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I will introduce a case study.
In this case it is related
to a Spanish journal,
Profesional de la información
which in English is the
Professional of Information.
It's a journal related
to communication,
library sciences and
information science.
Here we can see on my left
the website of Profesional
de la información,
the official website
of the journal,
and on my right we can
see the Twitter profile.
I will use these two elements
to analyze this journal.
Here we can see my experimentation,
my brief research.
I collected all publications
published in 2019
by Profesional de
la información,
and I measured the
performance in 2022
so that I had three
years to collect
and to measure and
contextualize the results.
I used Scopus database to
collect these publications.
I collected 129 publications
and all citations collected
by each of these publications.
This is the first stage.
The second stage is using
PLUMX to collect altmetrics.
For example, here we can
see the number of readers,
and for Mendeley the
number of Facebook posts,
the number of tweets,
number of news, and so on.
Finally, I collected
all tweets published
by the journal in 2019,
these were 270 tweets.
For all tweets I collected
the engagement metrics
hoping to see if these
tweets had received
likes, retweets,
quotes, and replies.
As a first result, I found that
only 70% of all publications
were included or mentioned
on the tweets published
by the journal
using the Digital Object
Identifier or DOI.