Protein homeostasis during ageing: C. elegans as a model organism

Published on September 22, 2013   27 min

A selection of talks on Cell Biology

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Hello and welcome to this presentation on protein homeostasis during ageing. My name is Nektarios Tavernarakis. I'm a Professor at the University of Crete Medical School, and a Research Director at the Foundation for Research & Technology in Heraklion, Crete, Greece. In my talk, I aim to discuss the link between protein homeostasis in ageing at two levels. First, what is the impact of ageing and senescent decline on protein homeostasis? Secondly, how manipulations of protein homeostasis may influence organism and lifespan.
I will begin by introducing and defining the phenomenon of ageing in relation to biological systems. I will then focus on how the process of ageing and senescent decline impacts proteins in the cell. In other words, what deleterious alterations proteins suffer during ageing. Third, I will give you an overview of the cellular systems that are in place to maintain protein homeostasis. In the fourth part of the talk, I will discuss how these systems are influenced by ageing, and what the consequences are on protein function and homeostasis. Finally, I will present some of our own work that directly implicates protein synthesis in the regulation of organismal lifespan.
Ageing is driven by inexorable and random incidence of damage to cellular constituents. This continues white noise of random molecular damage forms the bedrock for the advent of ageing. In turn, molecular damage leads to accumulation of cellular defects that gradually, and in time, precipitate a decline in the function of cells, organs and tissues, which can be manifested as age-related frailty, disability and disease.

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Protein homeostasis during ageing: C. elegans as a model organism

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