Extended-form Case Study

Digital marketing channels for different stages of growth

Published on November 28, 2021   32 min

A selection of talks on Marketing & Sales

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Hi, welcome to this talk, my name is Christopher Lier. I'm a start-up founder and Chief Marketing Officer of the LeadGen App. With this talk, I'd like to give you insights into marketing in a start-up business, but also how marketing differs in different stages of growth in a company's life cycle. We're going to look at two case studies, and the outcome should be an understanding of what type of marketing channels exist, and how you can use them differently at different stages of your company.
The goals of the talk. I'll walk you through a case study of growing a software-as-a-service company from the ground up. This would be our example of the start-up that I'm involved in, but we'll also look into another case study as well, so that you can really see how marketing differs, and how things work differently at what stage. We are going to be highlighting the different approaches to scaling marketing channels, how you can combine research and marketing to find product-market fit - an essential thing in the stage of growing a start-up - and goal setting and accountability so that you can ensure your marketing pays off, and that you can follow through with it. This is a topic I'm very passionate about, because obviously I'm doing it myself, right now (and we've come quite a long way up to the present day), and because a lot of start-ups struggle and have challenges with marketing, especially at the beginning. That's the whole purpose, and if I can give anyone some idea in how to use marketing in their journey, and whatever career path they choose, that's what I'd like to share with you.
A little bit about me. My name is Christopher Lier, I grew up in Germany originally, and started my career heading into a corporate study program with a big multinational brand. That was the initial path I took. I was doing a business administration degree, I learned a lot of things and saw a lot of different departments, but at the same time I came to the realisation it was not fully what I wanted to do long-term. So I changed my course, took a big jump, moved to another country (to the UK), and then finished in 2017 with a Bachelor of Science in International Business and Entrepreneurship. I started my first company, Leadcube Media (a digital marketing agency) in 2017, straight after finishing university. I learned it while I was studying, so I used some time during my studies to learn different channels, different techniques, I experimented a lot, and then that gave me the confidence to also say, "I'm going to take the jump and start my own marketing agency". I then also co-founded the LeadGen App, a software-as-a-service brand. The difference from the agency is this is a product business, so it requires a completely different set of marketing versus winning service clients. It's much easier in a way, in that winning service clients is something you can do with one or two clients, you can do contract services. Building a product is way harder than running a service, and that's the key difference between winning service clients in an agency model, versus building a start-up with a product-based business. I'm also running a B2B marketing podcast, where we invite guests, and they go deep into certain marketing topics. I'm passionate about marketing psychology and personal development.

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Digital marketing channels for different stages of growth

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