Integrating technologies to add educational value

Published on November 28, 2019   13 min

Other Talks in the Series: Online Learning for Business Education

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My name is Dr. Frances Boylan, and I'm the head of e-learning support and developments at the Technological University Dublin, Ireland. This talk focuses on embedding or integrating technologies into our teaching practice to add educational value. It will introduce the SAMR model as a good model for use to turn to, to help us ensure that we do just that, to add value.
If you think about your teaching practice, all of the activities that you carry out probably fall under one of these six categories. We can embed or integrate technology into our practice to support any of these types of activities. So when I say integrate technologies I'm referring really to anything right from utilizing a piece of hardware or software to present content within the confines of the physical classroom, right to building an interactive unit of work for online students, and making that available to aid self-directed learning. Similarly, it could be something you instruct your students to engage with outside of the class to undertake preparatory work for an assessment for example, or to gather data for a research project, or to provide peer feedback and so on. Really the possibilities are endless for both yourself and for your students.
Many benefits of integrating technologies can be found noted in the literature, and there are just some listed here of the ones that are cited most often. Technologies certainly make it easier to share information with students and help increase engagement levels in class and with material itself, as well as facilitating some flexibility around time and place and learner control if integrated to support a blended learning approach. Student progress can be tracked much more easily through the learning analytics technologies can provide and feeding such information back to students can add immense value and help begin to tackle the source of some retention issues. Social media platforms can certainly help extend classroom walls and make it easier to include the subject or industry expert voice into your teaching spaces. Of course, integrating mobile technologies increases the mobility of the learner, facilitating situated and context sensitive learning, as well as improving social learning. While technologies can be good for doing these things, that's not to say that integrating a technology to facilitate communication, for example, within your context, will automatically make that act of communication any more valuable. We'll explore this notion more when we look at the SAMR model in a minute.

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Integrating technologies to add educational value

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