White lesions - oral lichen planus, a premalignant condition

Published on July 31, 2017   28 min

A selection of talks on Clinical Practice

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My name is Palle Holmstrup. I am professor and section head of a section in the School of Dentistry in University of Copenhagen, and I'm going to discuss with you oral Lichen Planus which is now considered a premalignant condition.
The prevalence of oral Lichen Planus has been subjected to studies in different areas of the world and the results are between point one and four percent in prevalence with a female to male ratio of two to one. There's a preponderance in middle-aged and elderly people.
The characteristic feature of oral Lichen Planus is papules and white striations anywhere in the oral mucosa. Lichen Planus is a disease of skin and mucous membranes and very often the disease affects mucus membranes. In the early stage of the disease, papules and mucous membrane show characteristics. Here is another ripe organ mucosa with papules and white striations. The white striations often denoted, Wickham striae, form reticular patterns as seen in this patient. Very characteristic.
So the diagnosis of oral Lichen Planus is usually based on the presence of papules, white striations, which may be supported by biopsy. However, there are several other manifestations of oral Lichen Planus.

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White lesions - oral lichen planus, a premalignant condition

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