Audio Interview

In response to disruption: how and why companies should carefully assess their strategy towards new technologies

Published on January 23, 2023   38 min

A selection of talks on Technology & Operations

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Interviewer: Today I'm interviewing Professor Julian Birkinshaw, who heads Strategy and Entrepreneurship and is the academic director of the Institute of Entrepreneurship and Private Capital at London Business School. Professor Birkinshaw's biography is provided in a link that accompanies this interview. In addition to 15 books, Professor Birkinshaw is the author of an article in the January-February 2022 edition of the Harvard Business Review titled, "How Incumbents Survive and Thrive." Listeners are expected to have read the article before listening to this interview. Professor Birkinshaw, thank you for sparing the time for this interview. May I focus on the practical how, of how corporations should select the right strategy, a monetary implementation in real time? What should be the management structure and practice for collecting, analysing, and evaluating data, making the decision, and then monitoring whether to continue with implementation or as they say in the startup world, pivot? Professor Birkinshaw. Prof. Birkinshaw: Thanks very much. There's a lot to say here. I'm going to try to frame your questions in the following way. To think about the way in which companies address emerging technologies. That's really what the article is about. Every company nowadays is facing all sorts of new technologies, whether they be digital technology, or renewable energy type technologies.

In response to disruption: how and why companies should carefully assess their strategy towards new technologies

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