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Hi. My name is Peiwen Wang
and you can call me Dana.
I'm currently a
postgraduate researcher
at the University of
Leeds Business School.
My research interest is
digital transformation
and strategic leadership.
So the topic today,
Digital Innovation and
Upper Echelon Dynamics,
is one of my favorites.
We'll start with the explanation
of upper echelon theory,
following by the role of
upper echelon in
digital innovation,
and we'll end with
a real-life case study and
some fruitful thought.
Speaking of upper echelon,
many of you may think of
the C-suite members
or top executives.
At the central, we have the CEO.
Around the CEO,
they are the CFO, CTO, CIO.
More recently, there's
an emerging role
in top management team, the CDO
(Chief Digital Officer)
who will always be
regarded as the one
responsible for digital
Interestingly, in the
past one or two years,
there's another
emerging role, CAIO,
which is short for the
chief AI officer who
is also relevant to
the utilization of
digital technologies.
Academically speaking, when
we're talking about
the upper echelon,
here is an avoidable theory,
the upper echelon theory,
which suggests that top
management teams make
strategic decisions through
their own personal lenses.
outcomes are partially