Intuitive Intelligence for teams and organisations

Published on August 31, 2020   30 min

A selection of talks on Management, Leadership & Organisation

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Hello and welcome to this exciting series of intuitive intelligence in business. Thank you for joining us. I'm Dr. Manj Subiah, Executive Coach, Author, Business Advisor and MBA tutor.
Just to recap briefly, in talk 1, we looked at the phenomenon of intuitive intelligence and spoke of the value it held for business leaders who operated in uncertain business environments. In talk 2, we located intuitive intelligence within the micro and macro business environment, and looked at how intuitive intelligence helped leaders make effective strategic decisions. We also asked what in the building blocks of intuitive intelligence made it possible for leaders to have such an adaptive capability. Thereafter, we heard various testimonies from business leaders around the world about the value of intuitive intelligence in business. We then took a look inside the heads of leaders, figuratively of course, using intuitive intelligence and fleshed out the distinguishing characteristics of leaders with intuitive intelligence, and the value of these characteristics in business.
Now for this talk, the outcomes that you will know are: How to manage intuitive intelligence in your teams and in the organization, and you will know about the barriers, blind spots, and biases which block intuitive intelligence in teams, preventing them from becoming high performance teams. How to develop teams with intuitive intelligence or II in the organization?

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Intuitive Intelligence for teams and organisations

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