FTIR spectroscopy for cancer diagnosis

Published on May 30, 2024   26 min

A selection of talks on Methods

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Hello, my name is Andrei Bunaciu and I'm the owner and senior researcher in the company AAB_IR Research Limited from Bragadiru, Romania. This company is a young one, being created in 2018 after my retirement. The field of interest of the company is related to the use of classical infrared spectroscopy in pharmaceutical biomedical and food analysis, and in the future, it is possible to use microscopy too. In this lecture, I will try to capture your attention with the subject of real interest, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy used in cancer disease diagnosis.
Even we are not working in the same lab, our research group is mainly composed of Professor Aboul-Enein from Egypt, Professor Hoang from Vietnam, and me from Romania. But there are some other researchers who joined us in different projects, such as Professor Fleschin from Romania. Being a chemist, I like when I see that it is possible to write my name and the town name where I live with chemical symbols.
As a result of our long collaboration with Professor Aboul-Enein from 1992 and Professor Hoang from 2011, we published in 2020 in Elsevier the book, Vibrational Spectroscopy Application in Biomedical Pharmaceutical and Food Sciences, where there is a part dedicated to biomedical analysis. In this book, we presented several important applications of vibrational spectroscopy infrared, and Raman techniques used in different biomedical analyses using body fluids or tissues as samples. More than that, we have published some other reviews related to the cancer disease diagnostic.