Words matter: finding meaningful job experiences by carefully evaluating job descriptions

Published on June 30, 2021   26 min

Other Talks in the Series: Early Career Development

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Hi everyone. I'm Dr. Kyra Leigh Sutton, and I'm a faculty member at Rutgers University in the United States. Welcome to our session. "Words Matter. How to Find Meaningful Job Experiences by Carefully Evaluating Job Descriptions".
Do you ever get tired of looking at job descriptions? A lot of them look and read the same, and it's really hard to figure out what the job really entails. For me, I get frustrated with job descriptions. They should be written in a way that candidates have enough information to figure out if it's worth your time to apply. Job description should feel like a book synopsis. You see just enough information to entice you over and beyond the salary. But sadly, most job descriptions are written from a template. Today, I'm here to change that trend. While job descriptions may look the same, the way that you see them will be different after listening to this session. You'll walkaway, understanding what to look for in job descriptions and how to make better decisions about which roles you should apply for.
I've studied the transition of young adults into the workplace for the last 12 years. In addition, I firmly believe it is the responsibility of those like myself, who have transitioned from school to work, to prepare the next group of young adults. Overall, if we send young adults into the real world without specific evidence-based guidance, we are failing you each time. This series is intended to fill that void and lessen the uncertainty young adults experience as they transition to their first permanent roles.

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Words matter: finding meaningful job experiences by carefully evaluating job descriptions

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