Sensory and motor deficits

Published on April 30, 2017   25 min

A selection of talks on Neurology

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Good day. I'm Dr. Dimitris Malamos, an oral medicine specialist who works in the Oral Medicine Clinic at the National Organization Health Service in Athens, Greece. I'm very happy to present to you my topic about sensory and motor deficits. Dear colleagues, since the pioneering work of Sir Henry Head at the turn of the 19th to 20th century, a great number of studies have been conducted around the world trying to understand the various sensory and motor deficits. However, clinicians have difficulties even now to recognize the pathophysiology of these deficits as they do not have enough knowledge about various sensory and motor pathways that are involved with these conditions.
The purpose of this lecture is to provide an overall view of the sensory and motor deficits will enable the clinicians to treat them in a more objective and effective manner. This lecture was designed to provide useful information, easily understandable among the undergraduate medical and dental students, clinicians, nurses, and all medical staff that are involved with patients with sensory and motor deficits. This lecture presents the definition, the pathogenesis, the clinical and laboratory characteristics, any possible complications that the treatment plan of various sensory deficits in part one and motor deficits in part two where special information is given into the acute facial paralysis.
Let's begin my lecture with the definitions of sensory deficits.
Sensory deficits characterized by the clinicians the conditions where a defect in reception, or perceptions, or even both in one or more senses are recorded.

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