Business Presentation

From carbon to cola: vision of a market for captured carbon dioxide

Published on April 28, 2022   28 min

A selection of talks on Technology & Operations

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My name is Graciela Chichilnisky. I am a Professor of Economics and Mathematics at Columbia University and a visiting professor at Stanford University. In addition to my job as an academic, I'm also the co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Global Thermostat, a company that makes an appearance in this presentation later on because it has a technology and business plan that we will be referring to.
Cost-benefit analysis and optimal growth theories exist that do not discount the future. Koopmans, representing the neoclassical view, wishes the dictatorship of the present over the future is counterposed with Ramsey, who much earlier pointed out that discounting the the future emerged from a lack of imagination and was not justified in any way. A formal theory of sustainable development has been developed that provides: equal treatment for future generations, connecting the present and the future. That is, in some sense, the bulk of my work, what I have done, developing the actions and the applicability of sustainable development.
In addition to the sustainable development actions, ultimate growth, and different treatment of discounting the future, there is the issue of the global commons that leads to a new form of economics. A new form of economics refers to the fact that in a century, for the first time, in a geological timescale, there are, at present, 7.3 billion people and we are expecting to reach 9 billion. Humans have never been so abundant on Earth as they are now. They are competing for the resources, making externalities, the impact that they have on each other, larger than ever and creating the need for the so-called global commons that are the natural resources that we all share and we all need for survival. For example, drinkable water, clean air, and biodiversity. Those represent food, water, and air. Without which, humans cannot survive. Out of the issue of sustainable development and the preeminence of the global commons in today's economy, emerges a new type of economics that has taken a different route away from maximizing profits, and into economic progress that ensures the survival of our species, the human species. In this context, we still have to remind ourselves

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From carbon to cola: vision of a market for captured carbon dioxide

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