Potentially lethal mouth diseases: premalignancy and oral cancer

Published on March 29, 2017   16 min

A selection of talks on Clinical Practice

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Hello, my name is Giuseppe Ficarra, and I'm the Director of the Reference Center for the Study of Oral Diseases in Florence. The topic of this talk is about the potential lethal mouth disease, which include premalignancy and oral cancer.
Oral cancer is the most common tumors of the head and neck area. The diagnostic delay of this tumor often results in fatal outcome. In western countries, the incidence is decreasing, whereas we know that in East Europe and South East Asia, it is increasing instead. This trend has implications related to the use of tobacco, alcohol, and betel quid. GLOBOCAN which is a project from the International Association of Cancer Research, it tabulates or estimates that in 2012, there were worldwide more than 300,000 cases of cancer of the oral cavity and over 142,000 cases of the oropharynx.
Since the last decade, we are getting new epidemiological evidence on a new type of cancer of a viral origin, which arises from oropharynx and tonsils. The responsible viral agent is human papillomavirus, mainly HPV-16, which is transmitted through orogenital contacts. In the last few years, a dramatic increase has been reported mainly in North America, Australia, and parts of Europe.

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Potentially lethal mouth diseases: premalignancy and oral cancer

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