Prof. Kevin Ibeh Pro Vice Master (International), Birkbeck, University of London, UK
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Kevin Ibeh, PhD, FCIM, is full Professor of Marketing and International Business and Head of the Department of Marketing, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK. He is a respected international scholar with over one hundred papers in peer reviewed journals and edited volumes. His latest book, Contemporary Challenges to International Business,... read morewas published by Palgrave in 2009, while a new volume, Routledge Companion to African Business, is expected in 2013/14. Prof. Ibeh's work has mainly sought to advance knowledge of how non dominant firms, including SMEs and developing country firms, might be effectively guided to make the most of growth opportunities in international markets. He is considered a leading authority on African Transnational Corporations (TNCs), based on his pioneering research on this little known subgroup of emerging market multinationals. Prof. Ibeh has undertaken consulting/advisory roles for a range of international organisations, including the OECD, World Bank Group, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Scottish Enterprise, Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Royal Society of Edinburgh. He currently holds Visiting Professorship or external examiner appointments in Australia, Malaysia, Ghana, and the UK, and has had additional professional stints in countries, notably the USA, Canada, China, Germany, Finland, UAE, Singapore, Spain, and Nigeria. Prof. Ibeh is Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing and member of the Academy of International Business, among others. He sits on the editorial advisory board of several international journals and has been invited speaker at major international meetings.