All Experts in Neurology


Dr. Maria Arranz
Institute of Psychiatry, King's College London, UK
Prof. Jean-Claude Baron
Sainte-Anne University Hospital, Paris Cité University, France
Prof. Robert P. Cowan
Stanford University School of Medicine, USA
Prof. Stuart Cull-Candy
University College London, UK
Dr. Angelina Fong
The University of Melbourne, Australia
Prof. Vladimir Hachinski
University of Western Ontario, Canada
Prof. John Hardy
Institute of Neurology, University College London, UK
Prof. Matthew Lambon-Ralph
University of Manchester, UK
Prof. Patrick A. Lewis
University of Reading, UK
Prof. James McClelland
Stanford University, USA
Prof. Vladimir Parpura
University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA
Prof. J. David Spence
Western University, Canada
Dr. Gina Touch Mercer
University of Arizona College of Medicine - Phoenix, USA
Prof. Alexei Verkhratsky
University of Manchester, UK
Prof. Fred Volkmar
Yale University School of Medicine, USA


Prof. N. Joan Abbott
King's College London, UK
Dr. Janet Abrahm
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, USA
Prof. Michael Adams
University of Bristol, UK
Dr. Abdulbaghi Ahmad
Uppsala University, Sweden
Prof. Sam Ahmedzai
University of Sheffield, UK
Prof. Dr. Karel Allegaert
KU Leuven, Belgium
Prof. David Allsop
Lancaster University, UK
Mr. Gary Allsop
Director, Spinal Cure Australia, Melbourne, Australia
Prof. Katrin Andreasson
Stanford University, USA
Prof. June Andrews
University of Stirling, UK
Dr. Melissa R. Andrews
University of Southampton, UK
Prof. Luis Antunes
University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro, Portugal
Prof. Gordon Arbuthnott
Okinawa Institute of Science & Technology, Japan
Dr. Maria Arranz
Institute of Psychiatry, King's College London, UK
Prof. Samuel Asala
University of Abuja, Nigeria
Dr. Thomas Bak
University of Edinburgh, UK
Dr. Sandra Banack
Brain Chemistry Labs, USA
Prof. William Banks
Veterans Affairs Medical Center, St. Louis and Saint Louis University, USA
Dr. Kirsty Bannister
King’s College London, UK
Prof. S. P. Banumathy
Madurai Medical College, India
Prof. Roger Barker
University of Cambridge, UK
Prof. Jean-Claude Baron
Sainte-Anne University Hospital, Paris Cité University, France
Dr. Vincenzo Basile
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Toronto, Canada
Dr. John Bedolla
University of Texas Dell Medical School, USA
Prof. Marlene Behrmann
Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Prof. Hugo Bellen
Baylor College of Medicine, USA
Dr. Lars Bertram
Max-Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Germany
Prof. Dorothy V. M. Bishop
University of Oxford, UK
Prof. Sarah-Jayne Blakemore
University College London, UK
Dr. Juan Luis Blazquez
University of Salamanca, Spain
Dr. Andrew Blight
Acorda Therapeutics, USA
Prof. Nancy Bonini
University of Pennsylvania and Howard Hughes Medical Institute, USA
Dr. Grégoire Boulouis
University Hospital of Tours, France
Dr. John Bowler
Royal Free Hospital, London, UK
Prof. Patricia Boya
Dr. Jose Miguel Bras
University College London, UK
Dr. Gerome Breen
Institute of Psychiatry, King's College London, UK
Prof. David Brown
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA
Prof. David A. Brown
University College London, UK
Dr. Doug Brown
Victorian Spinal Cord Service, Austin Health, Australia
Prof. Martin Brown
UCL Institute of Neurology, University College London, UK
Prof. Patrik Brundin
Van Andel Research Institute, USA and Lund University, Sweden
Prof. Russell J. Buono
Cooper Medical School of Rowan University, USA
Dr. David Burn
Institute of Neuroscience, University of Newcastle, UK
Prof. Geoff Burnstock
University College London, UK
Prof. Allen Burton
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA
Prof. Dawn C. Buse
Albert Einstein College of Medicine, USA
Prof. Ashley Bush
University of Melbourne, Australia and Harvard Medical School, USA
Prof. Cheryl Bushnell
Wake Forest Baptist Health, USA
Prof. M. Catherine Bushnell
McGill University, Montreal, Canada
Prof. Arthur M. Butt
University of Portsmouth, UK
Dr. Mark Butt
Tox Path Specialists, USA
Prof. D. Allan Butterfield
University of Kentucky, USA
Prof. Roger F. Butterworth
University of Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Prof. Courtney Byrd
The University of Texas at Austin, USA
Prof. Paolo Calabresi
University of Perugia, Italy
Prof. Louis Caplan
Harvard Medical School, USA
Prof. Roxana O. Carare
University of Southampton, UK
Prof. Emeritus Stanley N. Caroff
Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, USA
Prof. Daniel Carr
Tufts University School of Medicine and Javelin Pharmaceuticals, USA
Prof. Gregory D. Cascino
Mayo Clinic, USA
Dr. Guido Cavaletti
University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy
Prof. Angela Cenci
University of Lund, Sweden
Prof. Fernando Cervero
McGill University, Montreal, Canada
Prof. Jeff Chamberlain
University of Washington, USA
Prof. Soo-Eun Chang
University of Michigan, USA
Dr. Kasia Chawarska
Yale University School of Medicine, USA
Prof. Yury Chernoff
Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Dr. Nick Chown
Independent scholar, Spain
Prof. Marilyn Cipolla
University of Vermont, USA
Prof. P. Patrick Cleary
University of Minnesota, USA
Prof. Fred Cohen
University of California San Francisco, USA
Prof. Jonathan Cohen
Princeton University, USA
Prof. Jonathan Cole
Poole Hospital and Bournemouth, UK
Dr. Alasdair Coles
University of Cambridge, UK
Prof. Graham Collingridge
University of Bristol, UK
Prof. Stephen Collins
McMaster University, Canada
Prof. Alastair Compston
University of Cambridge, UK
Dr. Robert Coni
Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine, USA
Dr. Ian Coombs
University College London, UK
Prof. Pierre-Olivier Couraud
Institut Cochin, Paris, France
Prof. Robert P. Cowan
Stanford University School of Medicine, USA
Dr. Paul Alan Cox
Brain Chemistry Labs, USA
Prof. Charles S. Cox, Jr.
McGovern Medical School at UTHealth, USA
Prof. Jacqueline N. Crawley
University of California, USA
Prof. Stuart Cull-Candy
University College London, UK
Prof. Douglas M. Cyr
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
Prof. Anthony David
UCL Hospital NHS Trust, UK
Prof. Beverly L. Davidson
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia., USA
Prof. Stephen Davies
University of Melbourne, Australia
Prof. Thomas Davis
University of Arizona, USA
Dr. Elizabeth de Lange
Leiden University, The Netherlands
Prof. Maria Deli
Biological Research Center, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary
Prof. Gary Dell
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA
Dr. Bart Demaerschalk
Mayo Clinic Arizona, USA
Dr. Rohan de Silva
University College London, UK
Prof. Bart De Strooper
University College London, UK
Dr. Michael Dettling
Charite-University Medicine Berlin, Germany
Dr. Gabrielle deVeber
Hospital for Sick Children, Canada
Dr. Sabrina Diano
Yale University, USA
Dr. Javier Diaz Alonso
University of California, Irvine, USA
Prof. Anthony Dickenson
University College London, UK
Dr. Hans-Christoph Diener
University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Prof. W. Dalton Dietrich
The Miami Project, University of Miami, USA
Dr. Rick Dijkhuizen
University Medical Center Utrecht, The Netherlands
Dr. Arianna Di Stadio
Università degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Italy
Dr. Peter Doehring
Center for Autism Research, Philadelphia, USA
Prof. Geoffrey Donnan
University of Melbourne, Australia
Prof. Larry Driver
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA
Prof. Dongsheng Duan
University of Missouri, USA
Prof. Ronald Dubner
University of Maryland Dental School, USA
Prof. Karen Duff
Columbia University Medical Center/NYS Psychiatric Institute, USA
Dr. Rachael Dunlop
Brain Chemistry Labs, USA
Prof. Winnie Dunn
University of Missouri, USA
Dr. Luc Dupuis
Université de Strasbourg, France
Dr. Christine Durham
RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia
Dr. Chiara Fabbri
King’s College London, UK
Prof. Stewart A. Factor
Emory University School of Medicine, USA
Prof. Alan Faden
University of Maryland School of Medicine, USA
Prof. Stanley Fahn
Columbia University, USA
Prof. Bernd Fakler
Institute of Physiology, University of Freiburg, Germany
Dr. Sayyed Mohsen Fatemi
Adjunct Faculty at York University, Canada and Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran
Prof. James Fawcett
Cambridge University Centre for Brain Repair, UK
Prof. Deborah Fein
University of Connecticut, USA
Dr. Sergi Ferré
National Institute on Drug Abuse, USA
Prof. Edelle Field-Fote
Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Prof. Jessica A. Filosa
Augusta University, Georgia, USA
Prof. Caleb Finch
The University of Southern California, USA
Dr. Robert Fisher
Stanford University, USA
Prof. Maria Fitzgerald
University College London, UK
Prof. Eric Fombonne
Oregon Health and Science University, USA
Dr. Angelina Fong
The University of Melbourne, Australia
Prof. Nick Fox
National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Institute of Neurology, UCL, UK
Dr. Pietro Fratta
University College London, UK
Prof. Rob Froud
Warwick Medical School, UK
Prof. Mary Galea
University of Melbourne, Australia
Prof. Rollin Gallagher
Philadelphia VA Medical Center and University of Pennsylvania, USA
Prof. Pierluigi Gambetti
Department of Pathology, Case Western Reverse University, USA
Prof. Judith Gault
University of Colorado, Denver, USA
Prof. Gerald Gebhart
University of Pittsburgh, USA
Prof. Anne Gershon
Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, USA
Prof. James Giordano
Georgetown University Medical Center, USA
Prof. Aaron D. Gitler
Stanford University School of Medicine, USA
Dr. Paola Giunti
University College London, UK
Prof. Joseph C. Glorioso
University of Pittsburgh, USA
Prof. Michel Goedert
University of Cambridge, UK
Prof. Alfred Goldberg
Harvard Medical School, USA
Dr. David S. Goldstein
National Institutes of Health (NIH), USA
Prof. Larry Goldstein
Duke University, USA
Dr. Tony Goldstone
Imperial College London, UK
Dr. Theresa Gonzales
The Medical University of South Carolina, USA
Prof. Temple Grandin
Colorado State University, USA
Dr. Lou Grangeon
Rouen University hospital, France
Dr. Ralph Greenspan
The Neurosciences Institute, USA
Prof. Roy Grinker
George Washington University, USA
Dr. Montserrat Guerra
Austral University, Chile
Dr. Rita J. Guerreiro
University College London, UK
Dr. Brian D. Gulbransen
Neuroscience Program and Department of Physiology, Michigan State University, USA
Dr. Anand Gururajan
University of Sydney, Australia
Dr. Deborah Gustafson
University of Gothenburg, Sweden and SUNY-Downstate Medical Center, USA
Dr. Mark Habgood
University of Melbourne, Australia
Prof. Vladimir Hachinski
University of Western Ontario, Canada
Prof. Werner Hacke
University of Heidelberg, Germany
Prof. Mihaly Hajos
Yale University, USA
Prof. Edward D. Hall
University of Kentucky College of Medicine, Spinal Cord & Brain Injury Research Center, USA
Prof. Stefan Hallermann
University Leipzig, Germany
Prof. Hermann Handwerker
University of Erlangen, Germany
Prof. Dr. Uwe-Karsten Hanisch
University of Leipzig, Germany
Prof. Graeme Hankey
Royal Perth Hospital and University of Western Australia, Australia
Dr. Jonathan Hanley
University of Bristol, UK
Prof. Giles E. Hardingham
University of Edinburgh, UK
Prof. John Hardy
Institute of Neurology, University College London, UK
Prof. Simon Haroutounian
Washington University School of Medicine, USA
Prof. Sandra Harris
Rutgers University, USA
Dr. Wendy Harrison
Chief Executive Officer, SCI Foundation, UK
Prof. Ronald M. Harris-Warrick
Cornell University, USA
Dr. Anika Hartz
University of Kentucky, USA
Prof. Jennifer Hastings
University of Puget Sound, USA
Prof. Robert A. Hauser
University of South Florida, USA
Prof. Jennifer Haythornthwaite
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, USA
Prof. Ulrike Heberlein
University of California, San Francisco, USA
Prof. Wolf-Dieter Heiss
Max Planck Institute for Neurological Research, Germany
Prof. Johannes Hell
University of California, Davis, USA
Prof. Karl Herholz
University of Manchester, UK
Dr. Susan T. Herman
Harvard Medical School, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, USA
Dr. Mar Hernández Guillamon
Vall d’Hebron Research Institute-VHIR, Spain
Dr. Dale Hesdorffer
Columbia University, USA
Ms. Anna Hlavsova MSc, MCSP, HPC
Physiotherapist, UK
Prof. John Hodges
MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, University of Cambridge, UK
Prof. Sandra Hofmann
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, USA
Prof. Brian Hoh
University of Florida, USA
Dr. Gregory L. Holmes
Dartmouth Medical School, USA
Prof. Stephen Hooper
University of North Carolina School of Medicine, USA
Prof. Emeritus Patricia Howlin
King's College London, UK
Prof. Graham Hughes
London Lupus Centre, UK
Dr. Michael Hutton
Eli Lilly, USA
Prof. Gordon Irving
Swedish Pain and Headache Center and University of Washington, USA
Dr. Adrian J. Ivinson
Harvard Neurodiscovery Center, USA
Prof. Richard Ivry
University of California, Berkeley, USA
Prof. Ann Jacoby
University of Liverpool, UK
Dr. Holger Jahn
Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE), Germany
Dr. Ulf Jensen-Kondering
University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
Dr. Ping Ji
U.S. Food and Drug Administration, USA
Prof. Conrad Johanson
Brown University Medical School, USA
Prof. Jon Johnson
University of Pittsburgh, USA
Prof. S. Claiborne Johnston
University of California, San Francisco, USA
Dr. Joanne Jones
University of Cambridge, UK
Prof. Leonard Kaczmarek
Yale University, USA
Prof. Lalit Kalra
King’s College London School of Medicine, UK
Prof. Eija Kalso
University of Helsinki, Finland
Prof. Henry J. Kaminski
George Washington University, USA
Prof. Atsushi Kamiya
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, USA
Prof. Carlos Kase
Boston University School of Medicine and Boston Medical Center, USA
Prof. Nicholas Katsanis
Duke University, USA
Dr. Matthew Keller
University of Colorado, Boulder, USA
Dr. Jeffery W. Kelly
The Scripps Research Institute, USA
Dr. Lynn Kern Koegel
Stanford University School of Medicine, USA
Prof. Adam Kirton
University of Calgary, Canada
Prof. Bela Kis
Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, USA
Prof. William L. Klein
Northwestern University, USA
Dr. Laura Grofer Klinger
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
Dr. Henrik Klitgaard
UCB, Belgium
Prof. William Klunk
University of Pittsburgh, USA
Prof. Christof Koch
California Institute of Technology, USA
Prof. Matthias Koepp
University College London, UK
Prof. Jillian Kril
University of Sydney, Australia
Dr. Gyan Kumar
Mayo Clinic, USA
Dr. W. Curt LaFrance, Jr.
Brown Medical School, USA
Prof. Matthew Lambon-Ralph
University of Manchester, UK
Prof. Tobias Langenhan
Leipzig University, Germany
Dr. Tammaryn Lashley
University College London, UK
Dr. Robert L. Leahy
American Institute for Cognitive Therapy, USA
Prof. James Lechleiter
University of Texas Health Science Center, USA
Prof. Ann Le Couteur
University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Dr. Amy Lee
University of Iowa, USA
Prof. Sue Leekam
Cardiff University, UK
Dr. Mariah J. Lelos
Brain Repair Group, Cardiff University, UK
Prof. Frederick Lenz
Johns Hopkins University, USA
Prof. Brian Leonard
National University of Ireland, Ireland
Dr. Michel R. Leroux
Simon Fraser University, Canada
Prof. Patrick A. Lewis
University of Reading, UK
Prof. Luc Leybaert
Ghent University, Belgium
Dr. Jiang Liu
US Food and Drug Administration
Dr. Charles Loprinzi
Mayo Clinic, USA
Dr. Wolfgang Löscher
University of Veterinary Medicine, Germany
Dr. Robyn Lowe
University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Prof. Daniel Lowenstein
University of California, San Francisco, USA
Prof. R. Loch Macdonald
University of San Francisco, USA
Prof. Brian MacVicar
University of British Columbia, Canada
Dr. Mike Maher
Janssen Research & Development, USA
Prof. Don Mahuran
The Hospital for Sick Children and the University of Toronto, Canada
Ms. Melissa Majoni
Western University, Canada
Dr. Dimitris Malamos
National Organization of Health Service (IKA), Greece
Prof. Giovanna Mallucci
University of Cambridge, UK
Dr. Jennifer Mandzia
Western University, Canada
Prof. Jean Manson
BBSRC/MRC Neuropathogenesis Unit, Roslin Institute, UK
Prof. Brian Mark
University of Mantoba, Canada
Dr. Christian Marshall
Hospital for Sick Children, Canada
Prof. Giovanni Marsicano
NeuroCentre Magendie, Bordeaux, France
Prof. Colin L. Masters
University of Melbourne, Australia
Prof. Emeran Mayer
University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Prof. John Mayer
The School of Biomedical Sciences, University of Nottingham Medical School, UK
Prof. James McClelland
Stanford University, USA
Dr. Robert McCutcheon
University of Oxford, UK
Prof. Christopher J. McDougle
Indiana University School of Medicine, USA
Prof. Bruce McEwen
The Rockefeller University, USA
Prof. Patricia McGrath
The Hospital for Sick Children and University of Toronto, Canada
Prof. Alison McGregor
Imperial College London, UK
Dr. Ronald McKay
Laboratory of Molecular Biology, NINDS, USA
Prof. Ian McKeith
Newcastle University, UK
Prof. Albee Messing
University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Prof. Daniel Michaelson
Tel Aviv University, Israel
Prof. Bruce Miller
University of California, San Francisco, USA
Dr. Meghan Miller
University of California, USA
Prof. Pramod K. Mistry
Yale School of Medicine, USA
Prof. Jeffrey S. Mogil
McGill University, Montreal, Canada
Prof. Elek Molnár
University of Bristol, Bristol, UK
Prof. David Morgan
Byrd Alzheimer Institute, University of South Florida, USA
Prof. Michael Moskowitz
Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, USA
Prof. Adam Christian Naj
University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, USA
Dr. Greg Neely
The Garvan Institute, Australia
Prof. Randolph Nesse
University of Michigan, USA
Prof. Pierluigi Nicotera
MRC Toxicology Unit, University of Leicester, UK
Prof. Bo Norrving
Lund University Hospital, Sweden
Prof. Ruth Northway
University of South Wales, UK
Dr. Alastair Noyce
Institute of Neurology, University College London, UK
Ms. Josephine O'Callaghan
Physiotherapy London, UK
Prof. Colleen O'Connell
Stan Cassidy Centre for Rehabilitation, Canada
Prof. Martha O'Donnell
University of California at Davis, USA
Dr. Oyindamola I. Ogunlaja
Stanford University, USA
Prof. Michael S. Okun
University of Florida, USA
Dr. Stéphane H.R. Oliet
Neurocentre Magendie, France
Prof. Brian Olshansky
University of Iowa, USA
Dr. Lucy Osborne
University of Toronto, Canada
Prof. Sally Ozonoff
M.I.N.D Institute, University of California, Davis, USA
Prof. Judith Paice
Northwestern University, USA
Dr. Mark J. Palmieri
Center for Children with Special Needs, USA
Prof. Weihong Pan
BioPotentials Sleep Center, USA
Dr. Kosmas Paraskevas
Royal Free Hospital, UK
Prof. Andre Parent
Université Laval Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
Prof. Vladimir Parpura
University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA
Dr. Marco Pasi
University Hospital of Tours, France
Prof. Rhea Paul
Sacred Heart University, USA
Dr. Kevin Pelphrey
Yale University School of Medicine, USA
Dr. Andrew Penn
University of Sussex, UK
Prof. V. Hugh Perry
School of Biological Sciences, University of Southampton, UK
Prof. Ronald Pfeiffer
University of Tennessee, USA
Prof. Tamar Pincus
University of London, UK
Dr. Andrew Pipe
University of Ottawa Heart Institute, Canada
Dr. Alan Pittman
University College London, UK
Dr. Paola Pizzo
University of Padova, Italy
Dr. Mikhail Pletnikov
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, USA
Dr. Helene Plun-Favreau
University College London, UK
Prof. Ryszard Pluta
Medical Research Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
Prof. Phillip Popovich
Ohio State University, USA
Dr. Roger Porter
Epilepsy Therapy Project, USA
Dr. Kelly K. Powell
Yale School of Medicine, USA
Prof. Ravi Prasad
University of California, Davis, USA
Prof. Hillel Pratt
Technion Institute, Israel
Prof. Margot Prior
University of Melbourne, Australia
Dr. Peter Prior
Lawson Health Research Institute, Canada
Prof. Margarita Puig
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona at Hospital del Mar, Spain
Prof. Jon Raphael
Dudley Hospitals NHS Trust and Birmingham City University, UK
Prof. Alan M. Rapoport
University of California in Los Angeles, USA
Dr. Nicolas Raposo
University Hospital of Toulouse, France
Prof. Mark M. Rasenick
University of Illinois, USA
Dr. Jeremy Rees
National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, UK
Dr. Brian Reichow
University of Florida, USA
Prof. Mary M. Reilly
University College London, UK
Dr. Ronald Rensink
University of British Columbia, Canada
Prof. Tamas Revesz
Institute of Neurology, University College London, UK
Prof. Gavin Reynolds
Queen's University, Belfast, Ireland
Dr. Steven Richeimer
University of Southern California, USA
Dr. Carlo Rinaldi
University of Oxford, UK
Dr. Simon Rinaldi
University of Oxford, UK
Prof. Eduardo Ríos
Rush University, USA
Prof. Serge Rivest
Universite Laval, Canada
Dr. Lawrence Robbins
Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science, USA
Prof. Esteban Rodriguez
Austral University, Chile
Prof. Ekaterina Rogaeva
University of Toronto, Canada
Dr. Jane Roitsch
University of Nebraska, USA
Prof. Jeffrey D. Rothstein
Johns Hopkins Institute for Clinical Translation, USA
Prof. David C. Rubinsztein
University of Cambridge, UK
Dr. Merritt Ruhlen
Stanford University, USA
Prof. Dmitri Rusakov
University College London, UK
Dr. Sara Sacco
Carolinas Headache Clinic, USA
Dr. Gemma Salvadó
Lund University, Sweden
Prof. Ley Sander
University College London, UK
Prof. Noah J. Sasson
The University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Dr. Celine A. Saulnier
Emory University, USA
Prof. Norman Saunders
University of Melbourne, Australia
Prof. Jeffrey Saver
University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Prof. Steven Schachter
Harvard University Medical School, USA
Prof. Anthony Schapira
Department of Clinical Neurosciences, University College London, UK
Prof. Philip Scheltens
VU University Hospital, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Prof. Jean-Michel Scherrmann
Paris Descartes University, France
Prof. Martin Schmelz
Mannheim Heidelberg University, Germany
Prof. Dieter Schmidt
Epilepsy Research Group Berlin, Germany
Prof. Ulrike Schmidt
King’s College London, UK
Dr. Samantha Scholtz
Imperial College London, West London Mental Health Trust, UK
Prof. Donald Schomer
Harvard Medical School, USA
Dr. Stephanie Schorge
University College London, UK
Dr. Jonathan Schott
Dementia Research Centre, Institute of Neurology, UCL, London, UK
Prof. Dr. Stefanie Schreiber
Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany
Dr. Floris Schreuder
Radboud University, The Netherlands
Prof. Michal Schwartz
Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Dr. Michael Schwarzschild
Harvard University, USA
Prof. David Seder
Tufts University School of Medicine, USA
Prof. Alessandro Serretti
Kore University of Enna, Italy
Dr. Charles Sevigny
The University of Melbourne, Australia
Prof. Michael N. Shadlen
Howard Hughes Medical Institute and University of Washington, USA
Dr. Keith A. Sharkey
University of Calgary, Canada
Prof. Dame Pamela Shaw
University of Sheffield, UK
Dr. Pravin Shende
Shobhaben Pratapbhai Patel School of Pharmacy and Technology Management, SVKM’s NMIMS, India
Dr. Todd Sherer
Michael J. Fox Foundation, USA
Prof. Michael Sherman
Boston University Medical School, USA
Prof. Bryna Siegel
University of California, San Francisco, USA
Prof. Ana Catarina Silva
University Fernando Pessoa and University of Porto, Portugal
Prof. Brian Silver
University of Massachusetts, USA
Dr. Andrew Singleton
Laboratory of Neurogenetics, NIA, Porter Neuroscience Research Center, USA
Dr. Joseph Sirven
Mayo Clinic, USA
Prof. Sanjay Sisodiya
University College London, UK
Prof. Trevor Smart
University College, London, UK
Prof. Eric E. Smith
University of Calgary, Canada
Prof. Mark A. Smith
Case Western Reserve University, USA
Prof. Quentin Smith
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, USA
Dr. Tristram Smith
University of Rochester Medical Center, USA
Prof. Yoland Smith
Emory University, USA
Prof. Michael Sofroniew
University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Prof. Claudio Soto
University of Texas Medical Branch, USA
Prof. J. David Spence
Western University, Canada
Dr. Luciano A. Sposato
Western University, Canada
Prof. Nelson Spruston
HHMI Janelia Farm Research Campus, USA
Dr. Danica Stanimirovic
National Research Council of Canada, Canada
Dr. Matthew State
Yale University, USA
Prof. Dr. Christoph Stein
Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany
Prof. Gary K. Steinberg
Stanford University School of Medicine, USA
Prof. Joan Stiles
University of California, San Diego, USA
Prof. Julia Stingl (formerly Kirchheiner)
University of Ulm, Germany
Dr. Ewan St. John Smith
University of Cambridge, UK
Dr. Benedetta Storti
Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Neurologico Carlo Besta, Italy
Prof. Antonio Strafella
University of Toronto, Canada
Dr. Pasquale Striano
University of Genova, Italy
Dr. Grace Stutzmann
Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science, USA
Dr. Surachai Supattapone
Dartmouth Medical School, USA
Dr. Neville Suskin
Western University, Canada
Prof. Peter Szatmari
McMaster University, Canada
Dr. Jan-Willem Taanman
University College London, UK
Prof. Sarah Tabrizi
University College London, UK
Prof. Kevin Talbot
University of Oxford, UK
Dr. Baraa Tayeb
King Abdulaziz University Faculty of Medicine, Saudi Arabia
Prof. John-Paul Taylor
Newcastle University, UK
Prof. Robert Teasell
Western University, Canada
Prof. Glenn Telling
University of Kentucky, USA
Dr. Stewart J. Tepper
The New England Institute for Neurology and Headache, USA
Prof. Tetsuya Terasaki
Tohoku University, Japan
Prof. John Thomas
Salk Institute for Biological Studies, USA
Prof. Andrew B. Tobin
University of Glasgow, UK
Dr. Gina Touch Mercer
University of Arizona College of Medicine - Phoenix, USA
Prof. Kenneth Towbin
National Institute of Mental Health, USA
Dr. Marie-Ève Tremblay
University of Victoria, Canada
Dr. Arianna Tucci
University College London, UK
Prof. Tim Tully
Dart Neuroscience LLC, USA
Dr. Robert Tycko
National Institutes of Health, USA
Prof. Richard Van Acker
University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Prof. Philip Van Damme
KU Leuven, Belgium
Prof. Jan van Gijn
Utrecht Medical Centre, The Netherlands
Dr. Gerrit van Schalkwyk
Brown University, USA
Dr. Olaf van Tellingen
The Netherlands Cancer Institute, The Netherlands
Dr. Susanne J. van Veluw
Harvard Medical School, USA
Dr. Mariana Vargas-Caballero
University of Southampton, UK
Dr. Joris Veltman
Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, The Netherlands
Prof. Alexei Verkhratsky
University of Manchester, UK
Prof. Fred Volkmar
Yale University School of Medicine, USA
Dr. Jacob A.S. Vorstman
Hospital for Sick Children, Canada
Dr. Leslie Vosshall
The Rockefeller University, USA
Dr. Elga de Vries
VU Medical Centre, The Netherlands
Prof. Helle Waagepetersen
University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Prof. Nils Wahlgren
Karolinska University Hospital, Sweden
Dr. Yaning Wang
US Food and Drug Administration
Prof. Tom Warner
University College London, UK
Prof. Stephen Waxman
Yale University, USA
Dr. Daniel Weinberger
Johns Hopkins Medical Center, USA
Dr. Chris Wells
Pain Relief Foundation, Liverpool, UK
Prof. David Westaway
University of Alberta, Canada
Prof. Thomas Wichmann
Emory University, USA
Prof. Reed Wickner
National Institutes of Health, USA
Dr. Elizabeth Wiesner
Yale New Haven Hospital and Yale Medical School, USA
Dr. Konstanze F. Winklhofer
Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Germany
Dr. Elaine Wirrell
Mayo Clinic, USA
Dr. Julie M. Wolf
Yale Child Study Center, USA
Prof. Lewis Wolpert
University College London, UK
Prof. Nicholas Wood
University College London, UK
Dr. Marc Woodbury-Smith
McMaster University, Canada
Prof. Clifford Woolf
Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, USA
Dr. Anna Woollams
University of Manchester, UK
Prof. Zbigniew Wszolek
Mayo Clinic Florida, Jacksonville, USA
Prof. Tony Yaksh
University of California, San Diego, USA
Dr. Michael Yochelson
National Rehabilitation Hospital, USA
Dr. Michael Zandi
University College London, UK
Prof. Henrik Zetterberg
University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Dr. Hao Zhu
U.S. Food and Drug Administration, USA
Prof. Robert Zorec
University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Prof. Robert S. Zucker
University of California, USA