Leading with EQ in virtual or remote environments

Published on January 30, 2022   25 min

A selection of talks on Technology & Operations

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Hello there, and welcome to this talk on how to effectively lead your teams with emotional intelligence when you are in a virtual or remote environment.
When the COVID-19 pandemic hit the world at the beginning of 2020, many organizations had to quickly pivot by having most of their employees work remotely. This experience caused a huge change in the way people do their work. While some people had been working remotely before then, the pandemic made this more widespread within a very short time. As leaders, we must be able to lead our teams effectively, even in such a different environment.
I will begin this talk by sharing with you a real experience that Kevin, a remote worker on a team, had on one of those days of working remotely. But instead of Kevin, I'm going to insert you into the story. I want you to visualize yourself in the scenario where Kevin found himself. Imagine that this is your typical day as you wake up in the morning, you get up from bed, brush your teeth, make a cup of coffee, and you walk over to the corner of your apartment or your home where your computer is. The moment you opened your laptop, a message popped up asking you to log in and turn on your webcam. Once you do that, the webcam takes your picture and informs you that your screenshot has now been captured and sent to your manager. It also informs you that it will take your screenshot and your picture every 10 minutes. Now I've just described the first moment of your day working remotely. What does that do to you? How are you feeling right now? Not so good, are you? Maybe you are feeling distrusted, devalued and not appreciated. Studies show that the demand and sale of surveillance tools that can

Leading with EQ in virtual or remote environments

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