Visible teamwork: asynchronous communication that fuels motivation

Published on March 30, 2021   21 min

Other Talks in the Series: Future Work Now

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Hello. Thank you for joining me. My name is Pilar Orti and I help managers and their teams embrace online collaboration practices so that the office becomes just another tool for us to collaborate so that we can adopt new ways of working to suit our personalities and our work styles.
Remote work gives us the flexibility to work from wherever we work best. Sometimes we can also choose to work during those times that most suit us. When we work as a remote team, we need to structure our communication. We cannot rely on online meetings all the time. Adopting asynchronous communication can help us become more productive and even to feel better connected. In this way, we can have conversations without needing to interact in real-time. We can choose when to interact with each other, giving us the flexibility that remote work is known for. How do we design our team's regular online interactions in a way that drives us to do our best work? Well, one way of deciding how to communicate in a remote team is to unpick intrinsic motivation. The desire to do our best work, and then designing communication that helps fuel that motivation rather than reduce it. In this talk, we'll start by breaking down the components of motivation according to self-determination theory. Then we'll have a look at how to design our communication ecosystem and we look at the components of visible teamwork. Visible teamwork is a set of principles that you can adopt in your team to suit your own workflow and access to technology. The key is to implement visible teamwork, knowing how it might affect motivation. In order to do that, we need to understand motivation so let's start there.

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Visible teamwork: asynchronous communication that fuels motivation

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