Extended-form Case Study

Influencer marketing: introduction from an influencer

Published on November 10, 2020   24 min

A selection of talks on Marketing & Sales

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Hey, everyone. Welcome to an introduction from an influencer. My name is Eltoria. I have been in the game for quite a long time, about seven years, so I do have a vast amount of experience in this field.
Just a little about me. I am a multiple UK award winner for outstanding career achievement, best beauty and fashion blog, best vlogger, and best designed blog. I do have some awards underneath my arm. I'm a YouTuber, I'm a blogger, a social media, and a entrepreneur. You can find me across a number of social media accounts. I also do you have some other side hustles on the go, but I'll go into that into this presentation. I do have a combined reach of 2.4 million. Again, this is across all of my platforms. I've also done a bit of presenting in the past for E4's spin-off show Vlogglebox, which was an influencer style of Gogglebox. If you know it, reacting to famous Internet viral videos. I've also been a face of Sally Beauty UK, which is a brand ambassador role, which I'll get into.
I really liked this definition of what is influencer marketing. It says, influencer marketing is a type of social media marketing that uses endorsements and product mentions from influencers, individuals who have a dedicated following, and are viewed as experts within their niche. I think that this is an excellent definition and it really just highlights throughout the rest of this presentation.
Firstly, I wanted to get into the type of influencer. There are different tiers. Well, some people categorise them into different tiers, but overall, I personally believe that the key to smart influencer marketing is actually the engagement. However, we do have four tiers here. Micro influencer, nought to 100k followers. I have noticed a lot of brands recently actually approaching individuals who aren't influencers, but have a small following, maybe between one to 2,000. More and more brands are actually doing that. Mid-Tier's the next one, 100k to 500k. I personally sit within this tier on individual accounts. It's actually quite a really nice tier to be within. The engagement's pretty good, following isn't celebrity level, however, the rates and the marketing is much more affordable for brands. The next one is hero influencers, which is 500k to 1 million. This is someone who is on the way to become a bit of a celebrity. You probably can see them across a vast number of social media accounts, but also in the traditional press as well. This is onto macro influencers, a million plus followers. This is your celebrities, your bigger creators, and again, they probably do have a large traditional marketing following.

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Influencer marketing: introduction from an influencer

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