Elizabeth Manias
Monash University Clayton, Australia
Prof. David Mankoff
University of Washington, USA
Prof. James Manley
Columbia University, USA
Mr. Mark Manning
Senior Manager, Payments System Stability, Reserve Bank of Australia
Prof. Walt Manning
The University of Memphis, USA
Dr. David Mannino
University of Kentucky, USA
Prof. Stavros Manolagas
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, USA
Prof. Jean Manson
BBSRC/MRC Neuropathogenesis Unit, Roslin Institute, UK
Dr. Sakis Mantalaris
Department of Chemical Engineering, Imperial College London, UK
Mr. Steve Manton
Founder and Chief Executive, M Consulting, UK
Prof. Alberto Mantovani
IRCCS Istituto Clinico Humanitas, Humanitas University, Italy
Prof. Alberto Mantovani
Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Italy
Mr. Nitin Mantri
Group CEO at Avian WE and President at ICCO, India
Mr. Tony Manwaring
Creative Director, Lab, UK
Prof. Lynne Maquat
University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, USA
Prof. Ben J. Marais
Marie Bashir Institute for Infectious Diseases and Biosecurity (MBI) Centre for Research Excellence in Tuberculosis (TB-CRE) Clinical School, The Children’s Hospital at Westmead The University of Sydney
Prof. Richard Marais
The Institute of Cancer Research, UK
Prof. Jonathan Marchini
University of Oxford, UK
Dr. Igor Marín de Mas
University of Barcelona, Spain
Prof. Brian Mark
University of Mantoba, Canada
Prof. Calvert Markham
Former President of the Institute of Management Consulting and Founder of Elevation Learning Ltd., UK
Prof. Maurie Markman
Cancer Treatment Centers of America, USA
Prof. Martin Markowitz
Aaron Diamond Aids Research Center, Rockefeller University, USA
Prof. Andrew Marks
Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons, USA
Prof. Michael Marks
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, USA
Prof. Mitchell Lee Marks
San Francisco State University, Ca., USA
Ms. Laura Marriott
President, Mobile Marketing Association, USA
Prof. Sharon Marsh
University of Alberta, Canada
Dr. Christian Marshall
Hospital for Sick Children, Canada
Prof. Greg W. Marshall
Rollins College, USA
Mr. Jim Marshall
Chairman, Starcom Group, UK
Prof. John Marshall
University of California Berkeley, USA
Prof. Sara Marshall
Wellcome Trust, UK
Prof. Giovanni Marsicano
NeuroCentre Magendie, Bordeaux, France
Dr. Joseph Martelli
University of Findlay, USA
Prof. Robert Martienssen
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, USA
Mr. Antoine Martin
Federal Reserve Bank of New York, USA
Mr. David Martin
Senior Vice President and Chief Risk Officer, AllianceBernstein L.P., USA
Prof. George Martin
University of Washington, School of Medicine, USA
Prof. John Martin
Centre for Cardiovascular Biology and Medicine, University College London, UK
Prof. Keith Martin
University of Cambridge, UK
Prof. Paul Martin
University of Bristol, UK
Prof. Seamus Martin
Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Mr. Yaacov Martin
Jifiti, Israel
Prof. Miguel Martínez Lucio
Manchester Business School, University of Manchester, UK
Dr. Luisa Martinez-Pomares
University of Nottingham, UK
Prof. Mark J. Martinko
University of Queensland, Australia
Prof. Jean-Claude Martinou
University of Geneva, Switzerland
Prof. Cátia Martins
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Dr. Mario Masellis
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Toronto, Canada
Dr. Mir-Farzin Mashreghi
Deutsches Rheuma-Forschungszentrum, Germany
Dr. Daniel Masison
National Institutes of Health, USA
Prof. David Mason
John Radcliffe Hospital, UK
Mr. Rob Mason
Managing Director, SBI (an IMG company), UK
Prof. Joan Massagué
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, USA
Prof. Colin L. Masters
University of Melbourne, Australia
Prof. Seth Masters
Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, Australia
Mr. Chris Masterson
Director, Mesh Marketing Ltd, UK
Dr. Navneet Matharu
University of California San Francisco, USA
Dr. Roy O. Mathew
Loma Linda University School of Medicine, USA
Prof. Chantal Mathieu
KU Leuven, Belgium
Mr. Atul Mathur
Content Alive, Singapore
Ms. Amy S. Matsuo
Prof. Jacqui Matthews
University of Sydney, Australia
Dr. J. Rosser Matthews
University of Maryland, USA
Mr. Kieron Matthews
Internet Advertising Bureau, UK
Ms. Catherine Mattice Zundel
Civility Partners, USA
Dr. Patrick Maurel
INSERM, France
Prof. Marcus Maurer
Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany
Dr. Michael R. Maurizi
National Cancer Institute, NIH, USA
Dr. Osama Mawlawi
MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA
Dr. Gary May
Clayton State University, USA
Dr. Bernd Mayer
emergentec biodevelopment GmbH, Vienna, Austria
Prof. Donald Mayer
University of Denver, USA
Prof. Emeran Mayer
University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Prof. John Mayer
The School of Biomedical Sciences, University of Nottingham Medical School, UK
Prof. Maureen Mayes
University of Texas Medical School at Houston, USA
Prof. Stephen Mayfield
The Scripps Research Institute, USA
Mr. Michael Maynard
Director, Maynard Leigh Associates, UK
Prof. Paulo Mazzafera
State University of Campinas, Brazil
Mr. Stuart McAdam
Founder, 365 Coaching, UK
Dr. Heather McArthur
UT Southwestern, USA
Prof. Andrew McAuley
Pro Vice Chancellor (Academic) Southern Cross University, Australia
Dr. Steven McCarroll
Harvard Medical School, USA
Dr. Pumtiwitt McCarthy
Morgan State University, USA
Dr. Teresa M. McCarthy Byrne
Bryant University, USA
Prof. Timothy M. McCashland
University of Nebraska Medical Center, USA
Prof. James McClelland
Stanford University, USA
Prof. Emerita Deirdre McCloskey
University of Illinois, USA
Dr. Michael McClung
Oregon Osteoporosis Center, USA
Ms. Lynne McClymont
Director, British Market Research Bureau, UK
Dr. Patrick McConnell
Macquarie University, Australia
Prof. Brendan McCormack
Queen Margaret University, UK
Prof. David McCoy
Queen Mary University of London, UK
Prof. Mary Ann McCrackin
Medical University of South Carolina, USA
Mr. Rob McCusker
The Australian Institute of Criminology, Australia
Dr. Robert McCutcheon
University of Oxford, UK
Prof. David McDermott
Harvard Medical School, USA
Dr. Michael McDermott
Assistant Professor, Northern Kentucky University, USA
Prof. Andrew McDonald
Emeritus Professor, University of East London, UK
Prof. Emeritus John F. McDonald
University of Illinois Chicago, USA
Prof. Malcolm McDonald
Emeritus Professor, Cranfield School of Management, UK
Dr. Michael McDonald
Fairfield University and Morning Investments, USA
Prof. Christopher J. McDougle
Indiana University School of Medicine, USA
Mr. Damian McEntegart
Statistical Consultant, UK
Prof. Bruce McEwen
The Rockefeller University, USA
Prof. Margaret McFall-Ngai
University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Mr. Ross K. McGill
GlobeTax, USA
Prof. Patricia McGrath
The Hospital for Sick Children and University of Toronto, Canada
Prof. Rita McGrath
Columbia University, USA
Prof. Alison McGregor
Imperial College London, UK
Dr. Tim McHugh
University College London, UK
Prof. Iain McInnes
University of Glasgow, UK
Dr. Amanda McIntyre
University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Ms. Cilla Mckay
Managing Director, Connections (Oxford) Ltd., UK
Dr. Ronald McKay
Laboratory of Molecular Biology, NINDS, USA
Dr. Paul McKeigue
University of Edinburgh, UK
Prof. Ian McKeith
Newcastle University, UK
Dr. Neil McKenna
Baylor College of Medicine, USA
Prof. James Mckerrow
University of California San Francisco, USA
Prof. Alan McKinnon
Professor of Logistics, Logistics Research Centre, Heriot-Watt University, UK
Dr. Sue McKnight
Sue McKnight Consulting, Australia
Mr. Rhys McLachlan
Head of Broadcast Implementation, MediaCom, UK
Prof. Dame Anne McLaren
Gurdon Institute, University of Cambridge, UK
Mr. Simon McLean
University of Salford, UK
Mr. Al Mcleod
Entrepreneur and Consultant, Canada
Ms. Una McMahon-Beattie
Senior Lecturer in Marketing, University of Ulster, UK
Dr. Michael McManus
UCSF Diabetes Center, University of California, San Francisco, USA
Prof. Andrew McMichael
The Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, UK
Prof. Alan B. McMillan
University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Mr. John McNamee
Instem Life Science Systems Ltd., UK
Mr. Neil McPhee
Managing Director, Nuance Research Ltd, UK
Mr. Alan McQuillan
Former Director, UK Assets Recovery Agency, UK
Prof. Helen McShane
University of Oxford, UK
Prof. Gil McVean
University of Oxford, UK
Dr. John McVey
MRC Clinical Sciences Centre, Imperial College London, UK
Dr. Daniel W. McVicar
Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute, USA
Dr. Jim McWhir
Division of Gene Expression and Development, Roslin Institute, Scotland
Mr. Danny Meadows-Klue
Founder and CEO, Digital Strategy Consulting Ltd, UK
Prof. Dr. René Medema
University Medical Center Utrecht, The Netherlands
Dr. Diego Medina
Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine, Italy
Dr. Beeran Meghpara
Thomas Jefferson University, USA
Prof. S. Qasim Mehdi
University of Karachi, Pakistan
Dr. Cyrus Mehta
Cytel Inc., USA
Prof. Bernd Meibohm
University of Tennessee, USA
Prof. Rina Meidan
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Prof. Beat Meier
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Mr. Erhard Meier
Media Research Consultant, Ipsos - RSL Ltd., UK
Prof. Graeme Meintjes
University of Cape Town, South Africa
Dr. Alexander Meissner
Harvard University, USA
Prof. John Mekalanos
Harvard Medical School, USA
Prof. T.C. Melewar
Professor of Marketing and Strategy, Brunel University, UK
Prof. Cornelis Melief
Leiden University Medical Center, The Netherlands
Prof. Gerry Melino
University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy and MRC Toxicology Unit, Leicester University, UK
Mr. Alan Melkman
Managing Director, Marketing Dynamics, UK
Prof. David Melzer
University of Exeter Medical School, UK
Mr. Avner Mendelson
President and CEO of Bank Leumi USA, USA
Dr. Michael P. Menden
ICB Institute of Computational Biology, Helmholtz Zentrum München, Germany
Ms. Marisol Menendez
Head of Open Innovation NFI, Norway
Dr. Massimo Menichinelli
Elisava, Barcelona School of Design and Engineering, University of Vic – Central University of Catalonia (UVic-UCC), Spain
Prof. Carrie Menkel-Meadow
Georgetown University Law School, USA
Prof. A. Sue Menko
Thomas Jefferson University, USA
Prof. Anand Menon
King’s College, UK
Dr. Gopinathan Menon
California Academy of Sciences, California, USA
Prof. Anne-Laure Mention
RMIT University, Australia
Prof. John T. Mentzer
Chancellor's Professor, The University of Tennessee, USA
Prof. Eline Menu
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Dr. Jane Menzies
Deakin University, Australia
Dr. Andrew Menzies-Gow
Royal Brompton Hospital, UK
Prof. Seppo Meri
University of Helsinki, Finland
Prof. José M. Merigó
University of Barcelona, Spain
Dr. Markus Meringer
German Aerospace Centre (DLR), Germany
Prof. Dr. Daniel Merk
Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU), Germany
Prof. Martin Merkel
University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany
Prof. Pier Luigi Meroni
University of Milan, Italy
Dr. Ruben A. Mesa
UT Health San Antonio Cancer Center, USA
Prof. Albee Messing
University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Prof. Richard Metters
Mays Business School, Texas A&M University, USA
Dr. Jochen Metzger
Mosaiques Diagnostics GmbH, Germany
Prof. Simin Meydani
Tufts University, USA
Ms. Silke Meyer
Griffith University, Australia
Prof. Huaiyu Mi
University of Southern California, USA
Prof. Daniel Michaelson
Tel Aviv University, Israel
Prof. Marek Michalak
University of Alberta, Canada
Dr. Pietro Micheli
Warwick Business School, UK
Dr. Richard Michon
Associate Professor, Ted Rogers School of Management, Ryerson University, Canada
Mr. Nigel Middlemiss
Knowledge Director, Echo Research, UK
Ms. Ada Middleton
Parexel International, Canada
Prof. Barbara Migeon
The Johns Hopkins University, USA
Prof. Giovanni Battista Migliori
WHO Collaborating Centre for TB, Italy
Mr. Cosmin Mihaiu
MIRA Rehab, UK
Mr. Robert Milburn
Senior Partner, PriceWaterhouseCoopers, UK
Dr. Anita Milicic
University of Oxford, UK
Mr. Grant Millar
Managing Director, Vizeum, UK
Dr. Nicola Millard
Customer Experience Futurologist, British Telecommunications PLC., UK
Dr. Sharon Millard
The Michael Palin Centre, UK
Prof. Bruce Miller
University of California, San Francisco, USA
Dr. Meghan Miller
University of California, USA
Prof. Samuel Miller
University of Washington, USA
Prof. Susan Miller
University of Hull, UK
Dr. William B. Miller Jr.
OmniBiome Therapeutics, USA
Dr. David Mills
The Federal Reserve, USA
Prof. Gordon B. Mills
MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA
Prof. Alistair Milne
Loughborough University, UK
Prof. Aubrey Milunsky
Tufts University School of Medicine, USA
Prof. John Miners
Flinders University, Australia
Mr. Graham Minton
Director of Corporate Relations, World Heart Federation, Switzerland
Prof. Harald Mischak
University of Glasgow, UK
Prof. Mukti Mishra
Centurion University of Technology and Management, India
Dr. Eric Miska
Wellcome Trust/Cancer Research UK, Gurdon Institute and University of Cambridge, UK
Prof. Pramod K. Mistry
Yale School of Medicine, USA
Prof. Duane A. Mitchell
University of Florida, USA
Prof. Rebecca Mitchell
University of Newcastle, Australia
Prof. Vincent-Wayne Mitchell
Cass Business School, City University, UK
Prof. William Mitchell
University of Toronto & Duke University, Canada/USA
Prof. Felix Mitelman
Lund University, Sweden
Prof. Oriol Mitjà
Fight Aids and Infectious Diseases Foundation, Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol, Barcelona,, Spain
Dr. Sanchita Mitra
LV Prasad Eye Institute, India
Dr. Ron Mittler
University of Nevada, USA
Prof. Bamshad Mobasher
Professor of Computing, DePaul University, USA
Dr. Ali Mobasheri
University of Nottingham, UK
Prof. Edgar Mocanu
Rotunda Hospital, Ireland
Prof. Ashoka Mody
Princeton University, USA
Prof. Miriam Moffatt
Imperial College London, UK
Prof. Jeffrey S. Mogil
McGill University, Montreal, Canada
Dr. Moosa Mohammadi
New York University School of Medicine, USA
Prof. Debra Mohnen
Complex Carbohydrate Research Center and Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, The University of Georgia, USA
Ms. Diana Moise
Public International Law Advisory Group, UK
Dr. Michael J. Mol
Associate Professor of Strategic Management, Warwick Business School, UK
Prof. Geert Molenberghs
Universiteit Hasselt & KU Leuven, Belgium
Prof. Elek Molnár
University of Bristol, Bristol, UK
Dr. Petra Molthan-Hill
Nottingham Business School, UK
Prof. Philip Molyneux
Bangor University, UK
Prof. David Molyneux, CMG
Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, UK
Prof. Tom Monie
University of Cambridge, UK
Prof. Luis Montaner
The Wistar Institute, USA
Prof. David Montefiori
Duke University, USA
Prof. Craig Montell
University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
Prof. Denise Montell
University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
Dr. Alan L. Montgomery
Associate Professor of Marketing, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Prof. Julio Montoya
Zaragoza University, Spain
Prof. Jeremy Moon
Director of the International Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility, Deputy Director of Nottingham University Business School, UK
Prof. Mark Moon
Associate Professor of Marketing, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA
Mr. Gareth Moore
Director UK, Sport+Markt, UK
Prof. Geoff Moore
Professor of Business Ethics, Durham Business School, UK
Mr. Johnnie Moore
Consultant, Collaborate Marketing, UK
Prof. Karl Moore
Associate Professor, Globalization and Leadership, McGill University, Canada, Associate Fellow, Green Templeton College, Oxford University, UK
Prof. Malcolm Moore
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, USA
Prof. Peter Moore
Yale University, USA
Prof. Gil Mor
Wayne State University, USA
Prof. Dino Moras
The Structural Biology and Genomics Laboratory, France
Prof. João Nuno Moreira
University of Coimbra, Portugal
Ms. Gina Morello
Manager in Cargo Revenue Management, American Airlines, USA
Dr. Andrés Moreno-Estrada
Stanford Center for Computational Evolutionary and Human Genomics, USA
Prof. Lorenzo Moretta
University of Genova, Italy
Prof. David Morgan
Byrd Alzheimer Institute, University of South Florida, USA
Prof. Edward T. Morgan
Department of Pharmacology, Emory University of Medicine, USA
Dr. Huw Morgan
Alliance Manchester Business School, UK
Prof. Ralf Morgenstern
Institute of Environmental Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
Prof. Kazutoshi Mori
Kyoto University, Japan
Dr. Andrew Morris
University of Oxford, UK
Dr. Kevin Morris
The Scripps Research Institute, USA
Mr. Neil Morrison
Penguin Random House, UK
Prof. Jason Morrow
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, USA
Prof. Janice M. Morse
University of Utah, USA
Dr. Letizia Mortara
University of Cambridge, UK
Dr. Mark Mortensen
INSEAD, Paris, France
Dr. Helen Mortimore
UWE Bristol, UK
Dr. Josh Morton
University of Leeds, UK
Prof. Newton Morton
University of Southampton, UK
Prof. Donald R. Moscato
Iona College, USA
Prof. Muriel Moser
Free University of Brussels, Belgium
Prof. Michael Moskowitz
Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, USA
Mr. Giles D. Moss
Founder, Pharma Brand Logic, Belgium
Dr. Pouria Motevalian
Pfizer, USA
Prof. Joanna Mountain
23andMe, Inc. and Stanford University, USA
Ms. Stephanie T.G Moura
University College Cork, Ireland
Prof. Zissimos Mourelatos
University of Pennsylvania, USA
Mr. Steven L. Mourning
Partner, Jerold Panas, Linzy & Partners, USA
Prof. Luc Mouthon
Hopital Cochin, Universite Rene Descartes, France
Prof. Luiz Moutinho
Professor of Marketing, University of Glasgow, UK
Prof. Haralampos Moutsopoulos
National University of Athens, Greece
Prof. Allan Mowat
University of Glasgow, UK
Prof. Emeritus Bernard Moxham
Cardiff University, UK
Prof. Lemuel Moye
University of Texas School of Public Health, USA
Dr. Barbara Moyes
Independent Consultant, Cass Business School, UK
Prof. Christopher Moyes
Queen's University, Canada
Prof. Daniel Mucida
The Rockefeller University, USA
Dr. Deepraj Mukherjee
Kent State University, USA
Prof. Dr. Christa E. Müller
University of Bonn, Germany
Dr. Connie Mulligan
University of Florida, USA
Mr. Roddy Mullin
Helmsmen Business Consultants, UK
Prof. Robert F. Mullins
The University of Iowa, USA
Ms. Stacey Mumbower
Graduate Research Assistant, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Mr. Chris Mumford
Managing Director, Cervus Leadership Consulting, UK
Dr. Luca Munaron
University of Turin, Italy
Prof. Morton E. Munk
Arizona State University, USA
Prof. Patricia Munroe
Queen Mary's School of Medicine and Dentistry, UK
Prof. Robert Munson
Ohio State University, USA
Prof. Christian Münz
University of Zurich, Switzerland
Prof. David Murdoch
University of Otago, New Zealand
Ms. Alix Murphy
WorldRemit, UK
Ms. Beverly Murphy
Assistant Director, Duke University Medical Center Library & Archives, USA
Mr. Eoin Murray
Partner/CEO, Callanish Capital Partners LLP
Dr. Matthew N. Murray
University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA
Dr. Peter Murray
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, USA
Dr. Rita M. Murray
Performance Consulting, LLC, USA
Prof. Daniel Muzio
Newcastle University Business School, UK
Mr. Valentine Mwangi
Founder and Program Lead at AfterWork, Kenya
Prof. Dr. Kurt G. Naber
Technical University of Munich, Germany
Dr. Joseph Nadeau
Maine Medical Center Research Institute, USA
Prof. Shigekazu Nagata
Osaka University Medical School, Japan
Prof. Ronald Nagel
Albert Einstein College of Medicine, USA
Prof. Srihari Naidu
New York Medical College, USA
Dr. Agnes Nairn
Professor of Marketing, EM Lyon Business School, France and RSM Erasmus University, The Netherlands
Prof. Adam Christian Naj
University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, USA
Prof. Koji Nakanishi
Columbia University, USA
Prof. Shinji Nakao
Japanese Red Cross Ishikawa, Japan
Prof. Luigi Naldini
Vita - Salute San Raffaele University School of Medicine, Italy
Dr. Sam Nalle
23andMe, USA
Prof. David Naor
The Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School, Israel
Prof. Giri Narasimhan
Bioinformatics Research Group, Florida International University, USA
Prof. Vagheesh Narasimhan
The University of Texas at Austin, USA
Dr. Hisashi Narimatsu
AIST, Japan
Prof. Hedi Nasheri
Kent State University, USA
Prof. Pandiyan Natarajan
Tamil Nadu Dr. MGR Medical University, India
Prof. James Nataro
University of Maryland, USA
Prof. Piet Naude
Director, University of Stellenbosch Business School, South Africa
Prof. Peter Naudé
Manchester Business School, UK
Prof. Victor Navarro
Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, USA
Ms. Sabina Nawaz
CEO coach, author, USA
Prof. Benjamin G. Neel
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School, USA
Dr. Greg Neely
The Garvan Institute, Australia
Prof. Masatoshi Nei
The Pennsylvania State University, USA
Mr. Harald Neidhardt
CMO, Smaato Inc., USA
Mr. Drew Neisser
CEO and Founder, Renegade, USA
Prof. David Nelken
University of Macerata, Italy
Prof. Debra L. Nelson
Oklahoma State University, USA
Dr. George Nelson
Bioinformatics/Biostatistics Group, SAIC/NCI-Frederick, USA
Prof. Robert Nerem
Parker H. Petit Institute for Bioengineering and Bioscience, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Dr. Johanna Neslehova
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerland
Prof. Randolph Nesse
University of Michigan, USA
Prof. Mihai Netea
Nijmegen Center for Life Sciences, The Netherlands
Dr. Nilton Salles Rosa Neto
Universidade Santo Amaro, Brazil
Prof. Michael Neuberger
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, UK
Dr. Darrell Neufer
East Carolina University, USA
Dr. John Neugebauer
University of the West of England, UK
Prof. David Neumark
University of California, Irvine, USA
Dr. Pedro Neves
Research Fellow, University of Delaware, USA
Prof. Sue Newell
Bentley University, USA
Prof. Meta Newhouse
Lesley University, USA
Prof. Lee Newman
University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Center
Mr. John Newton
Group Marketing Director, ClickThrough Marketing, UK
Dr. Cameron Neylon
Science and Technology Facilities Council, UK
Prof. Johan Neyts
Rega Institute for Medical Research, K.U.Leuven, Belgium
Prof. Irene Ng
Professor of Marketing Science, University of Exeter, UK
Dr. Christopher Nicchitta
Duke University Medical Center, USA
Ms. Alison Nicholas
Michael Palin Centre, UK
Ms. Andrea Nicholas
Green Business, UK
Mr. Steve Nicholas
Pharmacademy Limited, UK
Prof. David Nicholls
Buck Institute for Age Research, USA
Prof. Helen Nicholson
University of Otago, New Zealand
Dr. Dan Nicolae
University of Chicago, USA
Prof. Nicos Nicolaou
University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Dr. Francesco Nicoli
Universities of Ferrara and Padua, Italy
Prof. Davide Nicolini
Professor of Organization Studies, Warwick Business School, University of Warwick, UK
Prof. Pierluigi Nicotera
MRC Toxicology Unit, University of Leicester, UK
Prof. Michael S. Niederman
Weill Cornell Medical College, USA
Prof. Jens Nielsen
Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Prof. Ole Haagen Nielsen
University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Prof. Rasmus Nielsen
University of California, USA
Mr. Antonio Nieto-Rodriguez
IE Business School, Spain
Prof. Yoshihito Niimura
University of Miyazaki, Japan
Dr. Leo Nijtmans
Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, The Netherlands
Dr. Nikolaos Nikitakis
University of Athens, Greece
Prof. Timothy Nilsen
The Center for RNA Molecular Biology, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, USA
Prof. Stephen Nimer
University of Miami Health Care, USA
Prof. Kazuko Nishikura
The Wistar Institute, USA
Prof. Robert Nissenson
University of California, San Francisco, USA
Prof. Tom Noe
University of Oxford, UK
Prof. Harry Noller
University of California, Santa Cruz, USA
Prof. Anthony Norman
University of California, Riverside, USA
Dr. Paul Norman
Stanford University, USA
Prof. Daniel Normolle
University of Pittsburgh, USA
Prof. Bo Norrving
Lund University Hospital, Sweden
Dr. Sladjana Nørskov
Aarhus University, Denmark
Prof. Ruth Northway
University of South Wales, UK
Dr. Errol Norwitz
Yale University School of Medicine, USA
Prof. Bela Novak
University of Oxford, UK
Prof. John Novembre
University of Chicago, USA
Prof. Ilan Noy
Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Dr. Alastair Noyce
Institute of Neurology, University College London, UK
Prof. Gabriel Nunez
University of Michigan Medical School, USA
Dr. Andrew Nunn
MRC Clinical Trials Unit, UK
Dr. Paul Nunn
Stop TB Department, World Health Organization, Switzerland
Dr. Werner Nussbaum
Innovation Second Pillar, Switzerland
Dr. Thomas B. Nutman
National Institutes of Health, USA
Prof. B.E.B. Nwoke
Imo State University, Nigeria
Prof. Joseph S. Nye Jr.
Harvard Kennedy School, USA
Mr. Chuck Nyren
Consultant, USA
Prof. Jeremy J. N. Oats
University of Melbourne, Australia
Dr. Tom O'Brien
Genentech, USA
Ms. Josephine O'Callaghan
Physiotherapy London, UK
Prof. Colleen O'Connell
Stan Cassidy Centre for Rehabilitation, Canada
Mr. Nathaniel O’Connell
Medical University of South Carolina, USA
Prof. Peter O'Connor
UniSA Business, Australia
Dr. Rory V. O'Connor
Dublin City University, Ireland
Mr. Sean O'Connor
Senior Payment System Adviser, World Bank, USA
Mr. Steve O'Connor
Charles Sturt University, Australia
Dr. Isoken Odia
Jaeb Center for Health Research, USA
Dr. Christopher O'Donnell
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, USA
Prof. Denis O'Donnell
Queen's University, Canada
Prof. Martha O'Donnell
University of California at Davis, USA
Dr. Ashley O'Donoghue
TU Dublin, Ireland
Mr. John O'Duinn
Strategist and Author, CivicActions, USA
Prof. Anne O’Garra
National Institute for Medical Research, London, UK
Prof. Graham Ogden
University of Dundee, UK
Mr. Michael O'Grady
Drug Discovery Solutions, Invitrogen Corporation, USA
Dr. Oyindamola I. Ogunlaja
Stanford University, USA
Prof. Anthony O'Hagan
The University of Sheffield, UK
Ms. Mary O'Hara
Journalist, producer, author & founder of Project Twist-IT, UK
Prof. Kutluk H. Oktay
Yale University School of Medicine, USA
Prof. Michael S. Okun
University of Florida, USA
Ms. Marie Oldham
Head of Strategy, Media Planning Group, UK
Dr. Stéphane H.R. Oliet
Neurocentre Magendie, France
Dr. José María Oliva Lozano
Universidad de Almería, Spain
Prof. Richard Oliver
Professor of Management, Vanderbilt University, USA
Prof. Marco Olivera-Martinez
University of Nebraska Medical Center, USA
Prof. Malini Olivo
National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland
Mrs. Susan Ollier
QED Clinical Services, UK
Dr. Erica Ollmann Saphire
The Scripps Research Institute, USA
Dr. Rikke Olsen
University of Aarhus, Denmark
Prof. Brian Olshansky
University of Iowa, USA
Prof. Steve Olson
University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Dr. Anna Olsson
University of Porto, Portugal
Prof. John K. Olynyk
Edith Cowan University, Australia
Dr. Joe O’Mahoney
Cardiff University, UK
Prof. Gilbert Omenn
University of Michigan, USA
Prof. Bert H. O'Neil
IU Simon Cancer Center, Indiana, USA
Dr. Joseph O'Neill
Orchestra Therapeutics, Inc., California, USA
Prof. Luke O'Neill
Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Prof. Patrick Onghena
KU Leuven - University of Leuven, Belgium
Prof. Mark Onslow
The University of Sydney, Australia
Prof. Peter Openshaw
Imperial College London, UK
Dr. Joost J. Oppenheim
National Cancer Institute, USA
Dr. Jordan Orange
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, USA
Prof. Trevor J. Orchard
University of Pittsburgh, USA
Prof. Jose Ordovas
Tufts University, USA
Dr. Enrique Orduña-Malea
Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain
Dr. Paul O'Reilly
King's College London, UK
Prof. Moshe Oren
The Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Prof. Dennis P. Orgill
Harvard University, USA
Mr. Bryan K. Orme
President, Sawtooth Software, Inc., USA
Ms. Pilar Orti
Director of Virtual not Distant, Podcaster, and Author, UK
Dr. Lucy Osborne
University of Toronto, Canada
Dr. Jeroen Oskam
Hotelschool The Hague, The Netherlands
Prof. Gunnar Óskarsson
University of Iceland and Avinningur Ltd., Reykjavik, Iceland
Prof. Albert D.M.E. Osterhaus
Erasmus Medical Centre, The Netherlands
Prof. Cliff Oswick
Chair in Organization Theory and Discourse, Queen Mary, University of London, UK
Prof. Thomas Otter
Professor of Marketing, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany
Dr. John P. Overington
European Biometrics Institute, UK
Mr. Mike Owen
CEO, Brand Health International, UK
Prof. John Oxford
St. Bartholomew’s, Royal London Hospital, Queen Mary’s School of Medicine and Dentistry, Retroscreen Virology Ltd., UK
Dr. Hakan Ozalp
University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Dr. Özgür Özlük
Assistant Professor, San Francisco State University, USA
Prof. Sally Ozonoff
M.I.N.D Institute, University of California, Davis, USA
Prof. Donald Pagach
North Carolina State University, USA
Prof. Michele Pagano
New York University Cancer Institute and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, USA
Mr. Graham Page
EVP, Consumer Neuroscience, Millward Brown, UK
Prof. Mark Pagel
University of Reading, UK
Dr. Madhukar Pai
McGill University, Canada
Prof. Judith Paice
Northwestern University, USA
Prof. Monica Palcic
Carlsberg Laboratories, Denmark
Prof. Peter Palese
Mount Sinai School of Medicine, USA
Prof. Stan Paliwoda
Professor of Marketing, University of Strathclyde, UK
Prof. Adrian Palmer
Swansea University, UK
Prof. Lyle Palmer
Western Australian Institute for Medical Research and University of Western Australia, Australia
Dr. Mark J. Palmieri
Center for Children with Special Needs, USA
Dr. Duojia Pan
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, USA
Prof. Weihong Pan
BioPotentials Sleep Center, USA
Prof. Ying-Xian Pan
Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, USA
Dr. Yue Pan
Associate Professor of Marketing, University of Dayton, USA
Prof. Gabriel Panayi
King's College London, UK
Prof. Vijay Pande
Stanford University, USA
Dr. John E. Pandolfino
Northwestern University, USA
Prof. Andrei Panibratov
St. Petersburg State University, Russia
Mr. Ugo Panizza
Chief, Debt and Finance Analysis Unit, UNCTAD, Switzerland
Dr. Shyam Panjwani
Bayer Pharmaceuticals, USA
Prof. Pascale May Panloup
University Hospital of Angers, France
Prof. Klaus Pantel
University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany
Prof. Ioannis S. Pantelidis
Ulster University, UK
Dr. Andrea Pantoja
Stop TB Department at the World Health Organization, Switzerland
Dr. Nicolas Papadopoulos
Chancellor’s Professor and Professor of Marketing and International Business, Carleton University, Canada
Dr. Kosmas Paraskevas
Royal Free Hospital, UK
Prof. Luis Pardo
Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences, Germany
Dr. Olivier Pardo
Imperial College London, UK
Prof. Anant Parekh
Oxford University, UK
Prof. Andre Parent
Université Laval Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
Dr. Raphael Elmadjian Pareschi
Roche Pharmaceuticals, Brazil
Dr. Sheetal Parida
Johns Hopkins Medicine, USA
Dr. Anne Pariser
National Institutes of Health, USA
Dr. Andreas Park
Assistant Professor of Economics, University of Toronto, Canada
Prof. Robert Park
University of Sydney, Australia
Prof. Ian Parker
University of California, Irvine, USA
Ms. Jane Parker
CEO, InterbrandHealth, USA
Prof. Roy Parker
University of Arizona, USA
Prof. Sharon Parker
Curtin University, Australia
Dr. Ann Parkinson
Henley Business School at University of Reading, UK
Mr. Lee Parkinson
Managing Partner, New Dialogue, New Zealand
Prof. Mahesh Parmar
University College London, UK
Prof. Vladimir Parpura
University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA
Prof. Linda Partridge
University College London, UK
Prof. Martyn Partridge
Imperial College London, UK
Dr. Wendy Parulekar
Queen’s University, Canada
Dr. Marco Pasi
University Hospital of Tours, France
Prof. Susan Paskewitz
University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA
Prof. Elena Pasquale
The Burnham Institute, USA
Ms. Elena Pasquali
Co-founder and CEO of Ecosteer, Italy
Prof. Nikos Passas
Northeastern University, USA
Prof. Nipam Patel
University of California, Berkeley and Howard Hughes Medical Institute, USA
Prof. Smita Patel
University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, USA
Dr. Smita Y. Patel
Oxford University Hospitals, NHS Foundation Trust, UK
Prof. Andrew H. Paterson
University of Georgia, USA
Prof. Nalini Pather
University of New South Wales, Australia
Mr. Sandeep Patil
Helios Glanz Pte. Ltd., Singapore
Prof. Anthony Patterson
Senior Lecturer, University of Liverpool, UK
Dr. Randen Patterson
The Pennsylvania State University, USA
Prof. Rhea Paul
Sacred Heart University, USA
Dr. Thomas Paul
Director of Cancer Epigenetics, Pfizer, USA
Dr. William E. Paul
National Institutes of Health, USA
Dr. George Pavlakis
NCI Frederick, USA
Prof. Tony Pawson
Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute of Mt. Sinai Hospital, Canada
Prof. Adrian Payne
Professor of Marketing, University of New South Wales, Australia
Prof. John W. Payne
Fuqua School of Business, Duke University, USA
Ms. Charlotte Pearce
CEO and Founder, Inkpact, UK
Dr. Stephanie Pearl
Scott Jackson research Group, University of Georgia, USA
Dr. James E. Pease
Imperial College London, UK
Prof. Jordan Peccia
Yale University, USA
Dr. David W. Peck
Loughborough University, UK
Dr. Joann Peck
University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Prof. Mark Peifer
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
Prof. Charles A. Peloquin
University of Florida, USA
Dr. Kevin Pelphrey
Yale University School of Medicine, USA
Dr. Leena Peltonen
University of Cambridge, UK
Prof. Trevor Pemberton
University of Manitoba, Canada
Dr. Frida Pemer
Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden
Prof. Lisa Peñaloza
Kedge Business School, France
Dr. Andrew Penn
University of Sussex, UK
Prof. Johannes Pennings
Wharton Business School, USA
Dr. Pleuni Pennings
San Francisco State University, USA
Prof. Joe Peppard
Cranfield School of Management, UK
Prof. Mark Pepys
UK NHS National Amyloidosis Centre, Centre for Amyloidosis and Acute Phase Proteins, Department of Medicine, Royal Free and University College Medical School, UK
Dr. Mark Perkins
FIND, Geneva, Switzerland
Prof. Stephen Perkins
Global Policy Institute, UK
Prof. Stanley Perlman
University of Iowa, USA
Prof. Thomas Perls
Boston University, USA
Prof. Sallie Permar
Duke University Medical School, USA
Prof. Norbert Perrimon
Harvard Medical School, USA
Prof. Christopher Perry
York University, Canada
Dr. Milly Perry
Consultant in Innovation and Blockchain, Israel
Prof. V. Hugh Perry
School of Biological Sciences, University of Southampton, UK
Prof. Jill Perry-Smith
Emory University, USA
Dr. Raj Persaud
Consultant psychiatrist, UK
Dr. Basil Peters
Strategic Exits Corp, Canada
Mr. John Peters
Consultant and motivational speaker, UK
Prof. Ole Petersen
University of Liverpool, UK
Prof. Marc Peters-Golden
University of Michigan Medical School, USA
Prof. Douglas E. Peterson
UConn Health, USA
Dr. Suzanne J. Peterson
Arizona State University, USA
Prof. John Petrie
University of Glasgow, UK
Prof. Gina Petroni
University of Virginia, USA
Prof. Art Petronis
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Toronto, Canada
Prof. Gerd Pfeifer
Beckman Research Institute, City of Hope Cancer Center, USA
Prof. Ronald Pfeiffer
University of Tennessee, USA
Dr. Marc Pfister
Quantitative Solutions, USA
Prof. Paul Pharoah
University of Cambridge, UK
Dr. Ian Phau
Associate Professor, Curtin University of Technology, Australia
Dr. Michael Phelan
Independent Consultant, USA
Mr. Warren Phelops
Partner, K&L Gates LLP, UK
Prof. Richard Odame Phillips
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana
Dr. Dana Philpott
University of Toronto, Canada
Prof. Martin Picard
Columbia University, USA
Prof. Matthew Pickering
Imperial College London, UK
Prof. Michael Pierce
University of Georgia, USA
Prof. Nigel Piercy
Warwick Business School, UK
Dr. Marco Pierotti
Istituto Nazionale per lo Studio e la Cura dei Tumori, Italy
Prof. Adrian Piliponsky
University of Washington, USA
Prof. Shiv Pillai
Harvard Medical School, USA
Prof. Deenan Pillay
University College London, UK
Prof. Neil Piller
Flinders University, South Australia, Australia
Prof. Tamar Pincus
University of London, UK
Dr. Ines Pineda-Torra
Division of Medicine University College London, UK
Prof. Miguel Pinha e Cunha
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
Prof. Salomé S. Pinho
University of Porto, Portugal
Mr. Steve Pink
Managing Consultant, Telecommerce, UK
Prof. JoAnn Pinkerton
University of Virginia, USA
Dr. Ricardo Pino
Centrum PUCP, Peru
Dr. Andrew Pipe
University of Ottawa Heart Institute, Canada
Prof. Vincenzo Pirrotta
Rutgers University, USA
Dr. Allyson Pishko
University of Pennsylvania, USA
Prof. Katharina Pistor
Columbia University, USA
Prof. Xavier Pi-Sunyer
Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, USA
Dr. Tyrone Pitsis
University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Prof. Geoffrey S. Pitt
Weill Cornell Medicine, USA
Prof. Leyland Pitt
Dennis F. Culver EMBA Alumni Chair of Business, Segal Graduate School of Business, Simon Fraser University, Canada
Dr. Alan Pittman
University College London, UK
Dr. Paola Pizzo
University of Padova, Italy
Dr. Vincent Plagnol
University of Cambridge, UK
Prof. Leonidas Platanias
Northwestern University Medical School, USA
Prof. Fran Platt
University of Oxford, UK
Dr. Mikhail Pletnikov
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, USA
Dr. Lisa Plitnick
Merck & Co., Inc., USA
Prof. Stanley Plotkin
University of Pennsylvania, USA
Dr. Helene Plun-Favreau
University College London, UK
Prof. Ryszard Pluta
Medical Research Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
Dr. Stefan Poelt
Head of Revenue Management and Pricing Tools, Lufthansa German Airlines, Germany
Prof. Dame Julia Polak
Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Centre, Imperial College, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, London, UK
Prof. Giuseppe Poli
University of Torino, Italy
Dr. Guido Poli
San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Italy
Mr. David Polinchok
Founder and Chief Experience Officer, Brand Experience Lab, USA
Dr. Suzanne Pollack
Visiting Fellow, Henley Business School, UK
Dr. David J. Pollard
Leeds Metropolitan University, UK
Prof. Jeffrey Pollard
Albert Einstein College of Medicine, USA
Prof. Katherine Pollard
UC San Francisco, USA
Prof. Thomas D. Pollard
Yale University, USA
Dr. Katrina Pollock
Imperial College London, UK
Dr. Kevin Pollock
Health Protection Scotland, UK
Dr. Hannah Polson
Nucleus Global, UK
Dr. Keith Pond
EFMD Global Network, UK
Prof. Chris Ponting
University of Edinburgh, UK
Mr. Claudiu Popa
Informatica Corporation, Canada
Prof. Phillip Popovich
Ohio State University, USA
Prof. Steven A. Porcelli
Albert Einstein College of Medicine, USA
Prof. Walter Pories
East Carolina University, USA
Dr. Roger Porter
Epilepsy Therapy Project, USA
Dr. John Potter
CEO, John Potter Global and Visiting Fellow, Cass Business School, UK
Ms. Anne Poulson
Director of Students and Education, King's College London, UK
Dr. Kelly K. Powell
Yale School of Medicine, USA
Dr. Mark Powell
Director, Powell Gifford, UK
Prof. Tullio Pozzan
University of Padova, Italy
Prof. Sarah Prager
University of Washington, USA
Prof. Barbara Prainsack
King’s College London, UK
Prof. Bhagwat Prasad
University of Washington, USA
Prof. Ravi Prasad
University of California, Davis, USA
Prof. Hillel Pratt
Technion Institute, Israel
Dr. John Pratten
Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
Prof. Josef Prchal
University of Utah, USA
Dr. Patricia A. Prelock
The University of Vermont, USA
Prof. James Prestegard
University of Georgia, USA
Dr. Carmen Rosa Presti
University of Miami, USA
Prof. Glenn Prestwich
University of Utah, USA
Prof. Mark N. Prichard
University of Alabama, USA
Prof. Alice Prince
Columbia University, USA
Prof. Margot Prior
University of Melbourne, Australia
Dr. Peter Prior
Lawson Health Research Institute, Canada
Mr. Carl Pritchard
Principal and Founder of Pritchard Management Associates, USA
Dr. Jonathan Pritchard
Stanford University, USA
Prof. Ann Progulske-Fox
University of Florida, USA
Prof. Joe Proietto
University of Melbourne, Australia
Dr. Darren Prokop
University of Alaska Anchorage, USA
Prof. Christopher Proud
University of Southampton, UK
Dr. Amanda Proudfoot
Merck Serono Geneva Research Centre, Switzerland
Dr. Diane Proudfoot
Babraham Institute, Cambridge, UK
Prof. Michael Province
Washington University in St. Louis, USA
Prof. Frank Pugh
Pennsylvania State University, USA
Prof. Ching Hon Pui
St. Jude Children’s Hospital, USA
Prof. Margarita Puig
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona at Hospital del Mar, Spain
Dr. Michael Puleo
Fairfield University, USA
Dr. Wendy M. Purcell
Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, USA
Dr. Jim Putney
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, NIH, DHHS, USA
Prof. Chaim Putterman
Albert Einstein College of Medicine, USA
Dr. Kevin Pyke
University of Nottingham, UK
Prof. Anna Marie Pyle
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Yale University, USA
Mr. Dorian Pyle
Director of Modeling, Numetrics Management Systems, USA
Dr. Bronislaw Pytowski
ImClone Systems, USA
Prof. James Campbell Quick
University of Texas at Arlington, USA
Prof. Eamonn M. M. Quigley
University College Cork, Ireland
Dr. Jessica M. Quimby
The Ohio State University, USA
Dr. Christina Quinlan
Technological University Dublin, Ireland
Prof. Riaz Qureshi
University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, USA
Prof. Peter Rabinovitch
University of Washington, USA
Prof. Vincent Racaniello
Columbia University, USA
Prof. Rafael Radi
Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay
Dr. Marko Radic
University of Tennessee, USA
Mr. John Rae
Director of Business Development, CACI Ltd., UK
Prof. Robert Raeside
Professor in Applied Statistics, Napier University, UK
Prof. Moutih Rafei
University of Montreal, Canada
Dr. Michael Rafferty
University of Kansas, USA
Prof. Anisur Rahman
University College London, UK
Prof. Kanti Rai
Long Island Jewish Medical Center, USA
Dr. Mandeep Rai
Journalist, author, and speaker, UK
Dr. Vineet Kumar Rai
ISF College of Pharmacy, India
Dr. Jochen Raimann
Renal Research Institute, USA
Dr. Susana C. Raimondi
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, USA
Dr. Nitya Raj
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, USA
Mr. Sanjay Raja
U.K. Economist, UK
Dr. Geetha Rajashekhar
Qualtox Consultancy, India
Prof. Sohini Ramachandran
Brown University, USA
Prof. Venki Ramakrishnan
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, UK
Ms. Mmatšatši Ramawela
Director, Gecko Afrika Holdings, South Africa
Dr. Sangaralingam Ramesh
University College London, UK
Dr. G.D. Ramkumar
Co-founder and CTO, SnapTell, USA
Dr. Krithika Randhawa
University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Prof. Gwendolyn Randolph
Mount Sinai School of Medicine, USA
Prof. U. Srinivasa Rangan
Babson College, USA
Dr. William Rankin
Chair, Department of Aviation, University of Central Missouri, USA
Prof. Sarah Ransdell
Nova Southeastern University, USA
Dr. René Ranzinger
Complex Carbohydrate Research Center, University of Georgia, USA
Prof. Rajini Rao
The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, USA
Prof. Satish S. C. Rao
University of Iowa, USA
Prof. Jon Raphael
Dudley Hospitals NHS Trust and Birmingham City University, UK
Prof. Alan M. Rapoport
University of California in Los Angeles, USA
Dr. Nicolas Raposo
University Hospital of Toulouse, France
Prof. Rino Rappuoli
Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics, Italy
Prof. Mark M. Rasenick
University of Illinois, USA
Ms. Solvej Dorthea Rasmussen
Project Communication specialist, Denmark
Dr. Michael J. Rathbone
ULTI Pharmaceuticals, New Zealand
Prof. Lee Ratner
Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, USA
Prof. Nan Bernstein Ratner
University of Maryland, USA
Prof. Carlo Ratti
Director at MIT Senseable City Lab, USA
Prof. David Raulet
University of California, Berkeley, USA
Mrs. Katariina Rautalahti
National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health, Finland
Prof. Jarkko Rautio
University of Eastern Finland, Finland
Prof. Kodi Ravichandran
Carter Immunology Center, University of Virginia, USA
Dr. Mario Raviglione
University of Milan, Italy
Dr. Patricia Rawlinson
London School of Economics, UK
Ms. Kate Raworth
Senior Research Associate, Environmental Change Institute, Oxford University, UK
Dr. Amy Ray
Bentley University, USA
Dr. Tim Ray
Open University Business School, UK
Prof. Andrew Read
Edinburgh University, UK
Prof. Jonathon Read
Luxembourg School of Business, Luxembourg
Prof. Andrew Reader
Montreal Neurological Institute, Canada
Dr. Scott Reading
University of Utah, USA
Dr. Md. David A. Reardon
Center for Neuro-Oncology Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, USA
Mr. Tom Rebbitt
Perkins, UK
Prof. Nishitha M. Reddy
Vanderbilt University Medical Center, USA
Prof. Robert Redfield
Institute of Human Virology, University of Maryland Baltimore, USA
Prof. Emeritus Anthony R. Rees
Rees Consulting AB, Sweden
Dr. Jeremy Rees
National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, UK
Mrs. Lucy Rees
University of West England, UK
Prof. John Reeves
University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, USA
Prof. Lynne Regan
Yale University, USA
Prof. Dr. Celia Regina da Silva Garcia
University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Ms. Theresa Regli
The Real Story Group, USA/UK, UK
Dr. Patrick Regnér
Associate Professor, Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden
Dr. Brian Reichow
University of Florida, USA
Prof. David Reid
Seattle University, USA
Dr. Gregor Reid
Lawson Health Research Institute, Ontario, Canada
Prof. Mary M. Reilly
University College London, UK
Prof. Martin Reimann
Eller College of Management, University of Arizona, USA
Prof. Irving Rein
Professor of Communication Studies, Northwestern University, USA
Prof. John Reinus
Montefiore Medical Center and Albert Einstein College of Medicine, USA
Prof. William K. Reisen
University of California, Davis, USA
Prof. David Relman
Stanford University, USA
Prof. Giuseppe Remuzzi
Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research IRCCS, Italy
Dr. Detlev Remy
Singapore Institute of Technology, Singapore
Dr. Bing Ren
Professor of Management, Business School of Nankai University, China
Dr. Ronald Rensink
University of British Columbia, Canada
Prof. Tara Renton
Kings College London, UK
Prof. Harald Renz
Philipps-University Marburg, Germany
Dr. Michael Retsky
Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, USA
Prof. Allan Rettie
University of Washington, Seattle, USA
Dr. Ruth Rettie
Senior Lecturer, Kingston University, UK
Ms. Phyllis Reuther
CTO, Archipelago Network, USA
Prof. Tamas Revesz
Institute of Neurology, University College London, UK
Dr. Rodolfo Rey
Centro de Investigaciones Endocrinológicas “Dr. César Bergadá” (CEDIE), Argentina
Prof. Alexandre Reymond
Centre for Integrative Genomics, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Prof. Pascal Reynier
University Hospital of Angers, France
Prof. Gavin Reynolds
Queen's University, Belfast, Ireland
Dr. Jonathan Reynolds
Director, Oxford Institute of Retail Management, Saïd Business School, University of Oxford, UK
Dr. Theresa Reynolds
Department of Safety Assessment, Genentech, USA
Prof. William Reznikoff
Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, USA
Mr. Andrew Rhodes
Director of Products and Services, DVLA, UK
Dr. Carla Maria Pedrosa Ribeiro
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
Prof. Ruy M. Ribeiro
University of Lisbon, Portugal
Prof. Carlo Riccardi
University of Perugia, Italy
Mr. Martyn Richards
Director, Martyn Richards Research Ltd., UK
Mr. Vincent Richards
Guy Harvey Research Institute, Nova Southeastern University, USA
Prof. Paul G. Richardson
Harvard Medical School, USA
Dr. Steven Richeimer
University of Southern California, USA
Prof. Luca Richeldi
University Hospital Southampton, UK
Prof. Andre Richelieu
Associate Professor, Universite Laval, Canada
Ms. Laura Ries
Ries & Ries, USA
Mr. Mark Rijnbeek
European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI), UK
Mr. Philipp Rimpp
Clausthal University of Technology, Germany
Dr. Carlo Rinaldi
University of Oxford, UK
Dr. Simon Rinaldi
University of Oxford, UK
Prof. Eduardo Ríos
Rush University, USA
Prof. Neil Risch
University of California, San Francisco, USA
Prof. Aila Rissanen
Obesity Research Unit, Helsinki University Central Hospital, Finland
Dr. Koert Ritmeijer
Médecins sans Frontières (MSF), The Netherlands
Prof. Serge Rivest
Universite Laval, Canada
Mr. Tony Rizzo
Marquis Software Solutions Inc, USA
Prof. Rosario Rizzuto
University of Ferarra, Italy
Dr. Stephen Roach
Yale University, USA
Dr. Lawrence Robbins
Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science, USA
Prof. Caroline Robert
Institute Gustave Roussy, France
Prof. Michael A. Roberto
Bryant University, USA
Dr. David Roberts
Loughborough University, UK
Dr. Gareth Roberts
Novathera, Cambridge, UK
Prof. Gordon Roberts
Biological NMR Centre, Department of Biochemistry, University of Leicester, UK
Dr. Russ Roberts
Shalem College, Israel
Dr. Scot Roberts
CSO, Altimmune, USA
Ms. Justine Roberts CBE
Founder and CEO of Mumsnet, UK
Dr. Wolfgang Robien
University of Vienna, Austria
Mr. Colin Robinson
Planning Consultant, PPA Marketing, UK
Prof. Douglas Robinson
Imperial College London, UK
Dr. Jacqueline Robinson
University of California, San Francisco, USA
Mr. Mark Robinson
Managing Director, Marketing Databasics Ltd, UK
Mr. German Robles Gonzales
Director of the Centro de Estudios e Investigacion, Atletico de Madrid, Spain
Ms. Sarah Robson
Research and Planning Director, Millennium, UK
Prof. Stephen Roddy
University of San Francisco, USA
Prof. Barry Rodger
Professor of Law, The Law School, University of Strathclyde, UK
Prof. Marina Rodnina
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Germany
Dr. Charlene M. C. Rodrigues
University of Oxford, UK
Prof. Esteban Rodriguez
Austral University, Chile
Prof. Santiago Rodríguez de Córdoba
Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas, Spain
Mr. Fabián Rodríguez-Suárez
Founder & Principal, FAROS Advisory, Argentina
Mr. Chris Roebuck
Visiting Professor of Transformational Leadership, Cass Business School, UK
Prof. Ekaterina Rogaeva
University of Toronto, Canada
Ms. Beth Rogers
Portsmouth Business School, UK
Dr. David Rogers
President, DSR Marketing Systems, Inc., USA
Prof. John Rogers
Northwestern University, USA
Dr. Mark Rogge
Takeda Pharmaceuticals, USA
Dr. Jane Roitsch
University of Nebraska, USA
Dr. Isabel M. Rojas
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile
Mr. Martin Roll
Venture Republic, Singapore
Prof. Bernard E. Rollin
Colorado State University, USA
Prof. William S. Romoser
Ohio University, USA
Prof. Julian Rood
Monash University, Australia
Prof. Graham Rook
University College London, UK
Dr. Pauline Rooney
TU Dublin, Ireland
Prof. Rachel Roper
East Carolina University, USA
Prof. Brunello Rosa
CEO and Head of Research at Rosa & Roubini Associates, UK
Dr. Pierangelo Rosati
University of Galway, Ireland
Mr. Jeff Rose-Martland
Consultant, Martland Management, Canada
Dr. Christopher C. Rosen
University of Arkansas, USA
Mr. Joel Rosen
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Horwath Horizon Hospitality Consultants, Canada
Prof. Neal Rosen
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, USA
Prof. Noah Rosenberg
Stanford University, USA
Prof. Paul Rosenberg
New York University, USA
Prof. William Rosenberger
George Mason University, USA
Mr. Bill Rosenblatt
President, GiantSteps Media Technology Strategies, USA
Prof. Erica Bree Rosenblum
University of California, USA
Dr. Donald Rosenfield
Sloan School of Management, MIT, USA
Prof. Jessica Rosenholm
Åbo Akademi University, Finland
Mr. Asher Rospigliosi
University of Brighton, UK
Prof. Janet Rossant
Hospital for Sick Children, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Mr. Daniel J. Rossi
Duet BioTherapeutics, USA
Prof. John Rossi
Beckman Research Institute of the City of Hope, USA
Prof. Peter Rossi
James Collins Professor of Marketing at the Anderson School of Management, UCLA, USA
Prof. Peter Rossing
Steno Diabetes Center, Denmark
Prof. Jeffrey D. Rothstein
Johns Hopkins Institute for Clinical Translation, USA
Prof. Linda Rouleau
HEC Montréal, Canada
Prof. Denise M. Rousseau
Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Prof. Martine Roussel
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, USA
Prof. Christian Roux
Paris-Descartes University, France
Dr. Glenn C. Rowe
University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA
Prof. Chris Rowley
Cass Business School, UK
Mr. Paul Rowson
Chief Statistician, The Customer Partnership, UK
Mr. Daryl Roxburgh
Head, BITA Risk Solutions, UK and USA
Dr. Craig Roy
Yale University, USA
Dr. Sudipto Roy
Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, Singapore
Prof. Jayshree RS
Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology, India
Prof. Dustin R. Rubenstein
Columbia University, USA
Prof. David C. Rubinsztein
University of Cambridge, UK
Dr. Suzanne Ruddy
University College London, UK
Prof. Wolfhart Rudiger
University of Munich, Germany
Mr. Jim Rudolph
Former Corporate Communications Manager, Edmonton Airport, Canada
Dr. Merritt Ruhlen
Stanford University, USA
Dr. Sharyn Rundle-Thiele
Associate Professor, Griffith University, Australia
Prof. Hannele Ruohola-Baker
University of Washington, USA
Mr. Gregory Ruppert
MPI Research, USA
Prof. Eytan Ruppin
National Institutes of Health (NIH), USA
Prof. Dmitri Rusakov
University College London, UK
Prof. David Russell
Cornell University, USA
Dr. Stephen J. Russell
CEO, Vyriad, USA
Prof. Rebekah Russell-Bennett
Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Ms. Daniela Russo
Director General Payment and Market Infrastructure, European Central Bank, Germany
Prof. J. Edward Russo
Cornell University, USA
Dr. Kim E. Ruyle
Inventive Talent Consulting, USA
Prof. Lynette Ryals
Cranfield School of Management, UK
Prof. Louise Ryan
Department of Biostatistics, Harvard School of Public Health, USA
Prof. David Sabatini
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Dr. Sara Sacco
Carolinas Headache Clinic, USA
Prof. Bruce Sacerdote
Dartmouth College, USA
Dr. Ruth Sacks
Boardroom Focus, UK
Prof. Steven Sacks
King's College London, UK
Prof. J. Evan Sadler
Washington University in St. Louis, USA
Dr. Lawrence Sáez
The School of Oriental and African Studies, UK
Ms. Dora Safar
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI), Bahrain
Dr. Mehdi Safavi
Cranfield School of Management, UK
Mr. Nikhil Sagar
Vice President, Retail Inventory Management, OfficeMax Inc., USA
Ms. Catelynne Sahadath
University of Calgary, Canada
Dr. Arvind Sahu
National Centre for Cell Science, India
Dr. Kishore Sakharkar
National University Medical Institutes, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Dr. Meena Sakharkar
University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Prof. Hiroyuki Sakurai
Kyorin University School of Medicine, Japan
Prof. Jeswald W. Salacuse
Tufts University, USA
Dr. Dimitrios Salampasis
Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
Dr. Ayesha Saleem
University of Manitoba, Canada
Prof. Moin Saleem
University of Bristol, UK
Dr. Reza Salek
The European Bioinformatics Institute, UK
Dr. Aliasger K. Salem
University of Iowa College of Pharmacy, USA
Prof. Brian Salter
Global Biopolitics Research Group, University of East Anglia, UK
Dr. Gemma Salvadó
Lund University, Sweden
Prof. Maurizio Salvadori
University of Florence, Italy
Prof. Guy Salvesen
The Burnham Institute for Medical Research, USA
Dr. Sundeep Salvi
Chest Research Foundation, India
Ms. Peggy Salz
Founder and Publisher, MSearchGroove, Germany
Dr. Nita Salzman
Medical College of Wisconsin, USA
Prof. Lakshman P. Samaranayake
University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Mr. Brad Samargya
Tanium, USA
Dr. Dmitry Samarsky
Dharmacon Inc., USA
Prof. Dr. Janneke Samsom
Erasmus University Medical Centre, The Netherlands
Mr. Simon Samuels
Independent Banking Consultant
Prof. Ley Sander
University College London, UK
Prof. Dr. Mark Sanders
Maastricht University, The Netherlands
Dr. Krishnaswamy Sankaran
Partner, EY Switzerland, Switzerland
Dr. Abdul Sankoh
Sanofi-Aventis, USA
Prof. Philippe Sansonetti
The Pasteur Institute and INSERM, France
Dr. Andrea Santini
Assistant Professor in Marketing, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy
Prof. Nanette Santoro
University of Colorado, USA
Dr. Hélder A. Santos
University of Helsinki, Finland
Prof. Arun J. Sanyal
Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
Dr. R. Dusty Sarazan
Covance Laboratories Inc., USA
Dr. Carole Sargent
University of Cambridge, UK
Prof. Wim Saris
Nutrition and Toxicology Research Institute Maastricht (NUTRIM), University of Maastricht, The Netherlands
Dr. Maureen Sartor
National Center for Integrative Biomedical Informatics, USA
Prof. Piercarlo Sarzi-Puttini
University of Milan, Italy
Prof. Noah J. Sasson
The University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Prof. Naveed Sattar
University of Glasgow, UK
Prof. Quentin Sattentau
University of Oxford, UK
Mr. Christopher Satterthwaite
Chief Executive, Chime Communications, UK
Prof. Emeritus Kapil S. Satyapal
University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Dr. Celine A. Saulnier
Emory University, USA
Prof. Norman Saunders
University of Melbourne, Australia
Prof. Sven Saupe
University of Bordeaux, France
Prof. Jeffrey Saver
University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Prof. Sir John Savill
University of Edinburgh, UK
Prof. Benjamin Saville
Vanderbilt University and Berry Consultants, USA
Dr. Sergey Savinov
Purdue University, USA
Prof. Roberta Sawatzky
Okanagan College School of Business, Canada
Dr. Michael Sawyer
University of Alberta, Canada
Dr. Elias Sayour
University of Florida, USA
Prof. David T. Scadden
Harvard University, USA
Mr. Anthony Scaramucci
SkyBridge Capital, USA
Prof. Richard Scarpulla
Northwestern Medical School, USA
Prof. Harry Schachter
Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada
Prof. Steven Schachter
Harvard University Medical School, USA
Prof. David Schaffer
University of California, Berkeley, USA
Dr. Julie Schaffner
Tufts University, USA
Prof. Karin U Schallreuter
University of Greifswald, Germany
Prof. Axel Schambach
Hannover Medical School, Germany
Dr. Joost P. Schanstra
INSERM, Toulouse, France
Prof. Anthony Schapira
Department of Clinical Neurosciences, University College London, UK
Prof. Immo Scheffler
University of California, San Diego, USA
Prof. Philip Scheltens
VU University Hospital, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Prof. Philipp Scherer
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, USA
Prof. Steve Scherer
Hospital for Sick Children and University of Toronto, Canada
Prof. Jean-Michel Scherrmann
Paris Descartes University, France
Prof. Bernd Schierwater
Institute for Animal Ecology and Cell Biology, Germany
Prof. Joshua Schiffman
University of Utah, USA
Dr. Joel Schildbach
Johns Hopkins University, USA
Dr. John Schiller
National Cancer Institute, USA
Dr. Vincent Schippers
Utrecht University School of Economics, The Netherlands
Mr. Maik Schmahl
European Commission, Belgium
Dr. Connie Schmaljohn
US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, USA
Prof. Martin Schmelz
Mannheim Heidelberg University, Germany
Prof. Paul Schmid-Hempel
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Dr. Alexander Lennart Schmidt
Hotelschool The Hague, The Netherlands
Prof. Dieter Schmidt
Epilepsy Research Group Berlin, Germany
Prof. Glen Schmidt
University of Utah, USA
Prof. Ulrike Schmidt
King’s College London, UK
Dr. Dirk Schmidt-Gallas
Partner and Managing Director, Simon-Kucher & Partners, Germany
Prof. Olaf Schneewind
University of Chicago, USA
Prof. Andrea K. Schneider
Marquette University School of Law, USA
Dr. Bruce Schnepp
The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, USA
Dr. Birgit Schoeberl
Merrimack Pharmaceuticals, USA
Prof. Dale Schoeller
University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Prof. Paul J. H. Schoemaker
The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Dr. Jonathan Schoenfeld
Harvard University, USA
Prof. Dirk Schoenmaker
Professor of Finance, Banking and Insurance, VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Prof. Christopher J. Schofield
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK
Dr. Samantha Scholtz
Imperial College London, West London Mental Health Trust, UK
Prof. Donald Schomer
Harvard Medical School, USA
Dr. Stephanie Schorge
University College London, UK
Prof. Nicholas Schork
Scripps Genomic Institute of Medicine of La Jolla, USA
Dr. Francis Schortgen
University of Mount Union, USA
Dr. Jonathan Schott
Dementia Research Centre, Institute of Neurology, UCL, London, UK
Prof. Barry Schoub
University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa
Dr. Mona Schreiber
IPK, Gatersleben, Germany
Prof. Dr. Stefanie Schreiber
Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany
Dr. Floris Schreuder
Radboud University, The Netherlands
Mr. Peter Winther Schrøder
SVP, Saxo Bank A/S, Denmark
Dr. Erin Schuetz
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, St Jude Children's Hospital, USA
Mr. Frank Schuetzendorf
Founder, Pariscape Consulting, France
Prof. Dr. Benjamin Schuler
Biochemisches Institut, Universitat Zurich, Switzerland
Dr. Yun Schüler-Zhou
GIGA Institute of Asian Studies, Germany
Prof. Paul Schulman
Professor of Government, Mills College, USA
Prof. Don E. Schultz
Professor Emeritus (In-Service), Medill School, Northwestern University, USA
Prof. Gregory Schultz
University of Florida, USA
Prof. Majken Schultz
Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Dr. Theodore Schurr
University of Pennsylvania, USA
Ms. Annette Schütt Fiig
Director, Risk Office, Novo Nordisk, Denmark
Prof. Dr. Beat Schwaller
Anatomy, Dept. of Medicine, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Prof. Barry Schwartz
University of California, Berkeley, USA
Prof. David Schwartz
University of Colorado, USA
Prof. Michal Schwartz
Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Dr. Noa Schwartz
Hospital for Special Surgery, USA
Prof. Reimund Schwarze
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, Germany
Dr. Michael Schwarzschild
Harvard University, USA
Dr. Emma L. Schymanski
University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Prof. James J. Sciubba
The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, USA
Dr. Luca Scorrano
Venetian Institute of Molecular Medicine, Italy
Prof. Andrew Scott
Professor of Economics, London Business School, UK
Prof. Glynis Scott
University of Rochester Medical Center, USA
Prof. G. Richard Scott
University of Nevada, USA
Prof. Kathleen Scaler Scott
Misericordia University, USA
Prof. Linda Scott
University of Oxford, UK
Prof. Stuart Sealfon
Mount Sinai School of Medicine, USA
Dr. Karen Sears
University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Prof. J. Sebag
VMR Institute, USA
Prof. John Seddon
Visiting Professor, Cardiff University and Managing Director, Vanguard Consulting, UK
Prof. David Seder
Tufts University School of Medicine, USA
Mr. Richard Sedley
Customer Engagement Director, cScape CEU and Course Director for Social Media at the Chartered Institute of Marketing, UK
Prof. Jacob Seidell
Free University Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Prof. David Seidl
University of Zurich, Switzerland
Dr. Eva Seiringer
Klinikum Wels-Grieskirchen, Austria
Dr. Habte G. Selassie
Senior Lecturer, University of Bedfordshire, UK
Prof. Eric Selker
Institute of Molecular Biology, University of Oregon, USA
Mr. John M. Sellar
CITES Secretariat, Switzerland
Dr. Chloe Sellwood
NHS England, UK
Prof. Chandan K. Sen
Ohio State University, USA
Prof. Sevda Şenel
Hacettepe University, Turkey
Dr. Sioban SenGupta
University College London, UK
Prof. Ben Seon
Roswell Park Cancer Institute, USA
Mr. Alain Sepulchre
McKinsey & Company, Hong Kong and France
Prof. Charles Serhan
Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital, USA
Prof. Alessandro Serretti
Kore University of Enna, Italy
Dr. Nilay Sethi
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, USA
Dr. Carmine Settembre
TIGEM (Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine), Italy
Dr. Charles Sevigny
The University of Melbourne, Australia
Prof. Leonard Seymour
University of Oxford, UK
Prof. Michael N. Shadlen
Howard Hughes Medical Institute and University of Washington, USA
Dr. Dhaval K. Shah
University at Buffalo, USA
Dr. Maitri Shah
MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA
Dr. Tina Shah
University College London, UK
Dr. Khuram Shahzad
University of Vaasa, Finland
Prof. Eugene Shakhnovich
Harvard University, USA
Prof. Saad Shakir
Drug Safety Research Unit (DSRU), UK
Prof. Ruth Shalgi
Tel Aviv University, Israel
Prof. Christina E. Shalley
Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Prof. Pak Sham
King's College London, UK
Prof. Ron Shamir
Tel Aviv University, Israel
Dr. Manu Shankar-Hari
NIHR Clinician Scientist & Consultant in ICM, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust., UK
Dr. Keith A. Sharkey
University of Calgary, Canada
Prof. Arya Sharma
Michael G. deGroote School of Medicine, McMaster University, Canada
Ms. Garima Sharma
UCL Institute of Ophthalmology, UK
Dr. Richard Sharp
Center for Medical Ethics and Health Policy, Baylor College of Medicine
Dr. Claire Sharpe
King’s College London, UK
Prof. Aaron Shatkin
University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey and the Center for Advanced Biotechnology and Medicine, USA
Dr. Gregory Shaw
The George Washington University, USA
Dr. Hannah Shaw
Cardiff University, UK
Prof. Jonathan Shaw
Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute, Australia
Prof. Megan Shaw
Mount Sinai, USA
Prof. Dame Pamela Shaw
University of Sheffield, UK
Prof. Robert Shaw
Visiting Professor of Cass Business School and Director, Value Based Marketing & Advertising Forum, UK
Prof. Moses Shayo
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Prof. Allen Shearn
Professor Emeritus, Johns Hopkins University, USA
Dr. Elizabeth Sheedy
Associate Professor, Macquarie Applied Finance Center, Macquarie University, Australia
Dr. Rebecca Sheets
Grimalkin Partners, USA
Mr. Nigel Sheldon
Digital Strategy Consultant, UK
Mr. Steve Shellabear
Principal Consultant, Dancing Lion Training & Consultancy Ltd., UK
Prof. Louise Shelley
George Mason University, USA
Dr. Xiaobai Shen
Edinburgh Business School, UK
Prof. Zhiyuan Shen
Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey, USA
Dr. Pravin Shende
Shobhaben Pratapbhai Patel School of Pharmacy and Technology Management, SVKM’s NMIMS, India
Prof. Elizabeth Shephard
University College London, UK
Dr. Todd Sherer
Michael J. Fox Foundation, USA
Prof. James Sherley
Asymmetrex, LLC, USA
Mr. Jim Sherlock
Trainer and Consultant, UK
Prof. Andrew Sherman
University of Maryland, USA
Prof. Michael Sherman
Boston University Medical School, USA
Prof. Paul Sherman
Cornell University, USA
Prof. Jagdish N. Sheth
Emory University, USA
Dr. Yang Shi
Harvard Medical School, USA
Prof. Yigong Shi
Princeton University, USA
Dr. Ben Shields
Irving J. and Laura Lee Fellow, Northwestern University, USA
Prof. Willy Shih
Harvard Business School, USA
Dr. Ali Shilatifard
Stowers Institute, USA
Prof. Yosef Shiloh
Tel Aviv University, Israel
Prof. Mike Shipston
Centre for Integrative Physiology, University of Edinburgh, UK
Dr. Mahmood Shivji
Guy Harvey Research Institute, Nova Southeastern University, USA
Prof. Pam Shockley-Zalabak
Chancellor, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, USA
Dr. Emma Short
Cardiff Metropolitan University, UK
Prof. Jeremy Short
University of North Texas, USA
Ms. Erin Shrimpton
Chartered Organisational Psychologist, Ireland
Prof. Jonathan Shurin
University of California-San Diego, USA
Prof. Yu Shyr
Vanderbilt University Medical Center, USA
Dr. Panoraia I. Siafaka
European University Cyprus, Cyprus
Prof. Anne Sibert
Birkbeck, University of London, UK
Dr. Lisa Qixun Siebers
Nottingham Trent University, UK
Prof. Bryna Siegel
University of California, San Francisco, USA
Prof. Dina Siegel
Utrecht University and Willem Pompe Institute, The Netherlands
Dr. Eric Siegel
Founder, Predictive Analytics World, USA
Dr. Richard Siegel
NIAMS, National Institutes of Health-Bethesda, USA
Prof. Richard W. Siegel
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA
Dr. Peter Siegl
Siegl Pharma Consulting LLC., USA
Prof. Johannes Siegrist
University of Dusseldorf, Germany
Prof. Lynnette Sievert
University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA
Dr. Michael Sieweke
Centre d'Immunologie de Marseille-Luminy (CIML), France
Mr. Richard Sigman
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), France
Prof. James Sikela
University of Colorado, Denver, USA
Ms. Lindsey Sikora
University of Ottawa, Canada
Prof. Philippe Silar
University of Paris, France
Dr. Aušrinė Šilenskytė
University of Vaasa, Finland
Prof. Robert Siliciano
Johns Hopkins University, USA
Prof. Ana Catarina Silva
University Fernando Pessoa and University of Porto, Portugal
Prof. Bruno Silva-Santos
University of Lisbon, Portugal
Prof. Brian Silver
University of Massachusetts, USA
Prof. Edwin Silverman
Channing Laboratory and Pulmonary and Critical Care Division, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, USA
Prof. Edith Sim
Department of Pharmacology, University of Oxford, UK
Dr. Amanda Simmons
General practitioner, UK
Dr. Jakub Simon
Director of Clinical Research, Vaccines, Merck Research Laboratories, USA
Prof. Viviana Simon
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, USA
Dr. John Sims
Inflammation Research Group, Amgen Corp., Seattle, USA
Mr. Martin Sims
Managing and Creative Director, Eardrum, UK
Dr. Brandy L. Simula
Coaching and Consulting, USA
Prof. Sayantani B. Sindher
Stanford University, USA
Mr. Jonathan Singer
President, JSEM, Canada
Prof. Peter Singer
Princeton University, USA
Prof. Ajai Singh
Lehigh University, USA
Dr. Kasha Singh
University College London, UK and Monash University, Australia
Dr. Ritu Singh
Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, USA
Mr. Arvind Singhal
Chairman, KSA-Technopak, India
Dr. Andrew Singleton
Laboratory of Neurogenetics, NIA, Porter Neuroscience Research Center, USA
Prof. Jai B. P. Sinha
Assert Institute of Management Studies, India
Dr. Giulia Siravegna
Haystack Oncology, USA
Dr. Sirinrath Sirivisoot
King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand
Dr. Joseph Sirven
Mayo Clinic, USA
Prof. Sanjay Sisodiya
University College London, UK
Prof. Vivian Sisskin
University of Maryland, USA
Prof. Roberto Sitia
Universita Vita-Salute Raffaele, Milano, Italy
Dr. Mars Skae
Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital, UK
Dr. Simon Skalicky
University of Sydney and University of Melbourne, Australia
Dr. Andrew Skol
University of Chicago, USA
Dr. Irene Skovgaard Smith
Anglia Ruskin University, UK
Dr. Frank Slack
Director of the iRM, Harvard Medical School, USA
Mr. Peter Sleight
Partner, Target Market Consultancy, UK
Prof. Peter Sly
University of Queensland, Australia
Prof. William Sly
St. Louis University School of Medicine, USA
Prof. Stephen Smale
University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Ms. Elizabeth Smart
Lambert-St. Louis International Airport, USA
Prof. Trevor Smart
University College, London, UK
Mr. Chris Smit
Managing Partner , Culture Matters, Belgium
Ms. Brooke Smith
Texas A&M University, USA
Dr. Dennis Smith
Pfizer, UK
Prof. Eric E. Smith
University of Calgary, Canada
Prof. Ken G C Smith
Cambridge Institute for Medical Research, University of Cambridge, UK
Prof. Lewis Smith
Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, USA
Dr. Maeve P. Smith
Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, UK
Prof. Mark A. Smith
Case Western Reserve University, USA
Ms. Pauline Smith
Head of Contact Centre Operations, Nottinghamshire Police, UK
Prof. Peter Smith
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, UK
Mr. PR Smith
Consultant, PR Smith, UK
Prof. Quentin Smith
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, USA
Prof. Steven Smith
Pennington Biomedical Research Center, USA
Prof. Susan Smith
UCL School of Management, UK
Prof. Thomas Smith
Exposure, Epidemiology and Risk Program, Harvard School of Public Health
Dr. Tristram Smith
University of Rochester Medical Center, USA
Dr. V. Anne Smith
University of St Andrews, UK
Prof. Yoland Smith
Emory University, USA
Prof. Vassiliki Betty Smocovitis
University of Florida, USA
Dr. Miguel P. Soares
Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciencia, Portugal
Dr. Jonathan Soboloff
Temple University School of Medicine, USA
Prof. Giuseppe Soda
Dean, SDA Bocconi School of Management, Italy
Prof. Michael Sofroniew
University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Prof. Shay Soker
Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine, USA
Prof. Michael R. Solomon
Haub School of Business, Saint Joseph's University, Philadelphia, USA
Mr. Mariusz Soltanifar
Hanze International Business School, The Netherlands
Prof. Davor Solter
Max-Planck Institute of Immunobiology, Germany
Prof. Doug Soltis
University of Florida, USA
Dr. Flavio Somanji
Novartis, USA
Prof. Martin Somerville
University of Alberta, Canada
Dr. Hitoshi Someya
Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency, Japan
Dr. Vernon K. Sondak
H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute, USA
Prof. Jing-Sheng Song
Fuqua School of Business, Duke University, USA
Dr. Zhou Songyang
Baylor College of Medicine, USA
Prof. Stephen T. Sonis
Brigham and Women’s Hospital and the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, USA
Ms. Amrita Sood
Associate Director, GfK NOP Social Research, UK
Prof. Himla Soodyall
University of the Witwatersrand and National Health Laboratory Service, South Africa
Dr. Carsten Sørensen
Senior Lecturer, LSE, UK
Dr. Maria Alessandra Sotgiu
University of Sassari, Italy
Prof. Claudio Soto
University of Texas Medical Branch, USA
Prof. Eliana Souto
University College Dublin, Ireland
Prof. Antonio Spanevello
University of Insubria, Italy
Prof. Leigh Sparks
University of Stirling, UK
Prof. Paul Sparrow
Lancaster University, UK
Dr. Steven J. Spear
MIT Sloan School of Management, USA
Prof. David Spector
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, USA
Mr. Robert Spector
Author and keynote speaker, USA
Mr. Philip Spedding
Senior Programme Manager, Arts & Business, UK
Dr. Doug Speed
Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies, Aarhus University, Denmark and University College London, UK
Prof. David Speert
University of British Columbia, Canada
Prof. J. David Spence
Western University, Canada
Dr. Chris Spencer
University of Oxford, UK
Dr. Janine Spencer
Lecturer in Psychology and Director, Center for Research in Infant Behavior, Brunel University, UK
Prof. Lisa A. Spencer
University of Colorado School of Medicine, USA
Prof. Vanessa Sperandio
University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Prof. Andre Spicer
Cass Business School, UK
Prof. Donna Spiegelman
Harvard School of Public Health
Dr. Luciano A. Sposato
Western University, Canada
Dr. Heather Sprandel
University of Arkansas, USA
Dr. Linda L. Spremulli
University of North Carolina, USA
Dr. Nathan M. Springer
University of Minnesota, USA
Prof. Nelson Spruston
HHMI Janelia Farm Research Campus, USA
Dr. Mario Squadrito
San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Italy
Prof. Alex Stajkovic
University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Prof. Anton Stalenhoef
Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, The Netherlands
Prof. Lawrence Stanberry
Columbia University, USA
Prof. Eberhardt Standl
Munich Diabetes Research Group, Germany
Dr. Danica Stanimirovic
National Research Council of Canada, Canada
Prof. E. Richard Stanley
Albert Einstein College of Medicine, USA
Prof. Mike Stark
University of Dundee, UK
Dr. Matthew State
Yale University, USA
Prof. Angelike Stathopoulos
California Institute of Technology, USA
Prof. Dimitri J. Stavropoulos
University of Toronto, Canada
Prof. Daret St. Clair
University of Kentucky, USA
Prof. Roger Steare
Corporate Philosopher and Visiting Professor of Organizational Ethics, Cass Business School, UK
Prof. Stephen C. Stearns
Yale University, USA
Prof. Andrew Steer
Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, Australia
Prof. Dr. Sven Stegemann
Graz University of Technology, Austria
Prof. Dr. Christoph Stein
Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany
Prof. Dr. Christoph Steinbeck
Friedrich-Schiller-University, Germany
Prof. Gary K. Steinberg
Stanford University School of Medicine, USA
Prof. Martin H. Steinberg
Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine, USA
Dr. Erich Steinbock
Swiss Hotel Management School, Switzerland
Prof. Ralph Steinman
Rockefeller University, USA
Prof. Thomas Steitz
HHMI, Yale University, USA
Prof. Hermann Steller
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, The Rockefeller University, USA
Dr. Fabian Stephany
University of Oxford, UK
Prof. David W. Stephens
University of Minnesota, USA
Dr. Jeffrey Stephens
Swansea University, Wales, UK
Dr. Shiby Stephens
Cardiff University, UK
Mr. Jim Sterne
Chairman, Web Analytics Association, USA
Dr. Jamie Stevens
University of Exeter, UK
Dr. Molly Stevens
Department of Materials, Imperial College London, UK
Prof. Ruth P. Stevens
NYU Stern School of Business, USA
Mr. Henry Stewart
Chief Happiness Officer, Happy Ltd., UK
Dr. Marc St-Hilaire
Universite Laval
Prof. Joan Stiles
University of California, San Diego, USA
Prof. Bruce Stillman
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, USA
Prof. Davor Štimac
University of Rijeka, Croatia
Prof. Julia Stingl (formerly Kirchheiner)
University of Ulm, Germany
Prof. Thomas J. Stipanowich
Pepperdine University School of Law, USA
Ms. Jennifer Stirrup
Founder and CEO of Data Relish, UK
Dr. Ewan St. John Smith
University of Cambridge, UK
Prof. Emeritus Roland Stocker
Heart Research Institute, Australia
Dr. Brigitta Stockinger
Associate Research Director, The Francis Crick Institute, UK
Prof. Robert Stockley
University Hospital, Birmingham, UK
Mr. Julian Stodd
Author and Captain at Sea Salt Learning, UK
Ms. Rachel Stohl
Center for Defense Information at the World Security Institute, Washington DC, USA
Prof. Hatch Stokes
Macquarie University, Australia
Dr. Jamie Stoller
Cleveland Clinic, USA
Prof. Merlin Stone
Director, WCL and Professor of Marketing, Bristol Business School, UK
Prof. Mark Stoneking
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Germany
Dr. Benedetta Storti
Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Neurologico Carlo Besta, Italy
Prof. Russell Stothard
Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, UK
Dr. David Stout
University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Dr. Sean Stowell
Harvard Medical School, USA
Dr. Jonathan Stoye
Francis Crick Institute, UK
Prof. Antonio Strafella
University of Toronto, Canada
Ms. Diane Strahan
Vice President of Mobile Services, Neustar, USA
Dr. David Strain
University of Exeter Medical School, UK
Prof. Cheryl Strauss Einhorn
Author and Founder of Decisive, USA
Mr. Jonathan Street
Customer Experience Consultant, UK
Mr. Rod Street
Executive Partner, IBM Global Business Services, UK
Dr. Pasquale Striano
University of Genova, Italy
Prof. Stephen Strom
Karolinksa Institute, Sweden
Prof. Terry Strom
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Cente and Harvard University, USA
Mr. Dick Stroud
Managing Director, 20plus30, UK
Dr. Lynda Stuart
Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, USA
Prof. Albert Stunkard
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, USA
Prof. Andrew Sturdy
University of Bristol, UK
Dr. Grace Stutzmann
Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science, USA
Dr. Manj Subiah R.
Executive Coach, South Africa
Prof. Sandra J. Sucher
Harvard Business School, USA
Mr. Charles Suddaby
President, Charles Suddaby & Associates Ltd., Canada
Prof. Mary Sugden
Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry, UK
Prof. Reiko Sugiura
Kindai University, Japan
Dr. Ryan Sullivan
Harvard Medical School, USA
Dr. David Summers
Department of Genetics, Cambridge University, UK
Prof. Jiaming Sun
Fudan University, China and Texas A&M University, USA
Prof. Joseph Sun
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, USA
Dr. Raghav Sundar
National University Cancer Institute, Singapore
Prof. Margaret Sunde
The University of Sydney, Australia
Prof. Joseph J. Sung
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Dr. Surachai Supattapone
Dartmouth Medical School, USA
Prof. Azim Surani
Wellcome Trust Cancer Research UK Gurdon Institute, University of Cambridge, UK
Prof. K. G. Suresh
Makhanlal Chaturvedi National University of Journalism & Communication, India
Dr. Swenja Surminski
London School of Economics, UK
Dr. Neville Suskin
Western University, Canada
Prof. Alastair Sutcliffe
UCL GOS Institute of Child Health, UK
Dr. Joyce Sutcliffe
NanoBio Corporation, USA
Ms. Lisette Sutherland
Director, Collaboration Superpowers, The Netherlands
Mr. Rory Sutherland
Vice Chairman, OgilvyOne Worldwide, UK
Dr. Kyra Leigh Sutton
Rutgers University, USA
Prof. Tsutomu Suzuki
The University of Tokyo, Japan
Prof. Catharina Svanborg
Lund University, Sweden
Dr. Alex Sverdlov
Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, USA
Prof. Dallas Swallow
University College London, UK
Dr. Alma Swan
Enabling Open Scholarship and Director, Key Perspectives Ltd, UK
Prof. Karl Swann
Cardiff University, UK
Prof. Joel Swanson
University of Michigan Medical School, USA
Prof. Michele Swanson
University of Michigan, USA
Dr. Rosemarie Swanson
Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Texas A&M University, USA
Prof. Karen L. Sweazea
Arizona State University, USA
Dr. Dan Swerdlow
University College London, UK
Prof. Boyd Swinburn
WHO Collaborating Center for Obesity Prevention, Deakin University, Australia
Prof. M. Michael Swindle
Medical University of South Carolina, USA
Dr. David Swinney
DCSwinney Consulting, USA
Ms. Lana Syed
World Health Organization, Switzerland
Dr. Sharifah Faridah Syed Alwi
University of Malaya, Malaysia
Dr. Petros Syrris
University College London, UK
Prof. Peter Szatmari
McMaster University, Canada
Prof. Sabine Szunerits
University of Lille, France
Prof. Leonie Taams
King's College London, UK
Dr. Jan-Willem Taanman
University College London, UK
Dr. Holly Tabor
Seattle Children's Hospital and University of Washington, USA
Prof. Sarah Tabrizi
University College London, UK
Dr. Olinga Taeed
Director of Centre for Citizenship, Enterprise and Governance, UK
Prof. Dr. Oya Tagit
FHNW, Switzerland
Prof. Stephen Tait
University of Glasgow, UK
Prof. Paul Peter Tak
Amsterdam University Medical Centre, The Netherlands
Dr. Osamu Takeuchi
Osaka University, Japan
Prof. Kevin Talbot
University of Oxford, UK
Prof. Stephen Tallman
University of Richmond, USA
Prof. Philippa Talmud
University College London, UK
Dr. Damian Tambini
London School of Economics, UK
Ms. Penny Tamkin
Program Director of management and Leadership Research, The Work Foundation, UK
Prof. Tricia Tan
Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, UK
Prof. Tomo Tanaka
University of Dundee, UK
Prof. Christoph Tang
University of Oxford, UK
Dr. Patricia Tang
University of Calgary, Canada
Prof. Naoyuki Taniguchi
Prof. Mark Tarnopolsky
McMaster University Medical Center, Canada
Dr. Dirk Tasche
Risk Analyst, Deutsche Bundesbank, Germany
Dr. Peter Tatham
Griffith Business School, Australia
Dr. Simon Tausch
Robert Koch Institute, Germany
Prof. Nektarios Tavernarakis
University of Crete, Greece
Dr. Baraa Tayeb
King Abdulaziz University Faculty of Medicine, Saudi Arabia
Prof. Allen Taylor
Tufts University, USA
Prof. Hugh Taylor
Professor and Chief, Division of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility Yale University School of Medicine, USA
Prof. John-Paul Taylor
Newcastle University, UK
Dr. Molly Taylor
AstraZeneca, UK
Prof. Peter C. Taylor
University of Oxford, UK
Prof. Robin Taylor
NHS Lothian, UK
Mr. Stephen Taylor
University of Exeter, UK
Prof. Susan Taylor
University of California, San Diego, USA
Prof. Sridhar Tayur
School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Dr. Dawn Teare
University of Sheffield, UK
Prof. Robert Teasell
Western University, Canada
Prof. Thomas Tedder
Duke University Medical Center, USA
Dr. Sara K. Tedeschi
Harvard Medical School, USA
Prof. Francesco Tedesco
Istituto Auxologico Italiano, Italy
Prof. Steven L. Teitelbaum
Washington University School of Medicine, USA
Prof. Christoph Teller
Chair in Retailing and Marketing, Surrey Business School, University of Surrey, UK
Prof. Zera Tellier
Laboratoire Francais du Fractionnement et des Biotechnologies, France
Prof. Glenn Telling
University of Kentucky, USA
Dr. Gary Templeton
West Virginia University, USA
Prof. Jonathan Temte
University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Prof. René ten Bos
Radboud University, The Netherlands
Prof. Helene Tenzer
LMU Munich School of Management, Germany
Prof. Yik Ying Teo
National University of Singapore, Singapore
Dr. Stewart J. Tepper
The New England Institute for Neurology and Headache, USA
Prof. Tetsuya Terasaki
Tohoku University, Japan
Prof. Michael Ter-Avanesyan
Cardiology Research Center, Russia
Prof. Mark Tester
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia
Dr. Anje te Velde
Academic Medical Center, The Netherlands
Prof. Alun Thomas
University of Utah, USA
Prof. Christopher Thomas
University of Birmingham, UK
Dr. David Y. Thomas
McGill University, Canada
Prof. Duncan Thomas
University of Southern California, USA
Prof. Howard Thomas
The Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research, UK
Mr. Ian Thomas
Director, Marketing Generics, Oxford, UK
Prof. John Thomas
Salk Institute for Biological Studies, USA
Dr. Mark Thomas
University College London, UK
Prof. Merlin Thomas
Monash University, Australia
Dr. Peter Thomas
Covance Laboratories Inc., USA
Prof. Leigh Thompson
Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, USA
Ms. Sandra Thompson
Emotional Intelligence Coach at GolemanEI, UK
Mr. Alex Thomson
Chief Correspondent, Channel 4 News, UK
Prof. Emma Thomson
University of Glasgow, UK
Prof. Neil Thomson
Institute of Infection, Immunity & Inflammation, University of Glasgow, UK
Prof. Michael Thun
American Cancer Society, USA
Mr. Stephen Thurlbeck
Paralucent Inc., Canada
Dr. Michel Tibayrenc
Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement, France
Dr. Simon Tiberi
Queen Mary University of London, UK
Prof. Emerita Cheryll Tickle
University of Bath, UK
Prof. Joseph Tidd
University of Sussex, UK
Dr. Bradley J. Till
Centro de Genómica Nutricional Agroacuícola Temuco, Chile
Mr. John Till
Thinkingplace, UK
Prof. H. T. Marc Timmers
University of Utrecht, The Netherlands
Prof. Angela Tincani
Spedali Civili and University of Brescia, Italy
Prof. Jenny Ting
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
Dr. Marc Tischkowitz
University of Cambridge, UK
Prof. Emeritus Ian Tizard
Texas A&M University, USA
Prof. Dean Tjosvold
Lingnan University, Hong Kong, China
Prof. Andrew B. Tobin
University of Glasgow, UK
Prof. Desmond J. Tobin
University College Dublin, Ireland
Prof. Martin Tobin
University of Leicester, UK
Mr. Matthew Tod
CEO, Logan Tod & Co, UK
Prof. Philip Tofilon
Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute, USA
Dr. David Toft
Mayo Clinic, USA
Dr. Martin Toft
Adlast, Denmark
Dr. Sara M. Tolaney
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School, USA
Dr. Paz Estrella Tolentino
Birkbeck, University of London, UK
Prof. Maria Tomasz
Hunter College, City University of New York, USA
Prof. Yaron Tomer
Albert Einstein College of Medicine, USA
Prof. Brian Tomlin
Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth College, USA
Prof. Craig R. Tomlinson
Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, Dartmouth College, USA
Mr. Chris Torbit
Vice President of Mobile Services, SmartReply, USA
Prof. John S. Torday
Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, USA
Prof. David Torgerson
York Trials Unit, University of York, UK
Mr. Fabio Torlini
Marketing Director EMEA, Rackspace Ltd., UK
Prof. Mariano Torras
Adelphi University, USA
Prof. Antonio Torroni
Pavia University, Italy
Prof. Domenico Tortorella
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, USA
Prof. Giovanni Tosi
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy
Prof. Elias Toubi
Bnai-Zion Medical Center, The Technion-Faculty of Medicine, Israel
Dr. Gina Touch Mercer
University of Arizona College of Medicine - Phoenix, USA
Ms. Francoise Tourniaire
Founder and Principal, FT Works, USA
Prof. George Tovstiga
EDHEC Business School, France
Dr. Clara Y. Tow
Albert Einstein College of Medicine, USA
Prof. Kenneth Towbin
National Institute of Mental Health, USA
Prof. Maret Traber
Oregon State University, USA
Prof. Paula Traktman
Medical College of Wisconsin, USA
Dr. Darren Treadway
University at Buffalo, SUNY, USA
Prof. Mohamed Trebak
Albany Med College Albany, USA
Prof. Richard C. Trembath
Queen Mary University of London, UK
Prof. Marc Tremblay
Universite du Quebec a Chicoutimi, Canada
Dr. Marie-Ève Tremblay
University of Victoria, Canada
Dr. Lothar Tremmel
CSL Behring, USA
Prof. Wenda Trevathan
New Mexico State University, USA
Prof. Charles O. Trevor
University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Prof. Aleksandra Trifunovic
University of Cologne, Germany
Mr. Sanjay Tripathi
Consultant, USA
Prof. Dr. Timir Tripathi
North-Eastern Hill University, India
Prof. John Trowsdale
University of Cambridge, UK
Mr. John Trundle
Chief Risk Officer, Euroclear Group, Belgium
Prof. Efrat Tseëlon
University of Leeds, UK
Prof. Panagiotis Tsonis
University of Dayton, USA
Prof. Roberto Tuberosa
University of Bologna, Italy
Dr. Arianna Tucci
University College London, UK
Prof. Edward Tuddenham
Royal Free Hospital and University College Medical School, UK
Prof. Mick Tuite
University of Kent, UK
Prof. Tim Tully
Dart Neuroscience LLC, USA
Prof. L. Nathan Tumey
Binghamton University, USA
Prof. Dr. Kursad Turgay
Freie Universitat Berlin, Germany
Prof. Laurence Turka
University of Pennsylvania, USA
Dr. Paul Turke
The University of Michigan, USA
Mr. Andrew Turnbull
Aberdeen Business School, The Robert Gordon University, UK
Prof. Bryan Turner
University of Birmingham Medical School, UK
Mr. Gareth Turner
Director of Process Optimisation and Management, PAREXEL Consulting, Inc., UK
Prof. Paul Turner
Yale University, USA
Mr. Rick Turner
The BIG Sheep, UK
Dr. Dian Turnheim
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), France
Dr. Tracy Tuten
East Carolina University, USA
Dr. Robert Tycko
National Institutes of Health, USA
Dr. Kevin Tyler
University of East Anglia, UK
Ms. Wynne Tyree
Founder and President, Smarty Pants, USA
Ms. Marilyn Tyzack
Director, IRIS Consulting, UK
Prof. Athanasios G. Tzioufas
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
Dr. Suma Uday
Birmingham Women’s and Children’s Hospital, UK
Mr. Victor Udoewa
Service Design Lead, NASA Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer Programs, USA
Prof. Naoto T. Ueno
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA
Dr. Sophie Ugolini
Centre d'Immunologie de Marseille-Luminy, France
Prof. Mary Uhl-Bien
Texas Christian University, USA
Prof. David Underhill
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, USA
Prof. Peter Underhill
Stanford University Medical School, USA
Prof. Jeffrey Unerman
University of London, UK
Dr. Ashish Upadhyay
Boston University School of Medicine, USA
Dr. Mukund Uplekar
Stop TB Department at the World Health Organization, Switzerland
Dr. Eileen Uribe-Querol
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico
Prof. Michael Useem
University of Pennsylvania, USA
Dr. Omar S. Usmani
Imperial College London, UK
Prof. Jürg Utzinger
University of Basel, Switzerland
Prof. Vladimir N. Uversky
University of South Florida, USA
Prof. Eero Vaara
Hanken School of Economics, Finland
Mr. Trevor Vagg
Director, BMRB Media, UK
Prof. Eric Vail
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, USA
Dr. Anna Vainshtein
Craft Science Inc., Canada
Prof. Monique Valcour
EDHEC Business School, France
Ms. Virginia Valentine
Founding Partner, Semiotic Solutions Ltd, UK
Prof. Gabriele Valentini
Università della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”, Italy
Prof. Richard Van Acker
University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Dr. Joris van Dam
Exact Sciences Corporation, USA
Prof. Philip Van Damme
KU Leuven, Belgium
Prof. Freddy Van den Spiegel
Professor of Financial Markets, Free University of Brussels (VUB), Belgium
Prof. Anton van der Merwe
University of Oxford, UK
Prof. Bo van der Rhee
Nyenrode Business University, The Netherlands
Dr. H. Rogier van Doorn
Oxford University Clinical Research Unit, Wellcome Trust Major Overseas Programme, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Dr. John H. Van Drie
Van Drie Research LLC, USA
Prof. Willem Van Eden
Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Prof. Fred van Eeuwijk
Wageningen University, The Netherlands
Prof. Luc Van Gaal
Antwerp University Faculty of Medicine, Belgium
Prof. Jan van Gijn
Utrecht Medical Centre, The Netherlands
Prof. Bart Vanhaesebroeck
University College London, UK
Prof. Jakko van Ingen
Radbound University, The Netherlands
Ms. Marianne van Keep
Director of Sustainability & Purchasing at Verstegen Spices & Sauces, The Netherlands
Prof. Dr. Daan van Knippenberg
Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Dr. Yvette Van Kooyk
Amsterdam University, The Netherlands
Prof. Daneel van Lill
Executive Dean, University of Johannesburg, College of Business and Economics, South Africa
Prof. Jan A. Van Mieghem
Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, USA
Dr. Filip Van Petegem
University of British Columbia, Canada
Dr. Gerrit van Schalkwyk
Brown University, USA
Prof. Albert van Schoor
University of Pretoria, South Africa
Prof. Jonathan Van-Tam
University of Nottingham, UK
Dr. Olaf van Tellingen
The Netherlands Cancer Institute, The Netherlands
Dr. Susanne J. van Veluw
Harvard Medical School, USA
Mr. Ynzo van Zanten
Tony’s Chocolonely, The Netherlands
Dr. Nükhet Vardar
Founder, El Izi Communications Consultancy, UK
Mr. Anthony Vardy
Westbury Granville Associates Ltd., UK
Dr. Mariana Vargas-Caballero
University of Southampton, UK
Mr. Atul Vashistha
Neo Group, USA
Prof. Gerado Vasta
University of Maryland, USA
Dr. Ramin Vatanparast
Senior Strategy & Business Development Manager, Nokia, USA
Dr. Duncan Vaughan
Formerly National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences, Japan
Dr. Jim Vaught
Editor in Chief, Biopreservation & Biobanking, USA
Dr. Gonzalo Vazquez-Prokopec
Emory University, USA
Prof. Gregory Veeck
Western Michigan University, USA
Dr. Ciska Veen
Netherlands Institute of Ecology, The Netherlands
Dr. Ekant Veer
University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Dr. Krishna Veeramah
University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Dr. Sendhil Velan
Singapore Bioimaging Consortium, Singapore
Dr. Marc Veldhoen
University of Lisbon, Portugal
Ms. Yael Velleman
The Schistosomiasis Control Initiative, UK
Dr. Joris Veltman
Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, The Netherlands
Ms. Annette Vendelbo
CEO of Xvoto and Agile Specialist, Denmark
Mr. Ramesh Venkat
Senior Vice President of Yield Management, Emirates Airline, UAE
Dr. Carina Venter
University of Colorado, USA
Dr. Marietjie Venter
National Institute for Communicable Disease, South Africa
Dr. Paul Verdu
Centre national de la recherche scientifique, France
Prof. Alexei Verkhratsky
University of Manchester, UK
Dr. Sharad K. Verma
GlaxoSmithKline, USA
Prof. Joris Vermeesch
Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium
Prof. Sten H. Vermund
Yale University, USA
Dr. Alain Verreault
University of Montreal, Canada
Prof. Paula Vertino
Emory University, USA
Dr. Jukka Vesala
Deputy Director General, Finnish FSA, Finland
Prof. Jørgen Vestbo
University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
Prof. Helene Vezina
Universite du Quebec a Chicoutimi, Canada
Prof. Marc Vidal
Harvard Medical School, USA
Prof. Paula Videira
NOVA School of Science and Technology, Portugal
Dr. Joao Vieira da Cunha
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
Prof. Elizabeth Vierling
University of Arizona, USA
Dr. Vannan Kandi Vijayan
University of Delhi, India
Prof. Jan Vijg
Albert Einstein College of Medicine, USA
Dr. Alessandro Villa
Harvard University, USA
Dr. Dale Vimalachandran
University of Liverpool, UK
Dr. Jose Vina
University of Valencia, Spain
Dr. Amy Vincent
Newcastle University, UK
Dr. Kellie Vincent
University of Bedfordshire Business School, UK
Ms. Laura Virgilio
Branching Out, USA
Prof. David Virshup
Duke-NUS Medical School, Singapore
Dr. Ivanka Visnjic
ESADE Business School, Spain
Prof. Emeritus Joan-Lluis Vives Corrons
Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute, Spain
Prof. Eric Vivier
Centre d'Immunologie de Marseille-Luminy, France
Prof. Antonia Vlahou
Bioacademy, Greece
Prof. David Voehringer
Universitatsklinikum and Friedrich-Alexander-Universitat Erlangen, Germany
Prof. Paul Volberding
University of California San Francisco, USA
Prof. Fred Volkmar
Yale University School of Medicine, USA
Ms. Floria Volynskaya
University of Maryland, USA
Prof. Arnold von Eckardstein
University of Zurich, Switzerland
Prof. Dr. Christof Von Kalle
National Center for Tumor Diseases and German Cancer Research Center, Germany
Prof. Georg von Krogh
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich, Switzerland
Dr. Klaus von Lampe
Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
Prof. Wolfgang Voos
University of Bonn, Germany
Dr. Jacob A.S. Vorstman
Hospital for Sick Children, Canada
Dr. Leslie Vosshall
The Rockefeller University, USA
Dr. Ute Vothknecht
Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany
Dr. Michal Vrablik
Charles University, Czech Republic
Dr. Elga de Vries
VU Medical Centre, The Netherlands
Prof. Demetris Vrontis
Professor of Marketing and Dean of the School of Business, University of Nicosia, Cyprus
Mr. Giuseppe Vulpes
Co-Head of Strategy and Customer Analysis, Corporate and Investment Banking Strategic Business Area, UniCredit Group, Italy
Prof. Helle Waagepetersen
University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Dr. Daniel Wacker
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, USA
Prof. Thomas Wadden
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, USA
Mr. Alec Wadey
Technical Architect, HintTech, UK
Dr. Ruth Wageman
Harvard University, USA
Dr. Andreas Wagner
Department of Biology, University of New Mexico, USA
Dr. Erica Wagner
Portland State University, USA
Prof. Gerhart Wagner
Uppsala University, Sweden
Ms. Johanna Wagner
Founder, Upside Up
Dr. Thomas Wahl
Dean, School of Business, Society and Engineering, Mälardalen University, Sweden
Prof. Nils Wahlgren
Karolinska University Hospital, Sweden
Prof. Mark Wainberg
McGill University, Canada
Ms. Kathryn Waite
Lecturer in Marketing, Heriot-Watt University, UK
Dr. Henning Walczak
German Cancer Research Center, Germany
Prof. Herman Waldmann
University of Oxford, UK
Prof. Thomas Waldmann
Metabolism Branch, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, USA
Mr. Nick Walford
Chief Operating Officer, MindShare Invention, UK
Prof. Bruce Walker
Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT and Harvard, USA
Ms. Gill Walker
CEO, Evergreen Advertising & Marketing Communications, Australia
Prof. Christine M. Walko
H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center, Tampa, USA
Dr. Zachary Wallace
Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, USA
Dr. Andrew Walley
St. George's University of London, UK
Dr. Alex Wang
Associate Professor of Communication Sciences, University of Connecticut, USA
Prof. Chi Chiu (Ronald) Wang
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Dr. Jian Wang
Vice President of Research and Development, Rainmaker Group, USA
Ms. Peiwen Wang
Leeds University Business School, UK
Prof. Dr. William Hua Wang
China Area Manager, Euromed Management, Kedge Business School, France
Dr. Yaning Wang
US Food and Drug Administration
Prof. Andrew Ward
Lehigh University, USA
Ms. Jan Ward
Corrotherm International Ltd
Prof. Jeremy Ward
King’s College London, UK
Prof. Jessica Ward
Iowa State University, USA
Prof. Richard Ward
Sam Houston State University, USA
Prof. David Warhurst
London School of Hygiene and Tropical and Medicine, UK
Dr. Amelia Warner
Merck & Co, USA
Ms. Fara Warner
Author and Journalist, USA
Prof. Malcolm Warner
University of Cambridge, UK
Prof. Tom Warner
University College London, UK
Prof. David Warnock
University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA
Mr. Mal Warwick
Founder & Chairman, Mal Warwick Associates, USA
Dr. Kishor M. Wasan
University of British Columbia, Canada
Dr. Ella F. Washington
CEO, Ellavate Solutions, USA
Prof. Yoshinori Watanabe
Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biosciences, University of Tokyo, Japan
Mr. Marc Watkins
Business Development Manager, Birmingham International Airport, UK
Mr. Les Watson
freelance consultant and Visiting Professor, University of Lincoln, UK
Prof. Colin Watts
College of Life Sciences, University of Dundee, UK
Prof. Carsten Watzl
Leibniz Research Centre for Working Environment and Human Factors, Germany
Mr. Jonathan Wax
Vice President EMEA, Nexidia, UK
Prof. Stephen Waxman
Yale University, USA
Dr. Mike Weale
King's College London, UK
Mr. John Weatherill
Regional Vice President, Europe InterVISTAS-EU Consulting, Canada
Prof. Keith Weaver
University of South Dakota, USA
Prof. Scott Weaver
University of Texas Galveston Medical Branch, USA
Prof. Timothy Weaver
University of California, USA
Prof. Geoff Webb
Research Professor, Monash University, Australia
Prof. Mark Webber
Quadram Institute, UK
Prof. Richard Webber
Visiting Professor, University College London, UK
Prof. Elke Weber
Princeton University, USA
Dr. James Weber
PreventionGenetics, USA
Mr. Simon Webley
Research Director, Institute of Business Ethics, UK
Prof. Thomas J. Webster
Northeastern University, USA
Prof. Alan Weder
University of Michigan, USA
Prof. Wisia Wedzicha
University College London, UK
Dr. Jörg Kurt Wegner
Tibotec/Janssen, Belgium
Prof. Martin Wehling
University of Heidelberg, Germany
Dr. Ron Wehrens
Wageningen University & Research, The Netherlands
Prof. Shang-Jin Wei
Columbia University, USA
Prof. William Wei
MacEwan University, Canada
Prof. Nancy Weigel
Baylor College of Medicine, USA
Prof. Robert Weinberg
Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, USA
Dr. Daniel Weinberger
Johns Hopkins Medical Center, USA
Prof. Richard Weinshilboum
Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, USA
Prof. George Weinstock
The Genome Institute, Washington University, USA
Dr. Andrea Weir
ToxStrategies, Inc., USA
Prof. Bruce Weir
University of Washington, USA
Prof. John Weisel
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, USA
Prof. Alison Weiss
University of Cincinnati, USA
Prof. Kenneth Weiss
The Pennsylvania State University, USA
Prof. Robin Weiss
University College London, UK
Prof. Scott Weiss
Channing Laboratory, Harvard Medical School
Prof. Jeffrey Weitzel
City of Hope, USA
Dr. Joachim Weitzel
Department of Reproductive Biology, FBN Dummerstorf, Germany
Prof. Rosanna Weksberg
University of Toronto, Canada
Prof. Susan Welburn
The University of Edinburgh, UK
Dr. Peter Welch
Research and Development, Invitrogen Corporation, USA
Dr. Piri Welcsh
University of Washington, USA
Dr. Chris Wells
Pain Relief Foundation, Liverpool, UK
Prof. JoEllen Welsh
University of Notre Dame, USA
Prof. Michael Wendt
Purdue University, USA
Prof. Andreas Werr
Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden
Dr. Guntram Werther
Temple University, USA
Prof. Douglas West
Birkbeck, University of London, UK
Ms. Kirsten West
Bunker Holding Group, Denmark
Prof. Michael West
Aston Business School, UK
Prof. David Westaway
University of Alberta, Canada
Dr. Mary Jane West-Eberhard
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Costa Rica
Dr. David Westenberg
Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA
Dr. Johan A. Westerhuis
University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Mr. Shaun Whatling
Director, Redmandarin, UK
Mr. Martin Wheeler
Director, Promotional Effectiveness, Billetts, UK
Prof. E. John Wherry
University of Pennsylvania, USA
Dr. James Whisstock
Monash University, Australia
Prof. Matthew Whitby
University of Oxford, UK
Dr. Connie White
Columbia College Chicago, USA
Prof. Lawrence J. White
New York University, USA
Prof. Morris White
Children's Hospital, Boston and Howard Hughes Medical Institute, USA
Prof. Emma Whitelaw
Queensland Institute of Medical Research, Australia
Dr. Julian Whitelegge
University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Prof. Theresa Whiteside
University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, USA
Prof. Richard Whitley
University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA
Prof. Jeffrey Whitsett
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, USA
Prof. Richard Whittington
University of Oxford, UK
Dr. Adrian Whitty
Boston University, USA
Prof. Thomas Wichmann
Emory University, USA
Prof. Reed Wickner
National Institutes of Health, USA
Prof. Jonathan Widom
Northwestern University, USA
Prof. Ania Wieczorek
University of Hawaii, USA
Dr. Elizabeth Wiesner
Yale New Haven Hospital and Yale Medical School, USA
Dr. Mark Wigglesworth
AstraZeneca, UK
Dr. Allan Wiik
Statens Serum Institute, Denmark
Prof. Stephen Wikel
University of Texas Galveston Medical Branch, USA
Prof. Annelies Wilder-Smith
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK
Prof. John Wilding
University of Liverpool, UK
Prof. Richard Wilding
Professor of Supply Chain Risk Management, Cranfield School of Management, UK
Dr. Ian Wilkinson
Absolute Antibody, UK
Mr. Mike Wilkinson
Director, Axia Value Solutions, UK
Prof. Robert Wilkinson
University of Cape Town, South Africa
Dr. Simon Wilkinson
The University of Edinburgh, UK
Dr. Lucas Willems
Faculte Universitaire des Sciences Agronomiques, Belgium
Dr. James Willerson
University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, USA
Dr. David A. Williams
Boston Children’s Hospital, USA
Prof. David B. Williams
University of Toronto, Canada
Dr. Dominic Williams
University of Liverpool, UK
Dr. Frances Williams
King's College London, UK
Mr. Granville Williams
Project Director, Media Ownership in the Age of Convergence with the Campaign for Press and Broadcasting, UK
Dr. Iestyn Williams
Partner, RBB Economics, UK
Mr. Mike Williams
Consultant in Government Debt and Cash Management, UK
Prof. Phil Williams
University of Pittsburgh, USA
Ms. Schantel Williams
Renal Research Institute, USA
Mr. Steve Williams
Chief Executive, OMD, UK
Prof. Tim Williams
Imperial College London, UK
Prof. James Williamson
The Scripps Research Institute, USA
Dr. Anita Williams Woolley
Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Prof. Keith Willison
Imperial College London, UK
Mr. Steve Wills
Managing Director, Customer Insight Solutions, UK
Dr. Chris Wilson
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, USA
Mr. Chris Wilson
CEO, Loewy B2B, UK
Dr. Daniel Wilson
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munchen, Germany
Prof. David Wilson
Associate Dean for Research at the Open University, UK
Prof. Elizabeth Wilson
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
Mr. Eric Wilson
The Institute of Business Forecasting and Planning, USA
Prof. Hugh Wilson
Professor of Strategic Marketing, Cranfield School of Management, UK
Mr. Jonathan Wilson
Executive Coach and Leadership Consultant, Budd, UK
Prof. Mark Wilson
University of Wollongong, Australia
Mrs. Pam Wilson
QED Clinical Services, UK
Dr. Peter Wilson
University College London Hospital, UK
Prof. Peter Wilson
Emory University School of Medicine, USA
Dr. Nick Wilton
Oxford Brookes Business School, UK
Dr. Stephen Winans
Cornell University, USA
Prof. Nikolai Windbichler
Imperial College London, UK
Dr. Cheryl A. Winkler
SAIC-Frederick, Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research, USA
Dr. Konstanze F. Winklhofer
Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Germany
Mr. Richard Winning
Winning Process Ltd. UK, UK
Dr. Peter Winocour
Clinical Director, ENHIDE, UK
Mr. Andrew Winston
Author and advisor, Winston Eco-Strategies, USA
Prof. Sir Gregory Winter
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, UK
Dr. Monika Winter
Northumbria University, UK
Dr. Elaine Wirrell
Mayo Clinic, USA
Prof. David Wishart
University of Alberta, Canada
Dr. Ernst Wit
University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Mr. Phil Withers
Prof. Ian Witten
Professor of Computer Science, University of Waikato, New Zealand
Prof. Curt Wittenberg
The Scripps Research Institute, USA
Ms. Avivah Wittenberg-Cox
CEO 20-first, UK
Prof. Isaac P. Witz
Tel Aviv University, Israel
Mr. Morgen Witzel
Honorary Senior Fellow, University of Exeter Business School and Senior Consultant, The Winthrop Group, UK
Ms. Rachel A. Wohl
Maryland Supreme Court Mediation and Conflict Resolution Office, USA
Dr. Randall Wolcott
Southwest Wound Clinic, USA
Dr. Anne Wolf
University of Virginia School of Medicine, USA
Prof. Dieter Wolf
Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute, USA
Dr. Julie M. Wolf
Yale Child Study Center, USA
Mr. Martin Wolf
Financial Times, UK
Prof. Jonathan Wolfe
Formerly of University College London, UK
Prof. James Wolffsohn
Aston University, UK
Prof. Lewis Wolpert
University College London, UK
Prof. Charles Wondji
Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, UK
Dr. Angel Wong
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK
Prof. F. Susan Wong
Cardiff School of Medicine, UK
Mr. Jared Wong
Yale University, USA
Mr. Matt Wong
Liquidaty, USA
Prof. Tien Wong
National University of Singapore, Singapore
Mr. Warapong Wongwachara
Teaching Fellow, Faculty of Economics, University of Cambridge, UK
Dr. Sook-Bin Woo
Harvard School of Dental Medicine, USA
Prof. Emerita Kathryn Wood
University of Oxford, UK
Prof. Nicholas Wood
University College London, UK
Dr. Marc Woodbury-Smith
McMaster University, Canada
Mr. Neil Woodcock
The Customer Framework, UK
Dr. Neil Woodford
Health Protection Agency, UK
Mr. Clive Woodger
Managing Director, SCG London, UK
Prof. Geoff Woods
University of Cambridge, UK
Mr. Charles Wookey
Founder, A Blueprint for Better Business, UK
Prof. Clifford Woolf
Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, USA
Dr. Anna Woollams
University of Manchester, UK
Prof. Christopher Wright
University of Sydney Business School, Australia
Prof. Gerry Wright
McMaster University, Canada
Prof. Ellen Wright Clayton
Vanderbilt University, USA
Prof. Zbigniew Wszolek
Mayo Clinic Florida, Jacksonville, USA
Prof. Xiaobo Wu
Zhejiang University, China
Dr. Nick Wylie
Oxford Brookes University, UK
Prof. Walter Wymer
University of Lethbridge, Canada
Dr. Theodore Yaeger
Wake Forest University, USA
Dr. Michael Yaffe
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Prof. Esam Yahya
Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia
Prof. Tony Yaksh
University of California, San Diego, USA
Prof. Tomoko Yamamoto
Chiba University, Japan
Dr. Yohei Yamauchi
The University of Bristol, UK
Dr. Hai Yan
Duke University School of Medicine, USA
Dr. Zhenyu Yan
Lead Scientist, FICO (Fair Isaac Corporation), USA
Dr. Oscar Yanes
Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain
Dr. Allen Yang
Amgen Inc. USA
Prof. Jing Yang
University of California San Diego, USA
Prof. Lei Yang
Hebei University of Technology, China
Dr. Sha Yang
Associate Professor of Marketing, New York University, USA
Prof. Xiaohua Yang
University of San Francisco, USA
Prof. Yosef Yarden
Department of Biological Regulation, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Prof. Kit Yarrow
Professor of Psychology and Marketing, Golden Gate University, USA
Dr. Linda Yau
GlaxoSmithKline, USA
Prof. Fei Ye
Vanderbilt University Medical Center, USA
Dr. Tim Yen
Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, USA
Dr. Giles Yeo
University of Cambridge, UK
Dr. Roland Yeo
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Saudi Arabia
Dr. Ian Yeoman
Associate Professor of Tourism Management, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Dr. Heather Yeowell
Duke University Medical Center, USA
Prof. Chengqi Yi
Peking University, China
Prof. George S. Yip
Imperial College Business School, UK
Dr. Michael Yochelson
National Rehabilitation Hospital, USA
Prof. Junji Yodoi
Kyoto University, Japan
Prof. Pierre Youinou
Brest University Medical School, France
Dr. Jason C. Young
McGill University, Canada
Prof. Michael Young
Harvard Stem Cell Institute, USA
Prof. Peter C. Young
University of St. Thomas, USA
Dr. Vincent Young
University of Michigan Medical School, USA
Prof. Aiming Yu
University at Buffalo, SUNY, USA
Prof. Ying Yuan
The University of Texas, USA
Prof. Kevin C.J. Yuen
Barrow Neurological Institute, USA
Dr. Gary Yukl
University at Albany, SUNY, USA
Dr. Natasha Zachara
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, USA
Dr. Markos Zachariadis
Warwick Business School, UK
Prof. Judy Zaichkowsky
Beedie School of Business, Simon Fraser University, Canada
Dr. Lyudmila Zaitseva
Division of Physics and Biophysics, University of Salzburg, Austria
Mr. Shahid Zaki
Institute of Business Administration Karachi, Pakistan
Dr. Richard Zaleskis
WHO Collaborating Centre for Research and Training in Management of Multidrug- Resistant Tuberculosis, Latvia
Dr. Antonis Zampelas
Agricultural University of Athens, Greece
Dr. Michael Zandi
University College London, UK
Prof. Alberto Zanella
Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, Italy
Prof. Szczepan Zapotoczny
Jagiellonian University, Poland
Prof. Patricia Zebrowski
University of Iowa, USA
Dr. Eleftheria Zeggini
University of Oxford, UK
Ms. Theresa Zeller
Global Head of Integrated Learning Experiences, Merck Sharp & Dohme, USA
Dr. Jean-Pierre Zellweger
TB competence Centre, Swiss Lung Association, Switzerland
Prof. Larry Zeng
University of Utah, USA
Dr. William Zerges
Concordia University, Canada
Prof. Henrik Zetterberg
University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Dr. Nathalie Zgheib
American University of Beirut, Lebanon
Prof. Ke Zhang
Northeastern University, USA
Prof. Lijie Grace Zhang
The George Washington University, USA
Dr. Michael Zhang
Assistant Professor, St. Mary’s University, Canada
Dr. Ping Zhang
Division of Diabetes Translation, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, USA
Dr. Rumin Zhang
VP of Discovery, Rafael Pharmaceuticals, USA
Prof. Sheldon Zhang
San Diego State University, USA
Prof. Wenxian Zhang
Rollins College, USA
Prof. Yi Zhang
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
Dr. Ying Zhang
Fairfield University, USA
Dr. Jing Hua Zhao
MRC Epidemiology Unit, Cambridge, UK
Prof. Rongmin Zhao
University of Toronto, Canada
Prof. Wenle Zhao
Medical University of South Carolina, USA
Dr. Zhi-Qing Zhao
Emory University, USA
Mrs. Tanya Zhelezniak
IT and Digital Marketing Consultant, Business Strategy Educator, Israel
Ms. Mariana Zhong
Dechert LLP, China
Dr. YanYan Zhou
Florida International University, USA
Dr. Hao Zhu
U.S. Food and Drug Administration, USA
Prof. Achim Zielesny
University of Applied Sciences Gelsenkirchen, Germany
Prof. William Ziemba
University of British Columbia, Canada
Prof. Paul Zimmet
Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute, Australia
Dr. Jonathan Zinman
Associate Professor of Economics, Dartmouth College, USA
Ms. Katie Zoerhoff
Task Force for Global Health, USA
Prof. Michal Zolkiewski
Kansas State University, USA
Prof. Robert Zorec
University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Prof. Fabien Zoulim
Lyon University and INSERM, France
Dr. Ricardo Zozimo
Lancaster University Management School, UK
Prof. George A. Zsidisin
Bowling Green State University, USA
Mr. Alan Zucker
Founding Principal, Project Management Essentials, USA
Prof. Robert S. Zucker
University of California, USA
Prof. Dr. Hub Zwart
Radboud University, The Netherlands
Prof. Jay Zweier
The Ohio State University, USA