Beyond the interviews: enabling employers to preview your capabilities

Published on April 28, 2021   34 min

Other Talks in the Series: Early Career Development

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Good day everyone, I'm Dr. Kyra Leigh Sutton, and I'm a faculty member at Rutgers University, of New Jersey, in the United States. Welcome to 'Beyond The Interview's: Enabling Employers To Preview Your Capabilities'.
I've studied the transition of young adults into the workplace for more than 12 years. Something significant to me is for young adults to remember, you have agency over your career. It means that your choices matter, and you should select opportunities that give you the best chance to learn and grow. It also means that it is the responsibility of beings like myself who have transition from school to work, to help the next generation. Overall, if we send young adults into the real-world without specific evidence-based guidance, we're failing you each time. This series is intended to fill that void and less than uncertainty young adults experience, as they transition to their first permanent roles. Here's food for thought, according to Business Insider, you have to apply for approximately 27 jobs just to get one interview. While that number may vary depending upon their roles you apply for, the industry or your background, the takeaway is clear. You will have to apply for more jobs than you get selected to interview, and that means your interview counts a lot. Today's session is to help you figure out how to stand out during the job interview process. If you reach this stage of the selection process, we want to ensure you will have a chance to demonstrate why you're a good fit for the role.
By the end of this session, you will be able to describe various types of work samples, discuss best practices for creating candidate portfolios. Finally, you'll learn about the research findings related to candidate portfolios. Here's a hint, candidate portfolios will make you stand out during the interview process.

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Beyond the interviews: enabling employers to preview your capabilities

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