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My name is Ronan Carbery, and I'm a Senior Lecturer in Management at Cork University Business School, UCC Ireland. In this video, I will be talking about career development.
Over the past 30-40 years, there have been significant changes in the way work is organised and how career paths have developed. The ability to predict and plan careers in advance has decreased with the need for individuals to be flexible in their career choices. The days of a steady, stable career are over. Organisational structures have become flatter and less ladder-like making upward progression less common. Individuals expectations as to what they want from employment have also changed, making it necessary for employers to accommodate more flexible working patterns. In response to this, we have seen a number of new career types proposed to describe careers today. One commonality shared by these concepts is that of self-directedness. The career is directed by the individual rather than the organisation. In this video, we will discuss what a career entails, along with a comparison of traditional and contemporary career types.
The term career was initially used to indicate a designation of privilege. In the early 1900s, only a small number of individuals, predominantly males, had careers, and these were in stereotypical professional jobs for example law, medicine and education. The terms occupation or job were used to describe most situations where individuals exchange their labour or skills in return for monetary reward. Now, however, the term career has significantly broadened to include the entirety of work experiences that a person engages in, rather than focusing solely on employment in one industry or profession.

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