Audio Interview

CAR-T and TCR-T cellular immunotherapies in oncology

Published on February 1, 2021   28 min

A selection of talks on Oncology

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Interviewer: Professor Sebastian Kobold, Thank you very much for taking the time to do this interview with us today, to discuss the potential of engineered T-cell therapies in the fight against cancer. Let me jump right in and ask you if you could provide us with a short summary of the role of T-cell receptors in immunity and why they are important tools in the fight against cancer specifically. Prof. Kobold: Sure, T-cells are among, or if not the most powerful immune cell that we have in our body, both for the fight against cancer but also against all sorts of infections. T-cells do sense their target, should be it the target cell or target antigen through the T-cell receptor, which is a very specific structure on the surface, which is very specific and timeless, are uniquely specific for just very defined motives that are found expressed or presented on cell surface. The reason why they're so powerful is because they're very specific but also very sensitive, so meaning that you only need really minute amounts of the target antigen expressed in the target cell to trigger the T-cell and to make the cell lyse the cancer cell. As to why it is important for cancer and both for cancer treatment but also for the understanding of the development of cancer is that we've realized quite some time ago that actually T-cells constantly interact with tumor cells. Thankfully, this actually prevents us from getting cancer much more frequently in our life than we currently have or that we currently do.

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CAR-T and TCR-T cellular immunotherapies in oncology

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