Dr. Ridha Joober McGill University, Canada
1 TalkBiography
Ridha Joober is currently co-Director, Schizophrenia and Neurodevelopmental Disorders Research Theme, Douglas Hospital Research Centre. He is a researcher, at the Douglas Hospital Research Centre and also Associate Professor for the Department of Psychiatry, McGill University. Dr. Joober received his medical training at the University of Tunis, Tunisia, and went... read moreon-to McGill University, Canada, where he completed his PhD in 1999. From 1991-1993 Dr. Joober undertook a Psychiatry Residency at Paris Psychiatric Hospitals (Sainte-Anne, Salpetriere). Dr. Joober has received various awards including Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction New Investigator Award for 2003-2007 and also in 2001 the Canadian College of Neuropsychopharmacology (CCNP) Young Investigator Award and in 2000 the Canadian Fund for Innovation Young Investigator award. Dr. Joober's research interests include unveiling the pharmacogenetic basis of schizophrenia and ADHD and in identifying genes modulating animal behavioural traits relevant to schizophrenia.