Audio Interview

Business Schools and the future: an interview with Piet Naude

Published on February 4, 2020   21 min

Other Talks in the Playlist: The Future of Business Schools: Interviews with Deans

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Interviewer: I'm interviewing Professor Naude from the Stellenbosch University Business School who's dean of that school. May I ask first of all, before getting into the detail, the backstory. Every dean has a backstory of how they get to be dean. I understand you're a fairly recent appointment, can you give us the story of how you've come to be there? Prof. Naude: Yeah. I'm actually an academic. So my whole career has been in higher education, mainly universities. What happened was I moved from being Dean of a Faculty of Arts to being the head of a center for applied ethics, to be the Deputy Vice-Chancellor of a University. So in a way, my road to become the Dean of the Business School at Stellenbosch, it's a series of appointments to leadership positions, and I'm in this specific position now for almost five years. Interviewer: That enables me to ask a question that arises from a lot of conversation. Your career has been in universities, but many people are saying in the modern age the university is just another form of business. Prof. Naude: Yeah. I do not agree with that. It is the moment you think of a university as equal to business, you defeat a number of both historical and current social uses of university. If you mean with that that the university, even a public university, that's what I was speaking about, not about a private business enterprise that also runs an educational outlet. If you mean that a public university is subject to the normal rules of the market in the sense that you must have more income than outflow, then obviously it is just realistic to say it in that way.

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Business Schools and the future: an interview with Piet Naude

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