Drooling and sialorrhoea

Published on February 28, 2017   24 min

A selection of talks on Clinical Practice

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Hello, we are Jacobo Limeres Posse and Pedro Diz Dios. And we both work in the Special Needs Unit of the University of Santiago de Compostela in Spain. In this session, we will be looking at the most relevant aspects of Drooling and Sialorrhea.
In terms of salivary flow xerostomia has traditionally received much greater attention than hypersalivation. In the search performed on the med line that raised this past 6 of June, we found almost 16,000 hits for term xerostomia, but only 1,865 for drooling, and approximately 1,400 for sialorrhea. As is to be expected, drooling and sialorrhea certainly are always much less interest than all other topics such as dental implants.
The consequences of drooling toothpaste is strictly medical setting as it leads to social discrimination against a population that for various reasons already has difficulties regarding integration.
Salivary incontinence refers to motor discoordination of the orofacial and palato-lingual musculature which gives rise to the involuntary loss of saliva through the mouth due to hypertonia of the perioral musculature or to a dysfunction of the swallowing mechanism, which is known as pseudo-sialorrhea or pseudo- drooling.
The plan that we're going to follow in this webinar is the same as the one used in the study we published in 2009, under the direction of Professor Scully, and the brilliant men who all those who like to investigate this subject in greater detail.

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