What I do: technical advisor

Published on August 29, 2024   8 min

A selection of talks on Pharmaceutical Sciences

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Hello everyone, my name is Naseem Ahmad.
I am here today to talk to you about my professional journey in relation to my modest contribution in promoting pharmaceutical research and manufacturing in the Middle East and Africa.
'Make it in the Emirates' was launched in 2021. The strategy of the UAE Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology is a comprehensive national program that aims to drive industrial growth in the UAE by boosting its GDP contribution from 133 billion dirhams to 300 billion dirhams by 2031. Part of this vision is a push for local manufacturing to improve self-reliance.
Noncommunicable diseases kill almost 41 million people each year which is equivalent to 74% of all deaths occurring globally. Of all the noncommunicable disease deaths, 77% are in low and middle-income countries. The main types of noncommunicable diseases are cardiovascular diseases, cancers, chronic respiratory diseases, and diabetes. These four groups of diseases account for over 80% of all premature deaths occurring due to noncommunicable diseases.
The product mix presented in this slide reflects the UAE's vision of self-reliance and disease burden.
To achieve these objectives, we develop our products in our state-of-the-art research and development facility using the Quality by Design approach which is a patient-centric approach (QbD). In the QbD paradigm, the quality target product profile embodies the overall objectives of the product development program which include patient safety and product efficacy. Critical quality attributes, which are physical, chemical, biological, or microbiological properties of a product are identified from the quality target product profile and prior experience. This lays the foundation for formulation and process design. Risks to critical quality attributes are identified by risk assessment. Product and process studies are subsequently performed to gain knowledge about these risks. Strategies are devised to eliminate or mitigate these risks and meet the objectives set in the quality target product profile. This culminates in design space construction and the formulation of a control strategy. For a product to meet

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