Developments in online learning

Published on June 30, 2020   23 min

Other Talks in the Series: Online Learning for Business Education

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Hello and welcome to this presentation on trends in online learning. My name is Pauline Rooney, and I'm an Academic Developer with Technological University Dublin in Ireland, where my specialism is technology-enhanced learning, teaching, and assessment. Here at TU Dublin I lead postgraduate and academic professional development courses. I supervise masters and PhD students and managed cross-faculty curriculum development projects with a focus on digital learning.
First of all, when we talk about trends in online learning what do we mean? Given the nature of the topic, most up to date research sources on trends in online learning would be find in online sources and any search will reveal a wide variety of sources ranging from blogs, industry reports, and service research studies by educational organizations. On this slide you can see some examples that you'll find in such a search. But you'll also find that in many of these sources trends are often conflicted with predictions. However, there is a subtle difference. While a trend indicates a general direction in which something is currently developing or changing, a prediction is a forecast or an estimation that something will happen in the future. In addition, when evaluating trends in online learning, we need to be cognizant of the fact that just because something is popular, doesn't mean that it is effective. Keep this in mind as we move through some of the trends and current online learning practice.
As mentioned previously, there are many online articles and resources which I find key trends in online learning ranging from blogs, industry reports by educational organizations. Two key references which I'm going to direct you to here are Gartner's Hype Cycle for Technology in Education and the New Media Consortium's Annual Horizon Report. Both reports are published annually and they provide a robust, and researched and formed insight into key educational technology trends for education.

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