Principles for conducting effective live webinars

Published on March 31, 2020   13 min

Other Talks in the Series: Online Learning for Business Education

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My name is Dr. Frances Boylan, and I am the head of e-learning Support & Developments at the Technological University Dublin, Ireland. This talk focuses on how to conduct an effective live webinar.
The word webinar means a web-based seminar. Webinars, may be a one-way webcast, or they may be an interactive experience between the audience and the presenters. It depends on the purpose of your webinar really is to which is appropriate. If the webinar is the only time you get to meet your online students in a live environment though, and a one-way webcast isn't going to add much value to their learning experience, if they're only sitting there and listening. How do you know they're there, they could've gone off to make cold coffee in this half the session. So if you just need to deliver content and not interact with the audience, and there are much better ways of doing that than via live webinar. The value of a webinar is a fact that it's live and it provides you with the time to interact with the audience at a distance. In a way that would not be possible otherwise. Use that limit, which real-time you have with your audience as effective and it can get maximum impact.
Before we get into some details about how to interact effectively with your audience, let's consider some practical do's and don'ts first.
So what do they see when they login? When your students or audience login, is good to reassure them that they are in the right place at the right time. So a welcome screen such as example displaying here does that. It has your picture on, so they have a face, put your name and leisure to your voice, the type of the webinar, and a message saying that the webinar will start shortly. You can also include the date and the actual webinar start time if you wish.
Once the webinar starts, you need to check that everyone can hear you okay. They can easily respond to you by texting through the chat symbols available in all the webinar platforms, or they could respond using an appropriate emoji icon either. It can be a good idea to provide a screen grab of where the chat facility is, especially if any of your audience are new to the platform or don't use it that often.

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Principles for conducting effective live webinars

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