Sales promotion

Published on January 1, 2012 Updated on March 30, 2020   20 min

A selection of talks on Marketing & Sales

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Hello, again. Roddy Mullin here. This is the talk about sales promotion.
Sales promotion is defined as a promotion at the point of sale, either online or in store. We have by now informed, educated, and built the subconscious about the product or service in the mind of the shopper. What is going to persuade the other unready shopper or buyer over the tipping point and decide to buy? My view is that you need and should plan to provide a promotion alongside all marketing activity and especially at the point of sale.
The second edition of Promotional Marketing contains all the relevant content from the preceding sales promotion books. The Field Marketing book has additional information on what is now known as experiential marketing. The message of value for money marketing is still relevant today. You do need to know that your marketing spend, your revenue expenditure, has made you money. Just think of how you define success, then work out how to measure it.
The first talk explains how the subconscious mind impacts shopping buyer decisions, and how to find out what is in the mind and compare it to the brand manager's ideal view. The importance of communication understanding to a marketer and the six media, six communication tasks to reach a tipping point and how to structure the business to succeed. The second talk looked at the seven marketing tools a marketer should follow to set the offer, define the brand, the media to use, and how to build the messages. There are plenty of supplies to help with promotional marketing. Finally, the importance, again, of measuring marketing activity.