Treatment of stuttering during the pre-school years

Published on January 31, 2018   19 min

A selection of talks on Clinical Practice

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During this presentation, I'll talk about treatment of stuttering during the pre-schooler years and I'll talk about two ways that treatment can be done.
First of all, why treat early stuttering? By early stuttering I mean stuttering when children are during the preschool years of life, younger than six years. The first reason that it's important to treat stuttering that age is that if children become any older the disorder starts to become intractable. So the important thing is to treat stuttering as soon as it begins. And we have the best chance of a clinically favorable outcome. It's also the best time to treat stuttering because when you treat early stuttering you need parents to do the treatment, you can't do the treatment in a speech pathology clinic. And at that time of life, parents have most access to their children before they get to school. And finally it's important to treat stuttering very early in life and get it under clinical control, because if an adult goes on to have chronic stuttering throughout life it has a serious impact on quality of life. There's an increased chance of having a mental health disorder relating to social anxiety. You might not be able to change the job that you want to achieve because it's a job that involves talking.
So that being said, there are two types of treatment that have been shown to be effective in randomized controlled trials. The first of the treatment for early stuttering has been shown to be effective in such trials is what's called an operant treatment. I'll explain that later. And that is known as The Lidcombe program. The other type of treatment is not as a multifactorial treatment that I'll Explain in detail later and that's known as the RESTART-DCM treatment. First of all, the Lidcombe Program is a behavioural treatment.

Treatment of stuttering during the pre-school years

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