Analysis of LCMS-based untargeted metabolomics data 2

Published on June 28, 2018   44 min

A selection of talks on Methods

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I'm Pietro Franceschi and I work at the Bioinformatic Units and the Research Innovation Centre, Fondazione Mach. So this is the second part of my lecture on the processing of LCMS metabolomics data.
In the second part I will touch some of the aspects that are more related to XCMS and then I'll have a general discussion about designing experiments in metabolomics and what you should take into account when you design your experiments.
At the end of the previous lecture we were discussing how important it is doing peak picking. Basically, you have to look for metabolites, features. In your data you look for peaks in the two-dimensional space, that is, two-dimensional, in one dimension you have the m/z mass spectrometric dimension and the other is the chromatolytic dimension. Basically, you should be already clear to everyone why peak picking is important. The question is, how you do it? The first naive idea doing peak picking is the one that is implemented in matched filter and here I'm showing the plot of how this is performed, so this is a type of peak picking. This is an algorithm of peak picking and the paper where it is presented I think is the one where the authors of XCMS has been presenting there too. What you see in the plot on the left is actually an extracted ion trace where you have a peak. So you have a peak around 3,600 something, there is a peak that has been found or is visible in the mass slice between 268.1 and 268.2 m/z. All around you have noise. The basic idea to find a peak, the simplest idea, is to have a filter function, to have a model of the peak, it is the one presented above, and move it over the extracted ion trace until you get a good match. Basically, what the software is doing is probing the extracted ion trace with the filter function and looking where the superimposition is good. You see this in that central plot and then when you have a good superimposition, it will say, yes, I have a peak and the blue area is the one that I will use as an intensity of that peak. This filter function can be designed depending on the characteristics of your chromatography and I think authors here are showing a second derivative Gaussian filter because they want to really well know where are the boundaries of the peak. And this will be something that is really important afterwards.

Analysis of LCMS-based untargeted metabolomics data 2

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