Factor VIII levels in non-severe hemophilia A

Published on April 30, 2024   31 min

A selection of talks on Haematology

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Hello, my name is Snejana Krassova. I'm a medical doctor specializing in immunohematology and working in the pharmaceutical industry with over 20 years of experience, 15 of them being in hemophilia. I'm presenting today Factor VIII levels in non-severe hemophilia. I believe it's a very pertinent and acute topic as we dealing over the years with severe hemophilia. Let's discuss a little bit more about non-severe hemophilia.
Hemophilia is a congenital bleeding disorder characterized by lack of factor VIII or factor IX coagulation factors. As we know overall, for all hemophilias, the incidence is about 7,500 live male births that have been documented. 95% of the affected are males. Females can be affected as well, it's about 5%. Female carriers obviously are involved very much in this disorder because it's X-linked disorder and 30% of cases are genetic mutations that end out of blue, there is no hereditary pattern identified. All races and socioeconomic groups are equally affected.
We have devised the degrees of severity. Severe hemophilia is a lack of factor VIII or factor IX below 1%. That brings us to mild and moderate hemophilia. We over the years, lumped them together, but they're quite different. We'll talk about that later in the next slides, but moderate hemophilia is usually considered 1-5% and mild hemophilia is about 5% between 5% to below 50% slightly below 50, because normal factor VIII and factor IX levels are considered 50-150%. These are arbitrary decisions in terms of the classification. We've been using them for years and today we discuss a little bit more. I mean, how is it levels versus actual bleeding patterns in these conditions? And what factor levels we should be striving for in all of these situations in terms of mild and moderate hemophilia? Knowledge and severity,

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Factor VIII levels in non-severe hemophilia A

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