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Hello, again. I am Helene Tenzer, a Professor of International Management at LMU Munich School of Management. To wrap up our journey through International Human Resource Management, we will now talk about diversity and inclusion in the international context.
As companies are increasing their international scope, they often find themselves with incredibly diverse workforces. Consequently, diversity and inclusion have become critical elements in contemporary human resource strategies. Diversity, simply put, reflects the vast array of individual and group differences present within a company, spanning aspects like nationality, race, age, gender, ethnicity, and beyond. It is about the variety of staff composition. Inclusion goes beyond this. It seeks to cultivate an environment where every individual, no matter where they come from, feels valued and fully integrated into the organization. It is about ensuring equal access to opportunities and acknowledging the importance of each contribution. The key distinction lies in recognizing that diversity pertains to who is in the workforce, while inclusion is about how these individuals are treated and feel as part of the company.

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Diversity and inclusion in the international context

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