Prof. Nancy Carteron University of California, San Francisco, USA
4 TalksBiography
Nancy Carteron MD FACR is a senior scientific consultant in rheumatology immunology, and Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine at the University of California in San Francisco, California USA. She is an expert in Sjogren’s Disease, Medical & Scientific Advisory Board Chairperson for the Sjogren’s Syndrome Foundation (SSF), and Sjogren’s Quarterly... read moreMedical & Scientific Editor, published by the Foundation. Co-author of a lay book entitled A Body Out of Balance: Understanding and Treating Sjogren’s Syndrome followed by the Q & A Blog Sjogrens Forum www.sjogrensforum.com, she contributes to the understanding this protean disease and facilitates treatment options. She was the recipient of the 2016 SSF Healthcare Professional Leadership Award. She has performed studies in immunology, molecular virology, and cellular immunology at Johns Hopkins University and the University of California San Francisco Medical Centers. She received her medical degree from Johns Hopkins and research and clinical postgraduate training from Johns Hopkins, Duke, Stanford and University of California San Francisco.