All Experts in Microbiology
Prof. Martin Boeree
Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre TB Referral Hospital Dekkerswald, The Netherlands
Prof. Jack Cuzick
Wolfson Institute of Preventive Medicine, St. Bartholomew's Medical School, UK
Dr. Dennis Hruby
Executive Vice President & Chief Scientific Officer, SIGA Technologies Inc., USA
Dr. Jens Kurreck
Institute for Chemistry and Biochemistry, Free University Berlin, Germany
Prof. David Livermore
Public Health England’s Antibiotic Resistance Monitoring and Reference Laboratory, UK
Prof. Ben J. Marais
Marie Bashir Institute for Infectious Diseases and Biosecurity (MBI) Centre for Research Excellence in Tuberculosis (TB-CRE) Clinical School, The Children’s Hospital at Westmead The University of Sydney
Dr. Paul Nunn
Stop TB Department, World Health Organization, Switzerland
Prof. John Oxford
St. Bartholomew’s, Royal London Hospital, Queen Mary’s School of Medicine and Dentistry, Retroscreen Virology Ltd., UK
Dr. Kishore Sakharkar
National University Medical Institutes, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Dr. Manu Shankar-Hari
NIHR Clinician Scientist & Consultant in ICM, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust., UK
Dr. Kasha Singh
University College London, UK and Monash University, Australia
Dr. H. Rogier van Doorn
Oxford University Clinical Research Unit, Wellcome Trust Major Overseas Programme, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Dr. Richard Zaleskis
WHO Collaborating Centre for Research and Training in Management of Multidrug- Resistant Tuberculosis, Latvia