Performance appraisal and feedback

Published on July 30, 2020   21 min

Other Talks in the Series: The Art and Practice of First Level Management

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Hello, this is Sue Hutchinson and the title of the talk is performance appraisal and feedback.
This is a second talk on managing performance and follows on from the first talk on measuring employee performance. Performance appraisals, sometimes called performance reviews, are one of a number of performance management tools to improve organisational effectiveness and motivate employees. Although the practice of appraisal varies considerably in organisations, it is an activity where line managers play a critical role regardless of the context of the organisation.
In this talk today, we're going to start by considering what we mean by performance appraisal and then consider its potential benefits. Performance appraisal schemes are often complex and ambitious, and the design and practice of appraisal varies considerably. We move on to consider some of the different approaches in terms of who does the appraising and feedback. Traditionally, the appraisal and feedback has tended to come from a single source, the line manager. But this may not enable a balanced overview of performance or be suitable for all circumstances. We consider alternatives and newer approaches including multisource or 360 degree feedback. The outcome of the performance assessment and review often includes a rating of overall performance and this is considered next. Although the potential benefits of performance appraisal are great, unfortunately in practice it is often done poorly in organisations and could be a source of dissatisfaction with both managers and employees. One of the reasons for this is that it is prone to subjectivity and bias, which we consider next. We then consider performance appraisal skills including feedback, critical but challenging skills for all line managers. Then we conclude with a short summary.

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