Beginners to professionals: how openness helps companies along their innovation journey

Published on March 30, 2022   17 min

Other Talks in the Series: Open Innovation and its impact on business and society

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Hi, my name is Ivanka Visnjic and I'm an associate professor of innovation at ESADE Business School in Barcelona, where I also act as director of our Institute for Innovation and Knowledge Management. What I want to talk about today is how openness helps companies along their innovation journey. We know a lot about how innovation is important. We also know that open innovation has been crucial for the success of many companies, but what is oftentimes difficult to grasp is how do companies just start to innovate use open innovation versus those that actually have been going at it for quite a while?
Let me start today by addressing the first question which is about the relevance of innovation. I want to tell you a little bit more about the corporate trends today, and the maturity levels that different companies have when it comes to their innovation success. Second, I want to address the questions of how openness can help innovation at different maturity levels for the companies that are beginners in innovating, those that are at the intermediary stage, and then finally those that are advanced innovators. At the end, I'm going to conclude with some of my final remarks.
Innovation has been on the rise for a fairly long period of time. The recent statistics on the R&D and as well on R&D as a portion of the revenues increases in spending on innovation. This is also a factor that has been consistent across different geographies as well as across different industries.

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Beginners to professionals: how openness helps companies along their innovation journey

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