Competitive advantages of China’s agricultural exports

Published on May 30, 2019   30 min

A selection of talks on Global Business Management

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Hello, I'm Dr. Vasilii Erokhin. I'm an Associate Professor at the School of Economics and Management, Harbin Engineering University, China. Today, I would like to talk to you about China's trade in agricultural products in terms of the outward looking Belt and Road Initiative. In particular, we are going to be talking about the assessment of competitive advantages and an approach to the identification of competitive and non-competitive agricultural products in an export portfolio of a country.
In a globalized world, addressing the competitiveness of a country has become a more prominent issue than ever before. International trade allows countries to utilize their competitive advantages and gain benefits from greater involvement into the global exchange. Growing competition from foreign countries spurs domestic producers to increase efficiency and cut production costs. While in turn producing competitive internationally traded products has a significant impact on trade volumes and patterns of a country and determines relative positions of domestic producers in external markets. The volume of exports and the share of a country in the world exports are influenced by a number of factors. The major of which is the ability to generate exportable surpluses of particular commodities employing various competitive advantages in their production and trade. It's rather challenging to identify and interpret those advantages especially in relation to agriculture where the output is affected by many variables including natural factors. While the expansion of export trading involves food security issues.

Competitive advantages of China’s agricultural exports

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