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Juan Valdez Café is the main brand of Colombian coffee growers. Coffee is one of the main export products of Colombia, and is one of the reasons Colombia is known internationally, the quality of its coffee. Coffee was one of the most important export products before coal and petroleum were exported, and is still one of the most important, not as important as the others but still very important for the Colombian economy. Out of the 32 departments that constitute the political division of Colombia, 20 grow coffee. Juan Valdez as a brand was created in 1959, it was a moment when the Federation of Coffee Growers wanted to promote their products. They came together and created a brand in order to commercialize their coffee. Colombia grows coffee all year round, it has the ideal temperature and weather conditions in different regions of the country for coffee to be produced. The fact that Colombia has different heights and temperatures allows the country to produce and harvest coffee during different periods of the year. The coffee producers in Colombia are mostly small, and those that are part of the coffee growers' federation have farms of less than five acres.
On the Colombian coffee harvest map, we can see when the periods of harvest in the different regions are, this allows us to see, throughout the country, the Colombian Andean mountain chain that goes transversely in the country from Ecuador, crossing Colombia, then continuing towards Venezuela. You can see how it traverses the country, and then you see on this map (in different colors) the different times of the year when every region can produce and harvest coffee. There are, of course, different altitudes and different temperatures are maintained all year round, when one region finishes harvesting another is just starting, or right in the middle. When one region is done harvesting, another continues, and this allows Colombia to be a country where coffee production has ideal conditions.

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Internationalization of national products: Juan Valdez Café

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