Global advertising in the 21st century

Published on June 30, 2020   29 min

A selection of talks on Marketing & Sales

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Hello, my name is Nukhet Vardar. I would like to share some news with you today on global advertising and how it evolved into the 21st century. But before we start, I would briefly like to introduce myself.
I have been working in marketing and advertising since 1985, and I value myself for being both a practitioner and an academic. Throughout life, I have tried to find a balance between academia and the business life. When I was stuck for answers in business, I've turned into books and when I felt books were not reflecting the real-world, I've sought answers in the business arena. I always enjoyed putting my thoughts on paper, and as a result, I have 13 books published extensively in marketing, branding, advertising since 1985. For a detailed CV, please visit my company website at Now, let's start talking about our topic.
A brand is a network of associations in the mind of consumers. Advertising is an important tool in establishing these associations. It uses words that have no meaning unless they're filled with meaning for building them. Therefore, advertising is a tricky term by itself. When we start talking about global advertising, we want to use the same message, same sounds, same look across the world and trigger positive responses everywhere we run. Not an easy task. To understand global advertising better, we need to look into globalization first.
What is globalization? Dicken states that globalization is one of the most used, but also one of the most misused and one of the most confused words around today. He continues to say, globalization in fact has become a convenient catch-all term used by many to bundle together virtually all the goods and bads facing contemporary societies. Goods could be new employment opportunities, incomes, new products, and services. Bads could be unemployment, poverty, erosion of resources, environmental pollution, cultural damage. But one should also bear in mind that these goods and bads are highly unequally distributed both geographically and socially. We can say that globalization is a reflection of the world we live in. Nothing more, nothing less.

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