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Hello, everyone, and welcome to this talk about the role of digital therapeutics in healthcare systems. My name is Joris van Dam. I've been working in digital health, in the life sciences sector, for the past 20-plus years. Currently, I'm a vice president of data innovation at Exact Sciences, and much of the work we're going to talk about today, I conducted when I was executive director for the digital therapeutics development program at the Novartis Institutes for Biomedical Research.
Today, we're going to talk about three main topics. First, we're going to look at numerous examples of digital therapeutics that are used throughout the healthcare system today. This is not intended as an in-depth introduction to digital therapeutics, but rather, I'd like to give you a flavor of the different shapes and forms in which digital therapeutics can appear in the healthcare system today, because secondly, and the main topic of this conversation, is to explore how digital therapeutics can improve healthcare systems and what role they can play in healthcare systems today. We're going to conclude today's talk with a brief summary and some recommendations for those of you who seek to develop their own digital therapeutic solution.
So what are digital therapeutics? Well, the term itself is pretty much a dead giveaway. First and foremost, it's a therapeutic. The purpose of a digital therapeutic, like any therapeutic, is to treat or alleviate disease, disorder, condition, or injury. The second word in the term is "digital," so that means that digital software and/or digital hardware is being used to deliver the therapeutic or therapeutic intervention, and that's the way we're going to look at digital therapeutic examples today. First, we're going to look at what's the therapy. So if you leave the "digital" out of the digital therapeutic, what's left? Secondly, we're going to look at how does adding the digital to the digital therapeutic make the therapy better? What does it do for the patient, for the provider, and for the healthcare system? So let's have a look at some examples.

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The role of digital therapeutics in healthcare systems

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