Work-life balance and boundary control: risks and strategies

Published on January 31, 2024   30 min

A selection of talks on Management, Leadership & Organisation

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My name is Dave Cook; I'm an anthropologist and I conduct research on remote work, digital nomads, and emerging work trends at University College London. In another lecture, I introduced the concept of work-life balance. In this lecture, we're going to focus on a specific area of work-life balance, which is the concept of boundary control. I will briefly define what boundary control is before we explore the risks associated with poor boundary control. Then we will explore strategies and case studies to show how boundary control impacts work-life balance.
We will also explore three different types of boundary control. First, we will look at temporal boundaries, blocking out time for leisure activities in your calendar is a simple example of a temporal boundary. Second, we will look at physical boundaries. Creating a designated office space in your home, which can be separated from non-work spaces is an example of a physical boundary; and third, digital boundaries. Having separate devices, such as mobile phones for work and home are simple and effective examples of digital boundaries. We will also look at email practices as an important aspect of boundary control. We will also take a how a company is tackling work-life balance encouraging boundary control in practice and embedding it in their culture. By the end of this talk, we will understand how concepts around boundary control are ever-changing and how we can adapt and update them in the rapidly changing world of work.

Work-life balance and boundary control: risks and strategies

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