Dr. David Rogers President, DSR Marketing Systems, Inc., USA

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David Rogers is the President of DSR Marketing Systems, Inc., Northbrook, Illinois, USA. DSR Marketing Systems, Inc. is a market research and consulting firm which specializes in retail research, including store location analysis and consumer research. Dr. Rogers has given presentations on market research topics for a wide variety of... read moreUS and British retail trade organizations and is a tutor at the annual Retail Location Analysis seminar run by the Oxford University Institute of Retail Management. He is co-editor of Store Location and Store Assessment Research, a text-book published by John Wiley and Sons Ltd. and is a regular columnist for a variety of retail trade magazines in Canada, USA and UK. Dr. Rogers has consulted with an extensive number of retail, restaurant, and shopping center clients in Australia, Canada, France, Iceland, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, United Arab Emirates, UK and USA.