Familial hypercholesterolaemia: cascade testing and monogenic vs. polygenic causes

Published on August 31, 2023   22 min

A selection of talks on Cardiovascular & Metabolic

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My name is Steve Humphries. In the second part we're going to talk about cascade testing and comparing monogenic and polygenic causes of the FH phenotype.
In 2008 the UK NICE guidelines were developed and they were updated in 2017 and they have a number of different recommendations and I'm just going to give you some of the headlines. Their aim for treatment is to lower LDL cholesterol by at least 50% from baseline. I've already shown you that that's feasible but it certainly doesn't deal with all the problems of people with extremely high LDL cholesterol. The European Atherosclerosis Society, the EAS has set a target of 2.5mmol/l if an individual with FH doesn't have heart disease and 1.8mmol/l if they do have heart disease, and with the new agents those targets are now certainly achievable. The guidelines say that for diagnosis all individuals should be offered a DNA test to confirm the diagnosis and to assist in cascade testing of relatives and I'll explain how cascade testing works later. In children under the age of 10 at risk of FH, in other words they have one affected parents, they should be offered a DNA test at the earliest opportunity and definitely by 10 years, because 10 years is the age when you should consider initiation of statin treatment. Finally, the guidelines say that identifying people with FH using cascade testing and DNA information is recommended to identify the affected relatives and here, a document that we produced about implementing a systems approach to detection and management, and it's available for you to download using the link. Once again very clear knowing the family mutations a key piece of information for testing relatives and for starting statin therapy particularly in childhood. But now why not simply measure LDL cholesterol isn't that going to be diagnostic enough?

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Familial hypercholesterolaemia: cascade testing and monogenic vs. polygenic causes

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