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Let's have a look
at a case study
of an organisation
who rolled out
a digital wellbeing programme.
A large Irish consumer
product company.
After the various
lockdowns 2020-2022,
their staff were struggling with
blurred boundaries and
poll surveys identified
an issue with their
inability to disconnect
or switch off from work
out of office hours.
They identified that this was
impacting wellbeing in that the
'always-on' culture
was impacting
their ability to
rest and recharge.
Then as a result,
their performance
was also impacted.
Awareness being the first
component of behaviour change.
In the case of
this organisation,
they ran a company-wide
keynote talking about
the key subjects, i.e.,
awareness and friction.
For many of us, we're so busy on
our daily lives that until we
actually review our behaviours,
it's hard to realise
that our focus or
our wellbeing is in decline
due to drivers such
as task-switching.
Once the organisation
had run the keynote,
a senior leader identified
it as a key challenge.
They then took a personal
role as sponsor of
the challenge based on
a number of drivers.
Number 1, they could see
core issues in their
own use of tech.
Number 2, they
could see issues in
their staff and
teams' use of tech.
Number 3, and probably the
most important, they
could see issues in how
their children use tech and
so potential future generations
working in their organisation.
Having a senior
leader get involved
was crucial to gain
buy-in, that this
was a strategic project,
and so they could
then lead by example and
culture change is easier.
We have to remember that
digital tech is systemic
so we need to have
leaders with positive
digital habits
or else, positive change
can't be supported.
For example, if the team
is introducing a
guideline to ensure
that emails out of
office hours are
the exception rather
than the norm,
but the leader is still
emailing everyone about
the routine tasks
every Saturday night,
then there's a problem.
In the case of disorganisation,
the leader led by example
and it was a huge help.