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Hello, everyone! My name is Alex Sverdlov, I'm a Senior Director of Biostatistics at Novartis. Today, I'm going to give a brief introduction to the field of digital therapeutics.
Here is the outline of my talk. I'll start with an overview of digital health technologies and their importance in modern healthcare. I will go over some defining features of digital therapeutics and provide some examples. Then, I will speak to the importance and the need for building the evidence base for digital therapeutics, and the potential added value of these products in practice. Finally, I will give a summary and the future perspective on digital therapeutics.
The idea of using technology to provide life support and treatment is not new. Medical device systems of various complexity have become ubiquitous. One can give multiple examples of medical devices in different areas. For instance, the cardiac pacemaker is a remarkable invention with about a 300-year history, that has been a critical driver of many developments in cardiac science and medicine. Its development started with the experiments in electrophysiology in the 18th century. With the creation of initial machines in the 1920s and external stimulators designed and built in the 1950s. It was miniaturized and transitioned to microprocessor-controlled implantable pacemakers in the 1990s, and it continued development in the early 21st century. As another example, let us consider the success stories of various artificial organs such as artificial kidneys. Hemodialysis as a means of replacing renal function, started in the 20th century and these tools evolved from capillary dialyzers and sorbent systems in the 1960s to wearable artificial kidney systems. A recent U.S. FDA clearance of the Artificial Kidney 98 Dialysis Machine highlights a significant milestone in bringing new improved quality of care for many patients who are on hemodialysis.

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