Solar power: benefits, challenges and feasibility

Published on February 29, 2024   33 min

A selection of talks on Technology & Operations

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I'm Shahid Zaki. I'm the former CEO of Philips Pakistan and I also happen to teach at the Institute of Business Administration (Karachi), Pakistan. The topic of my presentation is reducing the carbon footprint and It's specifically by using solar power and I will spend some time on its feasibility as well. Why I'm talking about this topic, solar power, the reason is that I also happen to be an engineer. So, I love electrical engineering topics and that is why I thought I could contribute something there.
As usual for these applications, we will have some kind of a problem for you, for the student, and that problem could be calculating whether it is worthwhile to install a solar power in your home or in your office and so on.
Now, what do we understand by carbon footprint? What is happening is that the Earth's climate is changing at an alarming rate and that is causing devastating consequences, such as the sea level going up, extreme weather events, and very important loss of biodiversity. The global average temperature has already increased by 1.1 degree centigrade and this has led to a range of impacts, including melting ice caps. Now, why is the temperature going up? It's because of the increase in carbon dioxide and that is why we are talking about carbon footprint. Why that carbon dioxide is there? It's because of the human activity. We can, all of us play a role in mitigating this issue by reducing our carbon footprint. I mean, whatever you as a person are contributing to it or your organization is contributing to it, by making some conscious decisions to reduce our carbon emissions, we can help slow down the pace of the climate change and ensure a sustainable future for our future generation and that is what sustainability is about. The impact of temperature going up can be seen in the next slide, where there has been abnormal rainfalls in certain regions of the world.

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Solar power: benefits, challenges and feasibility

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