Prof. Phil Williams University of Pittsburgh, USA
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Phil Williams is Professor of International Security in the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs at the University of Pittsburgh. During the last 15 years his research has focused primarily on transnational organized crime and he has written articles on various aspects of this subject in Survival, Washington Quarterly,... read moreThe Bulletin on Narcotics, Temps Strategique, Scientific American, Criminal Organizations, and Cross Border Control. In addition, Dr. Williams was founding editor of the journal Transnational Organized Crime. He has been a consultant to both the United Nations and United States government agencies on organized crime and has also given congressional testimony on the subject. Most recently he has focused on alliances among criminal organization, global and national efforts to combat money laundering, and trends and development in cyber crime. In the last few years Dr. Williams has also worked on terrorist finances as well as on complexity theory and its relationship to intelligence analysis. At SSI, Dr Williams is working on organized crime in Iraq, lessons from the Madrid bombings, and the relationship between governance, disorder and security.