Audio Interview

State capitalism: regulating free markets in a liberal democracy

Published on January 30, 2025   22 min

Other Talks in the Playlist: Interviews with business leaders and scholars

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Interviewer: Today, I'm interviewing Dr. Anna Grosman, Director of the Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Loughborough University, United Kingdom, on the subject of state capitalism. The focus of the interview is the paper by Cuervo-Cazurra, Grosman, and Megginson, in the Journal of International Business Studies, 2023, Volume 54, pages 98-106 titled "A review of the internationalization of state-owned firms and sovereign wealth funds: Governments' nonbusiness objectives and discreet power". The paper is both a review of the literature and a list of suggestions for future research. Listeners are expected to have read the paper before listening to this interview. A link to Dr. Grosman's CV accompanies this interview. Dr. Grosman, thank you for sparing the time. May I start by asking you about two important aspects of the subject? What are the implications for the regulation of so-called free markets in liberal democracies and for national security policies? May we take those two issues in turn? Dr. Grosman. Dr. Grosman: Thank you so much for having me here on the talk.

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State capitalism: regulating free markets in a liberal democracy

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