Leading during a crisis: communication dos and don'ts

Published on April 27, 2022   8 min
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Hello. My name is Christopher Achua. My students call me Professor Achua or Dr. Achua, and my friends and colleagues call me Chris. I teach in the Department of Business and Economics at the University of Virginia's College at Wise. My teaching has always centered around three discriplines; strategic management, marketing and organizational leadership. Throughout the years, my interests have been in engaging students in real life learning opportunities. This interest led me to create and direct programs, such as the Center for Entrepreneurship, Leadership and Service and The Small Business Institute at my university. This program's is focused on developing students' leadership and entrepreneurial skills by applying theory to real world situations. Though these programs are no longer in existence due to funding constraints, the message and the goals of programs such as this are still relevant even today. My presentation today focuses on the topic, 'Leading during a crisis: Communication do's and don'ts'.
What is a crisis? A crisis is an unexpected event with no immediate knowledge of cause, effect or means of resolution that threatens the short and long term prospects of an organization unless swift action is taken. Crisis management has become a key component of leadership today. The process by which these types of events are successfully or unsuccessfully resolved is the essence of crisis management. What is the role of communication in crisis leadership? Communication is a critical component of crisis management. How you communicate during and after a crisis is of the utmost importance.

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Leading during a crisis: communication dos and don'ts

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